School of Physical Therapy

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Averell Overby, Director

The School of Physical Therapy offers an entry-level doctoral program in physical therapy leading to a Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) degree. The professional program begins in June and extends over a three-calendar-year period. A baccalaureate degree and completion of prerequisites are required for admission to the program.

The problem-solving curriculum is designed to prepare competent health care professionals who will be able to employ critical decision-making skills for optimal patient care. Evidence-based practice is stressed throughout the curriculum as students critically analyze current literature related to physical therapy. Clinical experience is integrated with the didactic and laboratory components throughout the program of study.

Eligibility to Apply

Students should consult the Web page for the most up-to-date information.

You must meet the following requirements to be eligible to apply for June admission to the School of Physical Therapy's graduate program:

1   earned a minimum overall grade-point average (g.p.a.) of 3.0 
    on a 4.0 scale.

2   completed at least 8 of the 12 Life and Physical Sciences 
    prerequisite courses by the end of the fall quarter in 
    which you apply. You must complete the remainder of the 
    math, behavioral, and life/physical science prerequisites 
    before beginning study in the program.

3   earned bachelor's degree from an 
    accredited college or university.

Minimum Prerequisite Course Requirements(*)


PSY 221           Statistics for Beh. Science           5

PSY 273           Child and Adolescent Psy.             4


MATH 163A         Calculus                              4 

Life and Physical Sciences  (**)

BIOS 170          Intro. to Zoology                     5

BIOS 171          Intro. to Zoology                     5

BIOS 301          Human Anatomy                         6
or BIOS 302       Human Anatomy 	
or BIOS 303       Comp. Vertebrate Anatomy	

BIOS 345, 346     Human Physiology                      7

BIOS 445, 446     Exercise Physiology                   7 (***)
or PESS 414, 415  Exercise Physiology	 

CHEM 121,122,123  Prin. of Chemistry                   12
or CHEM 151,
152,153           Fund. of Chemistry                or 15

PHYS 201, 202     Physics                              10

                  TOTAL                             65-68 quarter hours

*All prerequisite courses must be passed with a grade of C or better,

**All life and physical science courses must include a laboratory component. You must have a total of 20 quarter hours (14 semester hours) at or above the junior (300) level in the anatomy, physiology, and exercise physiology lecture and lab courses.

***Physics 203 is strongly recommended for June 2004 applicants; required for 2005 and beyond.

Program of Study

The Physical Therapy program is at the graduate level and is described in the Ohio University Graduate Catalog.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Advancement and Computer Services revised this file ( on February 4, 2004.

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