The industrial technology program prepares you to be a technical generalist: one who is competent in a wide range of technical subjects. In addition, since most industrial technology courses are hands-on lab courses, you graduate with practical experience. All students in the program complete a common core of industrial technology courses. In addition, you must take courses in one of two technical areasÐmaterials and processes (M&P) or manufacturing information technology (MIT), depending on your interests and career goals. The degree includes a minor in business.
There are four components to the curriculum: technical courses, general education, business, and electives. Each component contributes a valuable part to your overall preparation for employment.
A minimum of 194 quarter hours is required for graduation, including the following specific requirements:
IT 100 Intro to Industrial Tech. 1 IT 101 Engr. Graphics Fund. 4 IT 102 Engr. Graphics App. 4 IT 103 Computer Apps. in Industrial Tech. 4 IT 111 Industrial Materials 4 IT 112 Intro to Manufacturing 4 IT 206 Computer Methods in Industrial Tech. 4 IT 208 Industrial Plastics 4 IT 216 Metal Machining 4 IT218 Metal Fabricating and Casting 4 IT221 Power Transmission 4 IT303 Apps. of Object Oriented Programming 4 IT332 Industrial Electronics 4 IT363 Quality Assurance and Metrology 4 IT400 Senior Seminar 1 IT435 Industrial Instrumentation and Controls 4 IT451 Product Manufacturing 5 IT 452 Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing 4
IT 217 Prod. Metal Machining 4 IT 320 Hydraulic and Pneumatics 4 IT 347 Plastics: Molding Processes or IT 348 Plastics: Forming and Fabricating 4 IT 351 Production Tooling 4 IT Electives 12 (select from approved list)
IT 230 Manufacturing Computer Technology 4 IT 231 Manufacturing Database Applications 4 IT 337 Manufacturing Networks and Data Communications 4 IT430 Manufacturing Enterprise Integration 4 IT Electives 12 (select from approved list)
ENG 151 Freshman Composition 5 ENG 305J Technical Writing 4 INCO 103 Public Speaking 4 Tier III Synthesis 4 MATH163A Intro to Calculus 4 MATH 250, 251 Intro to Probrability and Statistics 8 CHEM 121, 122 Prin. of Chemistry 8 PHYS 201, 202 Intro to Physics 10 ECON103 Prin. of Microeconomics 4 PSY 101 General Psychology 5 Tier II Applied Science and Technology, Humanities and Fine Arts, or Cross-Cultural Perspectives 8 (must satisfy 4 out of 5requirements for TII)
ACCT 101 Financial Acct. 4 ACCT 102 Managerial Accounting 4 BUSL 255 Law and Society 4 MGT 202 Management 4 MKT 201 Marketing Principles 4 OPN 310 Prin. of Operations 4Electives: 8
IT 100 Intro to Industrial Technology 1 IT 101 Engineering Drawing I 3 IT 103 Computer App. in Industrial Technology 3 INCO 103 Public Speaking 4 CHEM 122 Intro to Physics 4
IT 102 Eng. Graphics Apps. 3 IT 111 Manufacturing Materials 3 IT 112 Intro to Manufacturing Materials 4 CHEM 122 Princpals of Chemistry 4
IT 206 Computer Methods in Industrial Technology 4 IT 208 Industrial Plastics 4 IT 214 Metal Machining 4 MATH 163A Intro to Calculus 4
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on November 27, 2000.
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