College of Fine Arts

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Jennings House

Raymond Tymas-Jones, Dean
Chuck McWeeny, Associate Dean
Norma Humphreys, Assistant Dean

The College of Fine Arts includes the Schools of Art, Dance, Film, Interdisciplinary Arts, Music, and Theater. The college offers a broad cultural education in the fine arts, as well as specialized training in a wide range of career fields.

Schools and Programs

The School of Art, located in Seigfred Hall, offers degree programs in art education, art history, ceramics, graphic design, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.

The School of Interdisciplinary Arts, located in Lindley Hall, does not offer an undergraduate degree program. You may, however, earn a minor in interdisciplinary arts, and many undergraduate interdisciplinary arts courses are available, some of which may be used to fulfill specific degree requirements.

The School of Dance, located in Putnam Hall, offers a single preprofessional degree program in dance. A limited number of exceptional students may be approved to pursue work in dance through the Honors Tutorial College.

The School of Film, located in Lindley Hall, does not offer an undergraduate degree program. You may, however, earn a minor in film, and many undergraduate film courses are available, some of which may be used to fulfill specific degree requirements. A limited number of exceptional students may be approved to pursue work in film through the Honors Tutorial College.

The School of Music, located in the Music Building, offers degree programs in music composition, music history and literature, music education, music theory, music therapy, orchestral instruments, organ, piano, piano pedagogy, and voice.

The School of Theater, located in Kantner Hall, offers degree programs in production design and technology, theater arts and drama (directing, dramatugy, management, and playwriting), and theater performance (acting).

Double Majors

If you wish to pursue a second major outside the College of Fine Art, apply for admission to the college offering the second major. See "A Second Bachelor's Degree" in the Graduation Requirements section of this catalog for specific requirements.

You may wish to pursue two majors within the College of Fine Arts simultaneously, earning a dual major degree. You must be admitted to and complete all requirements for each of the majors.


Minors are available in art, dance, film, interdisciplinary arts, music, and theater. The minors are designed for students majoring in other fields who wish, in the course of their formal education, to pursue study in the arts. Specific requirements for each minor can be found in this section following the requirements for majors in each school.

If you wish to declare a minor in the College of Fine Arts, consult with both your major advisor and an advisor within the minor program. You must receive approval from the College of Fine Arts dean's office to pursue the program. You must maintain a 2.0 g.p.a. in the minor.

If you are a major in the College of Fine Arts and wish to pursue a minor offered by another school or department within the University, consult that school or department's section of the catalog.

Admission Requirements

High school applicants to Ohio University who wish to pursue a degree program in the College of Fine Arts may apply for direct entry into the College. You may enter the School of Art as a general art major. Entry into a degree program in the School of Art requires the successful completion of a portfolio review which usually occurs during the sophomore year. You may enter the School of Theater as a general theater major. Entry into a degree program in the School of Theater requires the successful completion of an audition/interview, which usually occurs during the freshman year. You are required to audition if you desire direct entry into programs in the School of Dance or the School of Music. For final acceptance into a major program, you must meet all entrance requirements described under that major.

To transfer from another college or university, you are required to audition, submit a portfolio, or meet the requirements specified by each program in the College of Fine Arts in addition to gaining admission to Ohio University. Write to the director of the particular program in which you are interested for detailed information.

Ohio University students requesting transfer to major programs in the college also are required to meet the above criteria and should consult the appropriate director before applying for transfer.

Scholarships and Awards

A limited number of scholarships and awards of varying amounts are available to majors in the College of Fine Arts. Some awards are renewable; others are granted on a one-time basis, renewable at the discretion of the school involved. Awards are based primarily on talent demonstrated through audition, interview, and/or portfolio submission. In each case, academic performance is considered important. Contact the director of the appropriate school before January 1 to arrange an audition or portfolio submission.

Education Abroad

For information about education abroad opportunities, refer to "Office of Education Abroad" in the "University-Wide Academic Opportunities" section.


The College of Fine Arts maintains a system of academic advising for its majors, with assigned members of the faculty serving as advisors. Maintain ongoing contact with your advisor for assistance with concerns related to academic and career planning. Your advisor will assist you with an appropriate selection of courses each quarter as you prepare your schedule. It is especially important that you work closely with your advisor to maintain the proper sequence of courses in your major. Deviations from the normal course requirements, including waivers, must be approved in writing by your advisor and Dean's Office. In some cases additional approval by a faculty committee is required.

Although your advisor will be helpful in assisting you with the preparation of your schedule, it is your responsibility to make certain that all graduation requirements are met.

Degrees and Requirements

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) degree is granted upon completion of programs in the School of Art, the School of Dance, and the School of Theater. The School of Music grants the Bachelor of Music (B. Mus.) degree.

All programs of study within the College of Fine Arts are intended to provide students with a strong foundation in the arts and culture, as well as an opportunity for specializied professional training. Every effort is made through careful individual advising and a flexible curriculum to meet the individual needs of each student.

If your qualifications are outstanding, certain courses can be waived from the proposed program of study. You may request of your advisor a review of qualifications for course waiver. In some cases, additional approval by a faculty committee is required.

Candidates for degree programs in the College of Fine Artrs must complete a minium of 192 quarter hours with an accumulative grade-point average (g.p.a.) of at least 2.0 (C). The minium number of quarter hours and accumulative g.p.a. for some degree programs is higher.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on January 23, 2004.

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