Center for International Studies

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Burson House

Josep Rota, Director

Ohio University established the Center for International Studies in 1964 to provide students and citizens of the United States and other countries with opportunities to obtain knowledge about peoples and cultures of the world, particularly Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and about related international concerns. This endeavor is founded on the broad belief that an appreciation of different values and institutions increases understanding between peoples, enriches the lives of individuals, better prepares them for work in a globalized environment, and assists all in forming opinions on issues that affect the growing world community.

The center coordinates teaching, research, publications activities, and community outreach through programs related to three world regions-Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America-and comparative and international topics. These programs assist in the development of courses, the expansion of library materials, and the education of globally literate citizens. They support visiting lecturers, film series, seminars, and colloquia throughout the year. The African Studies Program, in consortium with the African Studies Center at Ohio State University, has been designated a National Resource Center for African Studies by the U.S. Department of Education. More than 100 scholarly papers relating to Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America have appeared in the center's monograph series. An East Asia Committee also functions with some modest support from the center.

At the undergraduate level, an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with concentrations in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Europe is offered jointly by the center and the College of Arts and Sciences. The center also offers nonmajors a certificate in Asian, African, European, or Latin American Studies. (See complete description under the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.)

Study Abroad Information Center

The Study Abroad Information Center provides a reference library and advising on overseas study, work, internship, and volunteer opportunities. Ohio University is a member of the Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE), which provides study abroad opportunities in more than sixty countries throughout the world. The center also coordinates advising for the Ful-bright, National Security Education (NSEP), and Marshall Scholarship programs.

Phi Beta Delta

The Beta Iota chapter of Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society is headquartered at the center. Faculty, staff, and students with outstanding records of international scholarship and service are eligible for nomination.

Peace Corps

Another of the center's facilities is the Peace Corps Office, one of about 30 campus-based Peace Corps recruitment offices nationwide. Ohio University counts many returned Peace Corps volunteers among its faculty, staff, and student body.

Community Outreach

The center houses Ohio University's international community outreach arm, the Ohio Valley International Council (OVIC). OVIC provides opportunities for international students, faculty, staff, and former Peace Corps volunteers to interact with K-12 students, the regional campuses, and the community. OVIC houses a teacher resource center that supplies cultural artifacts and curriculum materials to area schools and community organizations. Students coming to Ohio University are encouraged to bring materials with which they can share their cultures.

International Cooperation

Ohio University maintains a proud tradition of international cooperation. Special educational projects are based in Malaysia, Taiwan, Southern Africa, Hungary, Mexico, Germany, Japan, and many other overseas sites. Numerous Ohio University faculty members offer courses with international focus and have studied and taught abroad. Returned Peace Corps volunteers and more than 1,200 international students from 100 countries enrich the cultural blend of Ohio University. Alden Library offers some of the best resources in the state regarding international topics and themes. Alden's materials include Ohio's largest collection on Africa and one of the best collections on Southeast Asia in the world. International periodicals, films, videos, and other media are also available. In addition, Ohio University is the official depository for government documents from Malaysia, Botswana, Swaziland, and Guatemala.

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( /98-99/colleges/cfis.htm) August 19, 1999.

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