School of Dance

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Madeleine Scott, Director

Our four year pre-professional training program leads to a Bachelor of Fine Arts within the liberal arts setting of Ohio University. We prepare the individual for future work in the field of dance and related professions by encouraging the realization of individual artistic potential through the integration of creative, physical, and intellectual processes. Our curriculum emphasizes modern choreography and performance and includes theoretical, historical, and practical studies in dance. We provide the general University student with studies in the practice, history, and aesthetics of dance. Through presentation of high-quality performances we contribute to the cultural environment of the University, community, and region.

Performances of student and faculty choreography are given regularly in Putnam Studio Theater and a variety of other theatrical spaces. Workshop performances, internships, and College of Fine Arts performance projects offer additional performance opportunities.

A visiting artist program enriches the curriculum during the academic year. Major figures in the field of dance teach, choreograph, hold special workshops, perform, and are engaged for residencies on campus.

Strong individual academic and professional advising characterizes the School of Dance. The development and progress of each dance major are carefully assessed by a faculty advisor. As a dance major or minor, you are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 g.p.a. in dance core work (modern and ballet technique and choregraphy) and a 2.7 g.p.a. overall in dance courses; if your work is found to be deficient, you may be placed on probation or advised to modify your program of study.

Scholarship auditions for incoming freshmen are held in November and January. Schedule an appointment well in advance by contacting the School of Dance or the Office of Admissions. All transfer students intending to major in dance are required to audition as part of the admission process. An appointment for an audition and information on proficiency requirements can be obtained by contacting the director of the School of Dance.

An honors tutorial program in dance is available for exceptionally talented and motivated students. This individualized program of study requires a distinctive combination of high school grades, test scores, teacher recommendations, and special acheivements. Direct inquiries concerning eligibility to the School of Dance. If eligible, you must complete the application, audition, and interview processes by December 15.

Admission Requirements

An audition is required for all students who plan to major or minor in dance. The audition is in the form of a dance class and does not require presentation of previously learned materials. If you wish to be considered for talent scholarships, you must audition by February 1; otherwise, an audition appointment can be made during the school year. Contact the School of Dance, 740-593-1826, for information. Though all prospective students are encouraged to attend auditions on the Ohio University campus, videotapes will be accepted under extenuating circumstances.

The School of Dance is a fully accredited member of the National Association of Schools of Dance.

Major in Dance
Major code BF5151

Freshman: 50-60 
DANC 090           Composition Lab                     0

DANC 101ABC,       Modern and Ballet
102ABC,103ABC      Techniques/Composition             21

DANC 111           Music for Dance                     2

DANC 170           View. 20th-Cent. Dance              4

DANC 231           Intro Dance Kinesiology             2

DANC 380           Practicum in Dance Prod.          1-3

                   Tier I English 
                   Composition (100 level)             5

                   Tier I quantitative skills        4-5

                   Tier II                           5-9
                   Electives                         6-9

Sophomore: 48-60 
DANC 090           Composition Lab                     0

DANC 201ABC,       Modern and Ballet
202ABC, 203ABC     Techniques/Composition             21

DANC 240           Pract. in Tchng. Dance              1

DANC 312           Music for Dance                     3

DANC 331           Analysis of Dance Mvt.              4

DANC 380           Practicum in Dance Prod.          1-3

DANC 440           Pract. in Teaching Dance            2

DANC 441           Teaching Dance                      3

                   Tier II                         10-15

                   Electives                        6-10

Junior: 49-55 
DANC 090           Compostion Lab                      0

302ABC,303ABC      Modern and Ballet 
                   Techniques/Composition             21

DANC 313           Dance Notation                      3

DANC 380           Practicum in Dance Prod.          1-3

DANC 431           Dance Kinesiology Sem.              2

DANC 440           Pract. in Tchng. Dance              2

DANC 443           Teaching Dance I                    2

DANC 471           History of Dance                    4

                   English composition 
                   (300 level)                         4

                   Tier II                           4-5

                   Electives                        6-10

Senior: 43-56
DANC 090           Composition Lab                     0

DANC 351 (*)       Dance Cultures                      4
or DANC 472(*)     History of Dance II

DANC 401AB,        Modern and Ballet
402AB,403AB        Techniques                         15 

DANC 460           Senior Seminar                      2

DANC 473           History of Dance III                4

DANC 480           Production Problems               3-6

                   Tier III                          4-5

                   Electives                       12-24
*DANC 351 and DANC 472--offered alternate years.

Electives should include a choice of courses in philosophy, psychology, anthropology, studio art, art history, music performance, music history, theater history, acting.

Total minimum hours required: 192

Minor in Dance
Minor code OR5151

A dance minor is designed for individuals majoring in other fields who wish, in the course of their college experience, to gain an understanding of the art of dance. This program may, however, be applied toward the dance major sequence. To become a dance minor, you must come to the School of Dance for an audition and advising. The first quarter of work is probationary. The minor program includes 30 credits, with a minimum of 4 credits selected from DANC 312, 313, 331, 351, 431, 443, 471, 472, and 473. Program approval is required.
DANC 090           Composition Lab                     0

DANC 101 ABC       Technique/Composition               7

DANC 102 ABC       Technique/Composition               7

DANC 103 ABC       Technique/Composition               7

DANC 170           View. 20th-Cent. Dance              4

DANC 380           Practicum in Dance Prod.            1

                   Dance electives                   4-7
DANC 101, 102, and 103 must be taken sequentially within one academic year. Under exceptional circumstances and with faculty approval, other arrangements may be made.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on February 2, 2004.

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