School of Nursing

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

McCracken Hall

Kathleen Rose-Grippa, Director

The School of Nursing offers a RN-to-B.S.N. program designed for licensed RNs who are graduates of state-approved associate's degree or diploma schools of nursing. The purpose is to prepare generalists for the professional practice of nursing and to provide a foundation for graduate study. The program is accredited by the National League for Nursing.

Baccalaureate Nursing Program

Major code BS1203

The major in nursing includes upper-division coursework in nursing, university General Education Requirements, and upper-division courses outside of nursing. It is possible to complete a minor in another discipline while completing the major in nursing. Courses are offered on all regional campuses, as well as on the Athens campus, increasing availability for professional development and career mobility for registered nurses.

Admission to and progression through the program include the following steps:

  1. You are admitted to Ohio University;
  2. After a review of your records of previous coursework, you are informed of the program prerequisites you must meet and are oriented to the expectations and structure of the program;
  3. You enroll in courses to complete the program prerequisites, if needed;
  4. When you have met these prerequisites, you are admitted into the nursing major and complete the required nursing courses in sequence as well as other required courses for the degree.

Many nursing courses have a clinical component. Clinical experiences occur in a broad range of traditional and nontraditional health care and health maintenance settings. The communities surrounding the classroom locations are used whenever possible. These clinical experiences have been carefully selected to optimize learning. You are responsible for transportation to the clinical experiences.

You must earn a grade of 2.0 (C) or better in each course offered by the School of Nursing (NRSE series). If you do not earn a grade of C, you must retake the course before progressing to the next course in the sequence.

Note: most undergraduate courses offered through the School of Nursing can be retaken up to two times (i.e., initial registration and two retakes). Variable-credit courses usually cannot be retaken (i.e., with the initial grade being removed), but can be repeated for credit to count toward your degree.

Upon completing the program prerequisites (90 quarter hours consisting of lower-division nursing and general education courses) and 102 quarter hours of upper-division nursing, general education, and support courses, you will receive the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Program Requirements

  1. Graduate of state-approved associate's degree or diploma program in nursing.
  2. Admission to Ohio University.
  3. Evaluation of official transcripts from lower-division nursing program and all other post-secondary education. The evaluation must be completed by the university and the School of Nursing.
  4. Completion of program prerequisites, including attendance at the orientation course, NRSE 295, before beginning the nursing major sequence of courses.
  5. Prior to enrolling in clinical NRSE courses, documentation of:

    a. current license to practice as a registered nurse (RN) in Ohio.

    b. individual malpractice insurance.

    c. current immunizations (and/or waiver of the same) including hepatitis B.

    d. results of TB skin test completed within the past year.

    e. current CPR certification.

Program Prerequisites (90 hrs)

  1. Lower-division Nursing (minimum of 36 qtr hours)*

    A Transfer credit (36 qtr hrs) is awarded to applicants with an associate's degree in nursing from a regionally accredited college or university. or B Credit (36 qtr hrs) is awarded to applicants with a diploma in nursing upon completion of specified ACT Proficiency Examinations or other evaluative mechanisms.

  2. Content Prerequisites** Freshman English composition (ENG 151, 152, or 153)+
    Quantitative skills (PSY 120)+
    Nutrition (HCFN 128)+
    Microbiology (MICR 201 or 211)+
    Anatomy and Physiology (BIOS 130 and 131)+
    Chemistry (CHEM 121 or 151)+
    Human Growth and Development (EDEL 200 or HCCF 160 or PSY 273)+
    Sociology (SOC 101)+
    Psychology (PSY 101)+
    NRSE 295 Intro to Baccalaureate Nursing Education*

  3. Electives (8-10 qtr hrs)

*Must be completed prior to enrollment in NRSE 300

**Some courses listed may fulfill university General Education Requirements.

+All but two must be completed prior to enrollment in NRSE 300.

Required Nursing Courses

NRSE 300   Transitions in Nursing 4
NRSE 310   Health Appraisal 4
NRSE 321   Health Promotion in Professional Nursing 2
NRSE 322   Teaching and Learning in Professional Nursing 2
NRSE 323   Counseling in Professional Nursing 2
NRSE 330A  Family Nursing 2
NRSE 330C  Family Nursing: Clinical 2
NRSE 340A  Community Health Nursing 2
NRSE 340C  Community Health: Clinical 2
NRSE 360   Management Issues in Nursing 4
NRSE 405   Research: Critique and Methodology 4
NRSE 415   Restorative Nursing 4
NRSE 425   Clinical Applications in Nursing 4
NRSE 435   Ethical and Legal Issues 4
NRSE 445   Strategic Planning in Nursing Care 4
NRSE 455   Excellence in Nursing 4

General Education/Support

You must complete Ohio University General Education Requirements: Tier II-a minimum of 30 hours with at least 4 hours in 4 of 5 categories (some content prerequisites and/or electives you have taken may apply to this requirement)

Junior-level advanced composition (select one course with "J" designation)

Tier III synthesis course (select one course with "T3" designation) You may select either Option A or Option B to meet the upper-division course requirements. With either plan, consultation with your major advisor is necessary.

Option A

Select at least 52 quarter hours of coursework as indicated in the following areas (300-400 level):

Junior level composition and Tier III as specified above (8 hours)

Behavioral Sciences

Psychology (select one)
Human Relations (select one)

Biological Sciences (select one)
Humanities (select one) Electives (at least 24 quarter hours)
You may select from 300- and 400-level courses and may use 1-5 credit hours of Ohio University workshop courses to fulfill upper-division credit hour requirements.

Plus one of the following:

CS 120    Computer Science Survey 4
HS 309    Microcomputer Appl. 4
MIS 100   Intro to Microcomputers 3

Option B

You may choose to complete a minor course of study, a second major, or one of the available certificate programs, e.g., School Nurse or Gerontology. You must complete at least 52 quarter hours as indicated in the following areas:

Junior level composition and Tier III as specified above (8 hours)

Minimum of 40 quarter hours of coursework in your chosen minor, second major, or certificate program, plus electives as needed. Courses should be at the 300 or 400 level, but needed rperequisites or required courses for your minor, second major, or certificate at the 100 or 200 level can be used if not taken as prerequisite courses for admission to the nursing program.

Plus one of the following:

CS 120    Computer Science Survey 4
HS 309    Microcomputer Appl. 4
MIS 100   Intro to Microcomputers 3

School Nurse Certificate

If you are licensed as an RN in Ohio, you are eligible to apply for admission to the School Nurse Certificate Program. You can complete the program under one of three plans:

  1. If you are an RN with a B.S.N. degree, take only the additional courses required to meet the state's certification requirements.
  2. If you are an RN who wishes to complete the B.S.N. and the School Nurse Certificate simultaneously, follow the B.S.N. program of study and use the required School Nurse Certificate courses as part of that degree.
  3. If you are an RN who seeks to complete a B.S. degree not in nursing, consult with both your major advisor and the School Nurse Certificate advisor to develop a program.

    If you do not have a B.S. degree in some area, you will have to earn one. This involves meeting university General Education Requirements and graduation requirements in addition to the major requirements and School Nurse Certification requirements. Your file will be reviewed, and credit transferred from other accredited institutions will be used to meet requirements wherever possible. Graduates of diploma programs in nursing may earn 36 quarter hours of credit for lower-division nursing upon completion of specified ACT-PEP exams.

    You must be admitted to professional education in order to earn this certificate (see College of Education section). Contact the School Nurse Certificate advisor in the School of Nursing for assistance. If you hold a B.S.N., you will likely have met the nursing course requirements (NRSE) listed below. If you earned your B.S.N. at another university, course descriptions from previous schools may be required to determine equivalent coursework.

Required Courses

EDCI 400        School, Society, and the Professional Educator 4
EDPL 461, 463   Student Teaching 13
EDPL 465       Stu. Teaching Seminar 3
HCCF 360       Human Sexuality 4
HLTH 204       Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 4
HLTH 379       Teaching of Health 5
HLTH 495       School Health Problems 5
NRSE 300       Transitions in Nursing 4
NRSE 310       Health Appraisal 4
NRSE 321       Health Promotion in Professional Nursing 2
NRSE 322       Teaching and Learning in Professional Nursing 2
NRSE 323       Counseling in Prof. Nursing 2
NRSE 330A      Family Nursing 2
NRSE 330C      Family Nursing: Clinical 2
NRSE 340A      Community Health Nursing 2
NRSE 340C      Community Health Nursing: Clinical 2
PSY 233         Psychology of Personality 4
or PSY 332       Abnormal Psychology
PSY 275         Educational Psychology 4

If you are completing a B.S. degree not in nursing, you must complete two courses in addition to those listed above:

EDSP 271   Intro to Ed. of Except. Children and Youth 4
PESS 390   Safety Education 4

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( August 24, 1998.

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