Industrial Technology Degree Program

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Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology

Major code BS7256

Industrial technology is the study of materials, production processes, and management procedures used in manufacturing products. This degree program prepares you for a technical/management position in the manufacturing industry by providing current and relevant subject matter and experience. Typically, an industrial technology graduate is responsible for management and supervision of industrial materials, machines, personnel, and capital in areas of production, process planning, maintenance, and quality assurance.

The industrial technology program prepares you to be a technical generalist: one who is competent in a wide range of technical subjects. In addition, since most industrial technology courses are hands-on lab courses, you graduate with practical experience. All students in the program complete a common core of industrial technology courses. In addition, you must take courses in one of two technical areasÐmaterials and processes (M&P) or manufacturing information technology (MIT), depending on your interests and career goals. The degree includes a minor in business.

There are four components to the curriculum: technical courses, general education, business, and electives. Each component contributes a valuable part to your overall preparation for employment.

A minimum of 194 quarter hours is required for graduation, including the following specific requirements:

Required Industrial Technology Core: 66

IT 100	Intro to Industrial Tech.	        1

IT 101 	Engr. Graphics Fund.	                4

IT 102	Engr. Graphics App.	                4

IT 103	Computer Apps. in Industrial Tech.	4

IT 111 	Industrial Materials	                4

IT 112 	Intro to Manufacturing	                4

IT 206 	Computer Methods in Industrial Tech.	4

IT 208 	Industrial Plastics	                4

IT 216	Metal Machining	                        4

IT218	Metal Fabricating and Casting	        4

IT221	Power Transmission	                4

IT303	Apps. of Object Oriented Programming	4

IT332	Industrial Electronics	                4

IT363	Quality Assurance and Metrology	        4

IT400	Senior Seminar	                        1

IT435	Industrial Instrumentation and Controls	4

IT451	Product Manufacturing                   5

IT 452	Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing	4

Technical Focus

(must select from one of the following areas):

Materials and Processes:28

IT 217	   Prod. Metal Machining	       4

IT 320	   Hydraulic and Pneumatics	       4

IT 347	   Plastics: Molding Processes
or IT 348  Plastics: Forming and Fabricating   4

IT 351     Production Tooling	               4

	   IT Electives 	              12				
           (select from approved list)

Manufacturing Information Technology: 28

IT 230	Manufacturing Computer Technology	        4

IT 231	Manufacturing Database Applications	        4

IT 337	Manufacturing Networks and Data Communications	4

IT430	Manufacturing Enterprise Integration	        4

	IT Electives 	                               12

        (select from approved list)

General Education Requirements: 64

ENG 151	        Freshman Composition	                                   5

ENG 305J	Technical Writing	                                   4

INCO 103	Public Speaking	                                           4

Tier III 	Synthesis	                                           4

MATH163A	Intro to Calculus	                                   4

MATH 250, 251	Intro to Probrability and Statistics	                   8

CHEM 121, 122   Prin. of Chemistry	                                   8

PHYS 201, 202   Intro to Physics	                                  10

ECON103	        Prin. of Microeconomics	                                   4

PSY 101	        General Psychology	                                   5

Tier II	        Applied Science and Technology, 
                Humanities and Fine Arts, or Cross-Cultural Perspectives   8	
                (must satisfy 4 out of 5requirements for TII)

Business/Management: 32

ACCT 101   Financial Acct.            4

ACCT 102   Managerial Accounting      4

BUSL 255   Law and Society            4

MGT 202    Management                 4

MKT 201    Marketing Principles       4

OPN 310    Prin. of Operations        4
Electives: 8

First-Year Program

The following classes are suggested for your freshman year. Your advisor will help you plan additional coursework to meet all graduation requirements in a timely manner.


IT 100    Intro to Industrial Technology           1

IT 101    Engineering Drawing I                    3

IT 103    Computer App. in Industrial Technology   3

INCO 103  Public Speaking                          4

CHEM 122  Intro to Physics                         4


IT 102      Eng. Graphics Apps.                3

IT 111      Manufacturing Materials            3

IT 112      Intro to Manufacturing Materials   4

CHEM 122    Princpals of Chemistry             4


IT 206     Computer Methods in Industrial Technology  4

IT 208     Industrial Plastics                        4

IT 214     Metal Machining                            4

MATH 163A  Intro to Calculus                          4

Associate's Degree Transfer Students

If you have completed a two-year associate's degree from an accredited college or university in a related technical area, you may enter the Industrial Technology program with junior standing. An assessment of previous coursework will determine the remaining requirements for the bachelor's degree.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on November 27, 2000.

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