School of Theater

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Paul C. Castagno, Director, Director

Welcome to the School of Theater's catalog section. The School of Theater has had a longstanding track record of success with its graduates. Alumni from our undergraduate programs have gone on to very successful careers in the professional theater, television, and film. The degree programs also give you the competitive edge to enter the best graduate schools in theater. The undergraduate theater programs are NAST approved and designed for completion over a period of four years.

The undergraduate theater major at Ohio University experiences a blend of intensive training in a selected area of concentration with core courses in theater studies. These are coordinated with general education liberal arts courses leading to a professionally oriented Bachelor of Fine Arts degree through the College of Arts and Sciences.

The School of Theater advises theater majors to complete the University's general education requirements in a manner that broadens the individual student's perspective and worldview. Within the discipline of theater, all undergraduate students enroll in core courses that examine the literature and history of theater, all undergraduate students enroll in core courses that examine the literature and history of theater, the role of theater in society, and the relationship of theater to other disciplines in the arts.

Production activities are considered crucial to the total curriculum planning of a theater major. Majors register each quarter for a credit-bearing practicum in production. In the first year of training, this involves participation in productions through technical and management assignments. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors have the opportunity to participate as a performer, technician in lighting or sound, designer, or in theater or stage management. Some practicum assignments are available for the summer at Monomoy Theater in Cape Cod, which is affiliated with Ohio University.

Your progress is evaluated quarterly by your advisor and faculty in your training area. All theater majors are required to attain a minimum grade of C in any theater course required for graduation. Unsatisfactory progress may result in academic probation, recommendation for transfer to another sequence or degree within the school, modification of the program, or denial of further enrollment as a degree candidate in the School of Theater.

A minor or second major is possible in some cases if you have used careful advising procedures and made intelligent use of the elective options and General Education requirements. Highly motivated and talented students can pursue their degree work in the School of Theater through the Honors Tutorial College, if the tutorial mode of instruction is appropriate for the particular student.

Admission Requirements

Once you have been admitted to Ohio University, you may enter the School of Theater as a general theater major. For scholarship consideration, auditions and interviews are conducted during the fall and winter quarters of each year for students considering entrance the following fall. You are assigned a faculty advisor when you enroll.

Procedure for Admission into BA and BFA Programs

At the end of the freshman year, you are expected to declare a degree program. Under normal circumstances, you must complete all the 100-level theater core requirements to be considered for entry into a degree program. Students audition, interview, or present portfolios for entry into the Bachelor of Fine Arts programs (performance, management, playwriting, or production design and technology). You may also enroll in a course of study leading to the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

Provisional acceptance into BFA programs: End of freshman year.

Final acceptance into BFA programs: End of fall quarter, sophomore year.

After acceptance into one of these programs, retention is based on periodic review of the student's progress, with a major review at the end of the sophomore year.

Theater Core Courses
(Required of all B.F.A. majors)

THAR 090            Lunchbag Theater
                    Seminar Series                     0

THAR 101            Intro to Profession                1

THAR 110            Intro to Performance               2

THAR 111 (*)        Improvisation I	               2
THAR 112 (*)        Intro to Perf. Warm-up   	       2
or THAR 213         Acting Fundamentals I             

THAR 130            Intro to Design                    3

THAR 131            Intro to Stagecraft                3

THAR 151            Fundamentals of Playwriting        3

THAR 171            Play Analysis                      3

THAR 172            Elements of Performance            3

THAR 270, 271, 272  Theater History I, II, III        12

THAR 420            Directing                          4

                    Two seminars from 470 series       8

*For students interested in auditioning for the performance program. Students may fulfill the acting component of the theater core by completing 110, 111, and 112 or completing 110 and 213.


Freshman            Two 100-level practica
                    Two courses, 3 credit hours each
                    (winter, spring)                  6

Sophomore           Three 200-level practica
                    Three courses, 2 credit hours each
                    (fall, winter, spring)            6

Junior              Two 300-level practica            
                    Two courses, 3 credit hours each
                    (any quarters)                    6

Senior              Three 400-level practica
                    Three courses, 2 credit hours each
                    (fall, winter, spring) in
                    area of emphasis                  6
Minimum total practicum credits: 24

All majors are required to enroll for Lunchbag Theater Seminar each quarter of residence.

Total: 70

Liberal Arts Requirements for Theater Majors

In addition to the Tier I, II, and III requirements, all majors in the School of Theater are required to take two English courses at the 200 level or above. Two Shakespeare courses are strongly advised and may be required in a specific program. (Tier I junior composition does not fulfill this requirement.)

Minimum Grade Requirement

All theater majors are required to attain a minimum grade of C in any theater course required for graduation.


Distribution of elective hours will vary depending upon degree requirements of a particular area. You are encouraged to use your elective choices in a manner that expands upon the liberal arts experience, particularly with choices in the areas of literature, philosophy, history, and psychology. If you are in acting, you also are advised to strengthen your personal talents in the areas of music, dance, and art.

Theater Performance (Acting) Major
Major code BF5161

(Admission by application and audition only)

The B.F.A. in theater performance is a rigorous program fostering creative, cognitive, and artistic skills. It is intended to advance the education and training of motivated, curious, self-reliant, adaptable theater artists capable of dealing with all aspects of theater and contributing to the relationship between theater and society. Theater and performance serve as the basis of the undergraduate fine arts education. Theater is approached technically as craft and art, but also as a way of looking at, interpreting, organizing, and expressing one's ideas and thoughts. We seek serious, disciplined students interested in demanding technical training, who want the art of theater and performance to be at the core of their education.

Formal application and audition into the Theater Performance Program (TPP) takes place during the freshmen year. Transfer students from other programs and institutions are accepted provided they can meet the requirements of the program, the school, and University General Education.

In addition to the University and theater core requirements, you are required to include additional electives from a broad range of areas and to maintain minimum academic and artistic standards. Tier II classes can be counted toward meeting these requirements. The B.F.A. in performance fosters diversification within the theater curriculum and in disciplines essential to a liberal education. Careful and consistent faculty supervision and advising are an integral part of the program.

Preparation for Admission to TPP

Freshman performance classes emphasize preparation and examination, i.e., preparation for the audition into the TPP and examination of your skills, interests, and talents. Assisted by an assigned faculty advisor, you may select coursework designed to allow broad exposure to diverse courses in the University while building a strong foundation in acting.

During the freshmen and and sophomore years, you will complete most of the Tier I and II University requirements as well as the freshman and sophomore components of the theater core. After your freshman year (or first quarter of residency in the case of a transfer student), you are eligible to audition for all school productions. Required coursework in acting is available to theater majors who do not join the performance program.

Theater Performance Program

The B.F.A. in theater performance offers a curriculum of rigorous technique instruction with an emphasis on international and ensemble theater. Complementing a faculty of working professionals are an important visiting artist program and a developing internship program that includes internships in the United States and abroad. In your senior year, you are required to complete your practicum requirements in acting. The culminating experiences of the B.F.A. degree program are three quarters of acting practicums and the senior project.

Required studio performance courses are the core of the program at all three year levels. The sophomore year is dedicated to the acting foundation and the junior year to classical ensemble, leading to a senior year that emphasizes new work from original scripts to ensemble collaboration. There is programmatic interaction with the MFA programs in Directing, Playwriting, and Acting.

There is constant communication among the faculty to evaluate your progress, confirm individual progress decisions, and resolve any issues germane to your success in the program. If you are struggling academically or programmatically, you may receive a letter of concern or be placed on probation. Continued concern indicates doubt about the appropriateness of your continuation in the TPP.

Summary of Minimum Requirements

Sophomore Year Acting Ensemble Foundation            20

THAR 210            Acting I                          4

THAR 211            Acting II                         4

THAR 212            Acting III                        4

THAR 216            Intro to Movement                 2

THAR 217            Intro to Voice                    6

Junior Year Classical Ensemble                       25

THAR 310            Audition Technique 
                    and Practice                      3

THAR 312            Scene Study                       4

THAR 314            Theater Performance: 
                    Selected Topics                   3

THAR 316            Movement Theater I
                    (taken twice)                     6

THAR 317A, B, C     Voice for the Stage I, II, III    9

Senior Year Ensemble                                 21

THAR 410            Scene Study: Selected Topics      4

THAR 411            Acting IV                         3

THAR 414            Acting V                          3

THAR 415 *          Acting Practicum                  6

THAR 416            Movement Theater II               2

THAR 417            Advanced Voice Training           2	

THAR 418            Senior Project                    2

Total Minimum Requirements                           67

*In additon to theater core requirements.

Additional Electives

You are required to include electives in your program plan and are encouraged to 
choose from the areas listed below. Your advisor will monitor the progress of this 

Foreign Language/Culture

Third World Culture, International Studies

Philosophy, including, but not limited to, philosophy of art

Anthropology/ Political Science/History

Literature (nondramatic)

Music and Music History

Studio Art and Art History

(stage management and theater management)
Major code BF5167

The purpose of the management program (stage management and theater management> is to prepare students for entry into the professional theater as a stage manager and in the business side of theater. The internship with a theater organization is an important part of the program, because the students will use this to make contacts for their entry into the professional theater. In addition to select courses in the management and theater areas, the program provides pracatical experience to develop techniques, skills, and insight in stage management, production state management, and the business side of theater. The independent study and practicum courses will be used for the student to specialize in stage management of theater management by assigning students projects in their area of interest. During the first two years, you should complete much of the theater core and University general education requirements to gain a broad exposure to all areas of theater.

In addition to the course work, students will have ongoing guidance, counseling, and evaluation from their advisor. The advisor will help the student track their prograss in meeting the necessary goals for entry into the stage management profession. Part of the process will include an evaluation of the student's ability to meet these goals and continue in the program.

Student will be admitted into the program based on a resume, two letters of recommendation, completion of application form, and an interview.

In addition to University and theater core requirements, you are required to complete the following courses:

Management:  66 credits

Two courses selected from:
THAR 230            Stagecraft:  Scenery                6
or THAR 231         Stagecraft:  Lighting
or THAR 232         Stagecraft:  Costume

THAR 330            Elem of Technical Direction         4

THAR 402            Theater Management                  4

THAR 405            Practicum in Mgt.                   4
or THAR 427         Practicum in Stage Mgt.

THAR 409            Ind. Studies in Admin.              6

THAR 426            Stage Management I                  3

THAR 440            Professional Theater
                    Internship                         12

                    Stage Management II                 4

ACCT 101            Financial Accounting                4 

ECON 103            Prin. of Microeconomics             4

MGT 202             Management                          4

MGT 430             Management Systems--
                    Decision Making                     4

MKT 202             Marketing Principles                4

PESS 227            First Aid                           3

Major code BF5165

(Interview, writing samples, and letter of recommendation from into to Playwriting instructor required at the end of freshman year for admission)

The B.F.A. in playwriting is designed as an intensive introduction to the art of dramatic writing for the stage. Study in this major focuses upon dramatic structure, its relationship to literature, and how the spoken word functions on the stage and in performance. Students accepted in to B.F.A. playwriting program must complete a wide range of courses in addition to the core series of playwriting courses. The additional required courses include acting, theatrical design, literature, and courses in other disciplines, specifically English.

During the first two years, you should coplete much of the theater core and general education requirements. In consultation with your advisor, you may also enroll in 200- and 300-level English courses that focus upon writers and literature related to your area of interest. At the end of your freshman year, you must interview, present writing samples and a letter of recommendation from the Fundamentals of Playwriting instructor for acceptance into the program. Your work will be reviewed at the end of your sophomore and junior years. Students must demonstrate significant progress int eh development of dramatic writing skills for continued success int eh program.

In addition to University and theater core requirements, you are required to complete the following courses:

Playwriting: 59 credits

THAR 213            Acting Funadmentals II            4

THAR 250            Playwriting I                     4

THAR 313            Acting Studies I                  4

THAR 320            Directing II                      4

THAR 350            Playwriting II                    4

THAR 418            Senior Project                    2

THAR 438A           Historical Bases of Design I      4
or THAR 438B        Historical Bases of Design II

THAR 450            Advanced Playwriting              4

THAR 451            Playwriting Workshop              3

THAR 459            Independent Studies 
                    in Playwriting                    6

THAR 470            Tragedy                           4
or THAR 471         Comedy
or THAR 472         Forms of Drama
or THAR 473         Seminar in Theater History
                    and Drama: Selected Topics
or THAR 477         American Theater and Drama

                    Two English Electives(*)
                    (200 level or above)              8
                    Two English Electives(*) 	
                    (300 level or above)              8

*Can be used to fulfill Tier II requirements.

Production Design and Technology
Major code BF5162

(Interview and portfolio review by the end of the freshman year required for admission)

The B.F.A. in production design and technology is available with an emphasis on the environmental aspects of performance. Design and technology in scenery, costumes, lighting, properties, sound, stage management, and makeup are taught in a series of courses and special projects throughout the four-year curriculum. Productions are prepared under the close personal advisement and participation of the production faculty and staff. Qualified students are challenged with major creative responsibilities.

During the first two years, you should complete much of the theater core and general education requirements. In consultation with your advisor, you may also enroll in selected production design technology courses at the 200 level and above. At the end of your freshman year, you interview and present your portfolio for provisional acceptance into the program. At the end of your sophomore year, you will again present your portfolio and interview for continuing status in this program. Continuing in the program is contingent upon successful annual portfolio reviews.

In addition to the University and theater core requirements, you are required to complete the following:

THAR 230            Stagecraft: Scenery               3

THAR 231            Stagecraft: Lighting              3

THAR 232            Stagecraft: Costume               3

THAR 233            Theatrical Design Skills          3

THAR 338            History of Costume                4
or THAR 438A        Hist. Bases of Design I 	
or THAR 438B        Hist. Bases of Design II 	

THAR 431            Lighting Design II                4
or THAR 432         Costume Design II 	
or THAR 434         Scene Design II

At least two of the following three:

THAR 331            Theory of Lighting                4
THAR 332            Costume Design I                  4
THAR 334            Scene Design                      4
A minimum additional 15 credits selected from production design and technology classes numbered 300 and above, or areas related to production design and technology approved by your advisor.

Total: 43

Minor in Theater
Minor code ORTHAR

The School of Theater offers a minor designed for those students who are majoring in other fields but who wish, in the course of their formal education, to experience work in the theater.

Students who wish to declare a minor in Theater must consult with their major advisor, in addition to the advisor for minors in the School of Theater and receive approval from the dean's office in the College of Fine Arts to pursue the program. Any student declaring a minor in the School of Theater must maintain a 2.0 g.p.a. in the minor.

Required Core Courses: 13

THAR 110, 111       Intro to Performance              2
or THAR 113         Acting Fundamentals

THAR 170            The Theater Exper.                4
or THAR 172         Elem. of Performance           or 3

                    Practicum                         6
                    (minimum of 3 experiences;
                    at least 1 in PD&T or Mgt)
At least one course (not less than 3 credits) in each of the following groups:
  1. THAR 130, 131 (3)
  2. Playwriting, Directing, Acting (200 level or above) or THAR 218 A, B, C (Voice) (4)
  3. THAR 270, 271, 272; THAR 470 series (4)
Total required groups: 11

Electives: 6

Chosen from any available courses in the School of Theater.

Mininum credit hours required for minor: 30

Theater (Bachelor of Arts)

See "Theater" in the College of Arts and Sciences section for information regarding the Bachelor of Arts in Theater.

The B.F.A. degrees are issued by the College of Fine Arts.

The B.A. degree is issued b the College of Arts and Sciences.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

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