School of Telecommunication

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Radio-Television Center

George Korn, Director
Joseph Richie, Associate Director
Joseph Slade, Associate Director

The School of Telecommunications offers programs of study leading to bachelor's,master's,and doctoral degrees. The baccalaureate program is a professional degree program designed to prepare students for careers in all aspects of telecommunications. First-year students are allowed direct entry into sequences in audio production,video production,management,and media studies. While there is overlap between journalism and telecommunications in broadcast news career preparation,students interested in studio and field production should enroll in the School of Telecommunications,and those interested in news writing,reporting,and anchoring should enroll in the E. W. Scripps School of Journalism. The school also offers an Honors Tutorial Program to qualified students. (See the Honors Tutorial College section.)

The classroom and laboratory experiences of students are augmented by a variety of practical experiences,including work with Athens Video Works,the school's production unit,the All-Campus Radio Network,and the three university owned and operated stations: WOUB-AM,WOUB-FM,and WOUB-TV. Credit for such experiences is granted through TCOM 390.

Opportunities for internships,placement,and professional involvement are supplemented by the school's participation with the Ohio Association of Broadcasters,the Ohio Cable Television Association,the International Radio-Television Society,the National Association of Television Program Executives,and the National Association of Broadcasters.

Scholarships of $1, 000 a year are awarded to qualified freshmen. In addition,Deans Scholarships and School of Telecommunications awards are available to majors. Ohio University's Zanesville and Southern Campuses offer an associate's degree program in electronic media,including a sequence in broadcast engineering. This program offers a smaller,more intimate setting for the first two years of university coursework. For additional information,see "Electronic Media" in the University College section.

Transfer Policy

Because the School of Telecommunications sets high academic standards and limits enrollment,students from other universities or programs at Ohio University wishing to transfer into the school must show strong academic performance over their last three quarters. If you have a 3.0 g.p.a. for the past 48 hours,you will be admitted at any time. If you have professional experience in the media and a g.p.a. between 2.5 and 2.99 for the past 48 credit hours,you may file a petition. A limited number of these students will be selected for admission each quarter.

If you transfer into the school,you must be enrolled for one academic year (three consecutive quarters) or the final 48 hours of credit earned to graduate from the program.

Bachelor's Degree in Telecommunications

General Requirements for All Majors

  1. Arts and humanitie
  2. . Twenty quarter hours,with at least eight hours of 300- to 400-level courses (or 200-level or above for language courses). Courses include Tier I freshman and junior composition with the balance of the hours chosen from art, art history, classical languages,comparative arts, dance, English, film, humanities, modern languages,music, philosophy, and theater.

  3. Social sciences
  4. . Twenty quarter hours, with at least eight hours of 300- to 400-level courses. Courses may be chosen from anthropology,classical archaeology, economics, history, international studies,management, marketing, political science, psychology, and sociology.

  5. Communication sciences
  6. . Twenty quarter hours,with at least eight hours of 300- to 400-level courses (or 200-level or above for language courses). Courses may be chosen from classical languages,computer science,communication systems management,hearing and speech sciences,interpersonal communication,journalism,linguistics,modern languages,and visual communication.

  7. Mathematics and/or natural sciences
  8. . Tier I quantitative skills plus five quarter hours chosen from astronomy,biological sciences,chemistry,geology,mathematics,physical science,physics,physical geography,and environmental and plant biology.

    University General Education Tier II,African American Studies,and University Professor courses can be used to fulfill general requirements. You must fulfill the Tier III requirement.

  9. Telecommunications.
  10. The following core courses are required of all majors:

    TCOM 170      Media Perspectives 4
    TCOM 200A     Telecomm. Writing and Production Planning 4
    TCOM 206      Professional Options in Telecommunications 4
    TCOM 367      World Broadcasting 4
    or TCOM 453    Telecommunications Law and Regulations

Sequence Requirements

All students, irrespective of major, must successfully complete TCOM 170,TCOM 200A,and TCOM 206 before they will be allowed to enroll in telecommunications courses above the 300 level. You must take at least 20 hours in telecommunications after transferring into a sequence.

Audio Production Sequence

Major code BC5336

This plan of study is aimed at providing skills in music recording,commercial production, audio drama and documentary, and experimental forms.

TCOM 200B   Audio Production 4
TCOM 308    Technical Bases of Telecommunications 4
TCOM 313    Field Audio Production 4
TCOM 331    Telecommunications Writing 4

TCOM 413    Studio Audio Production I 4
Telecommunications electives with approval of advisor, including at least eight hours of nonproduction classes 12

Corollary courses supporting program goals (from no more than two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level) 35

Suggested areas include music,hearing and speech sciences, business,film, computer science, electrical engineering, physics, and theater.

Management Sequence

Major code BC5312

This plan of study aims to provide an understanding of the management process in telecommunications and to develop managerial skills. The following courses are required:

TCOM 355   Broadcast and Cable Programming 4
TCOM 360   Telecommunications Mgt. 4
TCOM 459   Audience Research 4
TCOM 461   Telecommunications Financial Mgt. 4
TCOM 462    Broadcasting and Cable Sales Mgt. 4
            Telecommunications electives with advisor approval 12
            Corollary courses supporting program goals 35

ACCT 201,ECON 103,ECON 104,and MGT 200 or 300; 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level in business and/or organizational communication.

Media Studies Sequence

Major code BC5311

This plan of study offers students a broad exposure to telecommunications and an opportunity to develop specializations in a variety of areas. Possible areas of emphasis include: writing,international communication,corporate video,multi-media,political communication,and audience research. The program also provides for specialization outside the school. Program goals are developed jointly by student and advisor to provide adequate training in the specialization desired,and to ensure breadth of instruction in telecommunications. The following are required:

    TCOM courses supporting program goals 32
    Corollary courses supporting program goals (from no more than two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level) 35

Video Production Sequence

Major code BC5313

This plan of study is aimed at providing advanced skills in video production with special emphasis on the creative responsibilities of production and direction. The following courses are required:

TCOM 200C   Video Production I 4
TCOM 308    Technical Bases of Telecommunications 4
TCOM 317    TV Studio Operations 2
TCOM 318    Video Production II 4
TCOM 331    Telecommunications Writing 4
TCOM 418    Producing for Video 4
            Telecommunications electives with approval of advisor,including at least eight hours of nonproduction classes 10
            Corollary courses supporting program goals (from no more than two areas with at least 20 hours at the 300 to 400 level) 35
Suggested areas include art, theater, film, music, English, business,computer science, and visual communication.

Minor in Telecommunications

Minor code ORTCOM

The minor in telecommunications is available to students in all disciplines.

Required Core Courses (8 Hours)

TCOM 170    Media Perspectives 4
TCOM 200A   Telecomm. Writing and Production Planning 4

Elective Courses (20 hours)

Select 20 hours from:

TCOM 331,355,360,367,370,371,384,421,430,431,432,453,454,463,464,456,475,479,481,482

Up to 8 hours in equivalent courses from other institutions will be accepted,but you must take 20 hours in telecommunications at Ohio University to complete the minor.

Total Hours: 28


Majors are encouraged to undertake an internship in the spring or summer quarter of the junior year, or during the senior year. An internship provides eight hours of credit (four credits can apply to the major) for full-time work with an approved sponsor during an academic term. To qualify for an internship,completion of 128-176 credits with a minimum cumulative g.p.a. of 2.7 is required.

Other Requirements and Standards

No course selected to fulfill any requirement may be taken on a pass/fail basis by a telecommunications major.

No course may be counted toward more than one type of requirement. For example,a course used to meet a general requirement may not also be used to meet a sequence requirement.

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( August 24, 1998.

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