The School of Interdisciplinary Arts offers only the Ph.D. degree. Undergraduate course offerings may be used to complete Tier II, Tier III, or elective requirements or to obtain a minor in interdisciplinary arts.
IART 117 Intro to Fine Arts 4 IART 118 Intro to Fine Arts 4 IART 150 Viewing Performance 2 At least five courses from the following. The courses must include at least two art forms: IART/AH 211 History of Art 4 IART/AH 212 History of Art 4 IART/AH 213 History of Art 4 AH 214 History of Non-Western Art 4 AH 350 Prin. of Architecture 4 AH 351 Ancient Architecture 4 AH 352 Medieval Architecture 4 AH 353 Renaissance and Baroque Architecture 4 AH 354 19th- and 20th-Century Architecture 4 DANC 170 Viewing 20th Century Dance 4 DANC 351 Dance Cultures of World I 4 DANC 471 History of Dance I 4 DANC 473 History of Dance III 4 FILM 201 Introduction to Film I 4 FILM 202 Introduction to Film II 4 FILM 203 Introduction to Film III 4 IART/MUS 321 Music History 3 IART/MUS 322 Music History 3 IART/MUS 323 Music History 3 IART/THAR 270 Theater History I 4 IART/THAR 271 Theater History I 4 IART/THAR 272 Theater History I 4 IART/THAR 470 Tragedy 4 IART/THAR 471 Comedy 4 IART/THAR 472 Forms of Drama 4 THAR 473 Seminar in Theater History Selected Topics 4Minimum credit hours required: 30
University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on February 27, 2004.
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