The Civil Engineering program at Ohio University is designed to prepare the student for a productive career in government and/or the private sector, as well as advanced graduate study. The goals of the program are to:
The curriculum builds a sound foundation in basic sciences and mathematics, followed by courses in engineering science and design that provide a solid base for life-long professional learning. Engineering courses and laboratories provide an opportunity for students to experience those principles and standard practices that they will encounter in their careers. The curriculum is oriented to develop a student's ability to think logically and to apply the knowledge gained to the design and synthesis of complex civil engineering projects. The program provides an integration of design experience from the freshman year to the senior year, culminating in a capstone design course. The senior capstone course provides a comprehensive design experience for students that encompasses ethical, social, economic and safety issues. Engineering design, team problem solving and communication skills are emphasized throughout the curriculum. Students pursue areas of interest by selecting appropriate technical electives in the areas of environmental; geotechnical and engineering materials; structures; transportation; and water resources. Graduates of the program are prepared to become registered engineers. An optional program is available for those who want to become registered surveyors.
A co-op program is open to qualified civil engineering students, who can obtain technical experience and income by working for private or government organizations while still in school. Students who participate in the co-op program typically take more than four years to complete degree requirements.
CHEM 151 Fund. of Chemistry I 5 IT 101 Engr. Drawing I 3 MATH 263A Calculus 4 ET 280 Engineering and Tech.-An Overview 4
CHEM 152 Fund. of Chemistry II 5 Freshman English requirement 5 IT 122 Civil Engr. Graphics 3 MATH 263B Calculus 4
CE 210 Plane Surveying 4 CHEM 123 Prin. of Chemistry 4 MATH 263C Calculus 4 PHYS 251 Physics 5
CE 220 Statics 4 ET 181 Computer Methods 4 MATH 263D Calculus 4 PHYS 252 Physics 5
MATH 340 Diff. Equations 4 ME 224 Dynamics 4 PHYS 253 Physics 5 Elective 4-5
CE 222 Strength of Material 4 CE 223 Strength of Materials Lab 1 ET 240 Computer Methods in Engineering II 4 INCO 103 Public Speaking 4 Elective 4-5
CE 330* Struct. Theory I 5 CE 340 Fluid Mechanics 5 CE 341 Fluid Mechanics Lab 1 GEOL 283* Geology 4 Elective 4
CE 311* Route Engr. 4
CE 370* Geotechnical Engr. 4 CE 371* Geotechnical Engr. Lab 1 ISE 304* Statistics 3 ME 321 Thermodynamics 4
CE 342* Applied Hydraulics 3 CE 343* Hydrology 3 CE 361* Transportation 3 CHE 331 Prin. of Materials 4 ENG 305J Technical Writing 4
CE 450* Water Treatment 3 EE 313 Basic Elec. Engr. I 3 Electives
CE 432* Concrete Design 4 CE 451* Wastewater Treatment 3 EE 314 Basic Elec. Engr. II 3 or EE 315 Basic Elec. Engr. III 3 Electives
CE 433* Steel Design 4 Electives*Course offered only during quarter shown.
The above list shows only courses specifically required for a civil engineering degree. An additional 24 credit hours are required in the humanities and social sciences with no fewer than a sequence of 8 credit hours in either field. A list of acceptable electives is available in the civil engineering office.
Also required are one senior capstone design course and an additional three civil engineering electives, which may include additional senior design courses. The senior capstone design course will be selected from CE 491A Land Use, CE 491B Water Resources- Environmental, CE 491C Structures- Soils, and CE 491D Senior Design. Among the three additional electives, you are required to earn at least three credits of design. Design credits are shown in brackets in the following list of CE electives: CE 331 (3) Structural Theory II, CE 353 (3) Env. Engr. Basics [1], CE 410 (3) Appl. Property Surveying, CE 415 (3) Photogrammetry, CE 423 (4) Continuum Mechanics [1], CE 424 (3) Strength of Matls II [1], CE 427 (3) Exp. Stress Analysis, CE 434 (3) Adv. Str. Design [3], CE 437 (3) Timber Des. [3], CE 438 (3) Prestressed Concrete [3], CE 439 (3) Computer-Aided Str. Des. [3], CE 445 (3) Flow Routing [1], CE 452 (3) Water and Wastewater Analysis, CE 453 (3) Solid Haz. Waste Mgt. [2], CE 457 (3) Water Resources Engr. [3], CE 462 (3) Traffic Engr. [2], CE 471 (3) Foundation Engr. [3], CE 474 (3) Soil Mechanics Lab, CE 482 (3) Paving Mtls. and Mixtures [1], CE 483 (3) Prin. of Pavement Des. [3].
Qualified students may, with the permission of the instructor, substitute certain graduate-level courses for the foregoing civil engineering electives.
You must satisfy university freshman- and junior-level English composition requirements in addition to General Education Requirements (see Graduation Requirements section of this catalog). A minimum of 202 quarter hours of credit is required for the degree.
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on November 27, 2000.
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