Chemical Engineering Degree Program

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Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
Major code BS7251

The chemical engineering curriculum is designed so that its graduates are familiar with the techniques used in analyzing and solving engineering problems associated with chemical and related industries (petroleum, metallurgical, plastics, pollution control, etc.). The goal of the Department of Chemical Engineering is to educate men and women who, as graduates of the program, are able to analyze industrial chemical engineering problems and synthesize solutions to those problems, compare favorably in their knowledge of chemical engineering with students completing similar programs nationally, and use their training as a springboard to further professional and career development. In addition to preparing students for rewarding jobs in the chemical process industries, the program provides an excellent background for graduate study in engineering, science, business administration, law, and medicine.

Graduates of our chemical engineering program will be able to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems in a setting which simulates the professional practice of B.S.-level chemical engineers; understand and correctly apply key qualitative concepts central to the chemical engineering discipline; routinely demonstrate appropriate and effective communication skills; design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data; show initiative, curiosity, tenacity, and an ability to work both independently and in teams; use computer tools necessary for engineering practice; accept responsibility to protect both occupational and public health and safety; and demonstrate professional attitudes and behaviors.

The Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology defines engineering as "that profession in which knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience, and practice is applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize, economically, the materials and forces of nature for the benefit of mankind." In our chemical engineering program, we emphasize the application of principles from many fields of study to the solution of chemical engineering problems. Study in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and communications skills is emphasized. Courses in chemical engineering fundamentals (material and energy balances in chemical processes) are introduced, followed by intensive work in engineering science and analysis (heat, mass, and momentum transfer; chemical thermodynamics; chemical reaction engineering; continuous and stage-wise separation processes; process dynamics and control). Computer solutions and similar topics are stressed. An understanding of the ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations in engineering practice is stressed throughout the curriculum. The appreciation of these professional concepts is incorporated as a part of all engineering course work. Engineering science and analysis are combined with appropriate engineering synthesis and design experiences throughout the curriculum, starting in the freshman year, and culminating in a two-quarter senior-level capstone course in the design of chemical plants. The capstone design experience incorporates and integrates much of the subject matter learned from the previous courses in the curriculum. Elective courses permit students to pursue interests in humanities, social sciences, and various areas of technical interest.



CHEM 151    Fund. of Chemistry I   5

MATH 263A   Calculus               4

INCO 103    Public Speaking (1)    4

ENG 151     English Composition    5


CHEM 152    Fund. of Chemistry II           5

MATH 263B   Calculus                        4

CHE 100     Intro Chemical Engineering      1

            Soc. Sci. or Hum. (2)           8


CHEM 153    Fund. of Chemistry III                5

MATH 263C   Calculus                              4

CHE 101     Approaches to ChE Problem Solving     4

            Soc. Sci or Hum (2)                   4



CHEM 305    Organic Chemistry         3

MATH 263D   Calculus                  4

PHYS 251    General Physics           5

CHE 331     Principles of Engr. Mat.  4


CHEM 306   Organic Chemistry          3

MATH 340   Differential Equations     4

PHYS 252   General Physics            5

CHE 200    Material Balances          4

CHE 418    Engr. Materials Lab        2


CHEM 303   Organic Chem. Lab        2

CHE 201    Energy Balances          4

PHYS 253   General Physics          5

CHEM 307   Organic Chemistry        3

CE 301     Applied Mechanics        5



CHE 305    ChE Thermodynamics           4

CHE 400    Appl. Chem. Eng. Calc.       3

CHE 345    ChE Fluid Mechanics          5

CHEM 453   Physical Chemistry           3

ENG 305J   Junior Composition           4
           or other jr-level comp. (4)


CHE 306    ChE Phase Equilibria      4

CHE 307    Kinetics I                3

CHE 346    ChE Heat Transfer         5

CHEM 454   Physical Chemistry        3

           Soc. Sci. or Hum (2)      4


CHE 308    Kinetics II                  4

CHE 347    Mass Transfer & Separations  5

CHE 408    Engr. Experimental Dsgn.     3

CHEM 456   Phys. Chemistry Lab          3

CHEM 459   Physical Chemistry           3



CHE 415   Unit Operations Lab I.    3

CHE 442   Proc. Control             4

CHE 443   ChE Design I              5

EE 313    Basic Elec. Engr. I       3

          Soc. Sci or Hum. (2)      4


CHE 417   Process Control Lab       2

CHE 444   ChE Design I              4

          Soc. Sci. or Hum.(2)        4

          Technical Electives (3)   6


CHE 416   Unit Operations Lab II      3

          Tier III requirement        4

          Technical Electives (3)     6

The program listed above contains 210 hours of courses for the degree.

  1. May be taken in any order.

  2. In general, courses outside the chemical engineering sequence can be taken at any time provided prerequisites have been met. A minimum of 24 hours must be taken in social studies and humanities, with at least 8 hours in each area (including the depth requirement described in "Humanities and Social Sciences Electives") and adherence to university General Education Requirements.

  3. Minimum list available in departmental office. These are courses in the areas of engineering, chemistry, mathematics, physics, plant biology, microbiology, and geology. Minimum of three chemical engineering and nine additional CHE or other technical elective hours required.

  4. Does not count toward ENT humanities.

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