2018 - 2019 Fall Semseter
MATH 2110 Introductory Geometry for Middle School Teachers (Barsamian)
Class Presentation Topics

Each of you will be called upon to do ten Class Presentations during the semester. After the first week of class, you will always receive your assignment at least a week before you have to make your presentation. The presentations will involve you presenting a basic example during lecture. The basic examples are always about new material that we will be covering in class that day. To prepare for these Class Presentations, you will need to read the textbook and study its examples. If you are confused about your Class Presentation Assignment, you are welcome to come to my office hours to discuss it. However, before coming to me for help, you need to be sure and read the book and study its examples, and do some work on the assignment. I will not discuss your assignment with you if you have not studied the book. Each assignment is worth 10 points, with the points given according to the usual 90,80,70,60 scale. Please note that the Class Presentation assignments cannot be made-up in the case of absence, even excused absence, because they involve participation in a class discussion.

The daily assignments are listed below.

Wed Aug 29 (Meeting Number 2) Section 1.2

Fri Aug 31 (Meeting Number 3) Section 2.1

Wed Sep 5 (Meeting Number 4) Section 2.2

Fri Sep 7 (Meeting Number 5) Section 2.3

(Draw your solutions on paper, using big, clear illustrations. In class, we'll project them using the document camera.)

Mon Sep 10 (Meeting Number 6) Section 2.4

Wed Sep 12 (Meeting Number 7) Section 2.5

(I'll have you present your conversions on the chalkboard.)

Mon Sep 17 (Meeting Number 9) Section 3.1 Area

Wed Sep 19 (Meeting Number 10) Section 3.2 More Area Formulas

(I'll have you present your conversions on the chalkboard.)

Fri Sep 21 (Meeting Number 11) Section 3.3 The Pythagorean Theorem and Right Triangles

Problems about Regular Hexagons
(Present your work on the chalkboard.)

Problems about Equilateral Triangles
(Present your work on the chalkboard.)

Problems about Regular Octagons
(Present your work on the chalkboard.)

Mon Sep 24 (Meeting Number 12) Section 3.4 Surface Area

Surface area of prism and pyramid with same base.

Surface area of right pyramids, one with given slant height and one with given height.

Surface area of right circular cones, one with given slant height and one with given height.

Surface area of sphere

Wed Sep 26 (Meeting Number 13) Section 3.5 Volume

Problems involving volumes of cones and pyramids

Problems about involving the volume of a hollow shape.

Problems involving Unit Conversions.

Problems involving Scaling.

Fri Sep 28 (Meeting Number 14) Section 4.1 Reasoning and Proof in Geometry

Problems about the truth of conditional statements and their converses.

Mon Oct 1 (Meeting Number 15) Section 4.2 Triangle Congruence Relations

Wed Oct 3 (Meeting Number 16) Section 4.3 Problem Solving Using Triangle Congruence

Mon Oct 8 (Meeting Number 17) Section 4.3 Problem Solving Using Triangle Congruence

Wed Oct 10 (Meeting Number 18) Caught up on Presentation Assignments

Fri Oct 12 (Meeting Number 19) Exam 2 Covering Chapters 3 - 4 (except 4.4)

Mon Oct 15 (Meeting Number 20) Started Section 5.1. No Presentation Assignments

Wed Oct 17 (Meeting Number 21) Section 5.1 and 5.2

Do your work on paper, large and clear, ready to project using the document camera.

Fri Oct 19 (Meeting Number 22) Section 5.3 Parallelograms and Rhombuses

Mon Oct 22 (Meeting Number 23) Section 5.4 Rectangles, Squares, and Trapezoids

First six students: I would like you to do a translation exercise. (You don't have to actually prove anything!) Each of the exercises 5.4 # 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 says to prove some statement. But the statements are worded in a way that is not so helpful for setting up a proof. It would be more helpful if the statements were worded as conditional statements. For each of the five exercises, I want one of yoou to translate the statement to be proven into a new statement that is a conditional statement, "If P then Q." For starters, you can look at the book's presentationm of Theorem 5.27, on page 271. That will actually give you one of the translations that you need. But beware: some of the five exercises that I have assigned to you are worded in a way that is misleading, that makes the translation tricky. (That's why I assigned this as a Class Presentation.) (Each of you: Write both the original statement and your translation clearly on a page ready to project using the document camera.)

Problem Involving Variables and Solving Equations

(page maintained by Mark Barsamian, last updated Aug 21, 2019 )