College of Business

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Copeland Hall

Glenn Corlett, Dean
Dan Innis, Associate Dean
Michael Bila, Assistant Dean, Office of Student Services

The College of Business seeks to prepare men and women for professional careers in business, government, and nonprofit organizations. Consistent with its mission, the college provides a base of liberal education needed by all educated persons in our society, business oriented instruction in professional fields, and a close association with other colleges to promote knowledge and understanding from a variety of sources.

Business instruction and research revolve around three themes: preparing the manager for a variety of business activities; developing analytical skills; and fostering a critical awareness of the social, political, and economic environment in which decisions are made.

The academic departments offer major fields of study in accounting, business law, finance, general business, human resource management, international business, management, management information systems, marketing, operations, and business entrepreneurship. A major in business economics is also available.

The College of Business has been an accredited member of the AACSB - The International Association of Management Education since 1950.

Advisory Committees

The Executive Advisory Board of the College of Business, the formal external arm of the college, serves as a representative of the business community at large. The board is a group of professionals, managers, and executives who review and advise the college on activities necessary to accomplish college missions from the perspective of the business community. The board meets with the dean, faculty, and students twice a year to give advice on college programs. Members are often on campus to speak to student organizations or classes and to participate in special college programs. The board is extremely helpful to the college's continuing efforts to maintain excellence in education for future business leaders.

The Society of Alumni and Friends of the College of Business, made up of graduates, friends, and former students of the college, functions as the alumni relations arm of the college. Since 1982 this society has provided innovative and meaningful alumni involvement in sponsorship, planning and support, alumni awards, recruitment, etc. The 12-member board of directors of the society formally meets on the Athens campus twice a year and initiates yearly alumni receptions in many other cities.

Honorary and Professional Organizations

The College of Business seeks to improve the quality of its programs and provide educational development opportunities for its students through its honorary and professional organizations.

Beta Gamma Sigma, the national scholarship society founded in 1913 to encourage and reward scholarship and accomplishment among students of business administration, has an active chapter at Ohio University. Beta Alpha Psi is a national accounting honorary that elects its members on the basis of scholastic achievement in accountancy courses.

Students also are encouraged to participate in student professional organizations, including Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity; Alpha Upsilon chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, a professional business fraternity; Phi Alpha Delta, a national prelaw fraternity; Phi Gamma Nu, a professional business fraternity; Gamma Iota Sigma, an insurance fraternity; the Accounting Club; the American Marketing Association; the Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs; the Association of Information Technology Professionals; the Black Students Business Caucus; the Financial Management Society; the International Business Society; the Management Science Society; the Society for Advancement of Management; the Society for Human Resource Management; and the M.B.A. Student Association.

Internship Program

The College of Business offers an internship program to assist students in securing practical experience during their college career. In today's job market, recent graduates are expected to have job-related experience. Internships are available for all College of Business majors, and undergraduates can earn academic credit for career-related job experience. Multiple internships are encouraged.

The Career Resources Office of the College of Business encourages organizations to interview students on campus and frequently refers resumes to interested employers. Internship sponsors come from all different kinds of companies of all sizes. Previous sponsors include Andersen Consulting, Arthur Andersen, Ernst & Young LLP, J.C. Penney, KPMG Peat Marwick LLP, Lancaster Fairfield Hospital, Nationwide Insurance, Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP, Cleveland Cavaliers, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Lynch, Anselmo, Ott & Co., Merrill Lynch, Nation City Corp, Philip Morris, Toyota Motor Corporation, Honda, and many others. In addition, the College hosts an Internship Fair each year. There have been a growing number of companies expressing interest in our students and attending the fair.

Students and employers are encouraged to contact Angela Anderson, Director of Employer Services, at 740-593-2009 or for more information.

Education Abroad

The Center for International Business Education and Development offers study-abroad opportunities for students in the College of Business. The Global Competitiveness Program offers several opportunities during the first summer session in 2000, including locations in Germany, Hungary, Spain, France, and Great Britain. Students in these programs earn 16 credit hours from various courses in business. Highlights include consulting projects with area firms and the opportunity to experience local cultures.

Another program offered by the Center for International Business Education and Development during first summer session each year is the London Program. Students in this program earn 8 credit hours. This program is open to students across the University.

Future opportunities being explored include additional summer experience destinations and a winter-break study tour to Mexico or South America.

For more information, contact the director, Center for International Business Education and Development, Copeland Hall 514C, telephone 740-593-2021, fax 740-593-1388. e-mail

You may receive credit for other overseas programs offered by Ohio University or other U.S. colleges after making arrangements with your advisor and the college's Office of Student Services.

International Exchange Programs The College of Business has exchange programs with Amsterdam School of Business, the Netherlands; University of Limburg, Belgium; Sup de Co Rennes, France; Sup de Co Clermont, France; Helsinki School of Economics, Finland; University of Vaasa, Finland; Asturias Business School, Spain; and Kiel University, Germany. Students at the junior and senior level may spend a semester or a year (two semesters) at one of these schools and receive credit for core and elective business courses in the Ohio University curriculum.

Language requirements vary, as many courses are taught in English.

Tuition is paid directly to Ohio University at current rates. You pay your own living costs (travel, room, board, books, insurance, personal needs, etc.).

For more information, contact the director, Center for International Business Education and Development, Copeland Hall 514C, telephone 740-593-2021, fax 740-593-1388.

For additional information about education abroad, refer to "Office of Education Abroad" in the "University-Wide Academic Opportunities" section.

Global Learning Community

For information about the Global Learning Community, refer to "Global Learning Community Certificate Program" in the "University-Wide Academic Opportunities" section.

Enrollment Policies

Freshman Policy

Freshmen will be admitted into the college on a selective basis. Normally, you will need to be in the top 20 percent of your high school class with a strong college preparatory curriculum. You are expected to have above-average ACT or SAT scores, and also have demonstrated leadership potential through participation in extracurricular activities or work experience. Members of groups that are historically underrepresented in business will receive special consideration.

Transfer Policy

A limited number of students from other colleges within Ohio University and from other institutions of higher education will be permitted to transfer to the College of Business. Applications for transfer are available from the college.

Any student considering transfer to the college is strongly encouraged to contact the college's Office of Student Services as early as possible. You must be enrolled in the college before your senior year to allow for the college's 48-hour residency requirement. You must earn at least 50 percent of the business credit hours required for the business degree at Ohio University.

There are two conditions under which you can be considered for transfer into the college. One condition is that you have completed INCO 103, ECON 103, ECON 104, MATH 163A, and ENG 151, 152, or 153, or equivalent courses, and have an accumulative g.p.a. of 3.0 or higher. The second condition is that you have an overall 2.75 g.p.a. and a 3.0 g.p.a. or better in the five courses listed above.

You cannot be guaranteed admission even though you meet the above criteria. The college admissions committee will admit transfer students up to the college's enrollment ceiling. Students judged to have the highest probability of success will be admitted. Members of groups that are historically underrepresented in business will receive special consideration.

Applications for transfer into the college will be accepted each spring quarter. The college admissions committee reviews applications once per year at the close of spring quarter. Successful applicants will be admitted to the college during the summer quarter. Application information may be obtained from the Office of Student Services at 214 Copeland Hall.

To transfer from another University, submit the standard documents required by the Office of Admissions, as well as the application for the College of Business. You will be notified as early as possible of the admission decision.

Freshman Drop Policy, Academic Probation, and Dismissal

In addition to the University regulations listed in the Academic Policies and Procedures section, the college has established probation and drop regulations.

Freshman Drop Policy

Any freshman admitted to the College of Business on the Athens campus during the fall quarter who has earned less than a 2.5 accumulative g.p.a. after his or her first three academic quarters will be dropped from the College of Business.

Grades will be reviewed at the end of spring quarter. Freshmen with an accumulative g.p.a. that is less than 2.5 at that time will have a "hold" put on their academic records, making them unable to register for future classes until they transfer out of the College of Business and into another Ohio University college for which they are eligible.

Students should realize that if they are dropped from the College of Business, the prospect of transferring back into the College is unlikely. This is due to the high level of interest and the limited number of positions available to transfer students.

College Probation and Dismissal

At the close of a quarter in which your accumulative g.p.a. falls below a 2.2, you will be placed on college probation. You will remain on college probation until your accumulative g.p.a. is above 2.2, but for no longer than two quarters. If you have not raised your accumulative g.p.a. to at least 2.2 after two quarters of college probation, you will be dismissed from the College of Business. If you are dismissed from the College of Business with a g.p.a. based on these college probation standards, but do not qualify for academic dismissal under the University standards, you may be able to transfer into another college within Ohio University. At that time the Ohio University standards for University-level academic probation and dismissal will apply.

It is important to be aware that the academic standards for the College of Business are at a higher level than the academic standards for Ohio University. Please familiarize yourself with the University policy for academic probation and dismissal, which can be found in the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog.

Retaking a Core Course

You will be limited to three attempts at the college's core courses. If you have made three unsuccessful attempts at a required core course, you will be notified that you have been dropped from the college.

To attempt a course is to be enrolled long enough for the course to appear on the transcript or grade report. A letter grade, W, WP, WF, or grade replacement counts as an attempt. Attempts at another institution count toward the limit if you take the course as a transient student after enrollment in the College of Business.

Core courses include ACCT 101 and 102; BA 100A, 100B, and 370; BUSL 255; FIN 325; MGT 202; MIS 201 and 202; MKT 202; OPN 310; PRCM 202, and 325J; and QBA 201.

BUSL 255, MGT 202, MIS 202, MKT 202, and PRCM 202 may be taken in a 18-credit-hour cluster during your sophomore year (see recommended course sequence) or you may take these courses on a stand-alone basis. If these courses are taken on a stand-alone basis, then you must take BA 370, FIN 325, OPN 310, and PRCM 325J in the cluster format. Depending on the course or courses involved, students failing one course in a cluster may be required to retake the course in its stand-alone form, and students failing more than one course in a cluster may be required to retake the entire cluster.

BA 370, FIN 325, OPN 310, and PRCM 325J are offered in a 16-hour cluster at the junior senior level (see recommended course sequence). you may take these courses on a stand-alone basis. If these courses are taken on a stand-alone basis, then you must take BUSL 255, MGT 202, MIS202, MKT 202, and PRCM 202 in the cluster format. Students failing a course in a junior-level cluster must obtain permission to be allowed to repeat the course. Students failing multiple courses in a cluster may be required to retake the entire cluster.

If you need to retake a core course that is part of a cluster, go to the Office of Student Services to determine what needs to be done and obtain permission to get into the appropriate classes.


College of Business students may choose to complete a minor offered by another area within the University.

Students who are not enrolled in the College of Business may complete a business minor. Requirements for the minor are listed at the end of the business curricula.

Due to accreditation standards, students outside the college are allowed to complete only 44 hours of courses in the business curriculum.

Preparation for Law School

If you are in the College of Business and plan to enter law school, you should follow the B.B.A. degree curriculum and also select, with the approval of your advisor, courses in other fields, especially American government, American and English history, English, philosophy, interpersonal communication, and additional theory courses in the College of Arts and Sciences, except those that substantially duplicate material found in the typical law school curriculum.

The Ohio Supreme Court's regulations governing the admission to the practice of law in Ohio require that, as a student entering law school, you be able to show possession of an undergraduate degree from an approved college if you wish to take the Ohio Bar Examination. However, the court provides for one possible exception - if you have earned, subsequent to graduation from law school, a bachelor's degree through completion of courses and credits other than those received in law school, and have a record of academic achievement that is satisfactory to the Ohio Supreme Court, you may be permitted to apply for admission to the practice of law in Ohio. Law schools in the state of Ohio have supplemented this Supreme Court rule by requiring an undergraduate degree of all entering students, regardless of the state in which they plan to take the bar examination.

A degree in absentia program is available for students who do not plan to take the Ohio Bar Examination and who do not plan to seek admission to an Ohio law school. If you desire to:

  1. Enter, at the end of three years of college work, a school of law located outside Ohio.

  2. Receive a B.B.A. from Ohio University after completing the first year in law school, you may do so provided you have obtained the written approval of the dean of the College of Business; you have completed a minimum of 144 quarter hours, including the required courses in the B.B.A. curriculum (BUSL 255 excluded), with a g.p.a. of 2.0 on all hours attempted; you have completed a full year's work in an accredited law school with an average equivalent to that prescribed for the bachelor's degree at Ohio University; and you are eligible for advancement without condition to the second year.

If there is any possibility that you might wish to take the Ohio Bar Examination, you are urged to obtain an undergraduate degree before entering law school.

Requirements for All B.B.A. Majors

As a candidate for the Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree, you must complete the University's General Education Requirements for graduation and fulfill a minimum of 192 quarter hours of credit with a g.p.a. of 2.2 for all hours attempted. You must also maintain a 2.2 g.p.a. for courses taken in business and economics, and a 2.2 g.p.a. for courses in your major. The College of Business limits transfer credit for required business courses taken at a lower level to such courses as it offers at that lower level. Other transfer credits accepted by the University are evaluated as either business or nonbusiness electives..

Courses included in the 192-hour minimum for the B.B.A. must be chosen so that at least 79 quarter hours are earned in areas of business and economics and at least 96 quarter hours are earned in non-business areas.


All B.B.A. candidates must complete a core of courses covering the tools of analysis and the operational fields of business plus the requirements for one of the following majors:

Accounting                     Human Resource Management

Business Economics             International Business

Business Prelaw                Management     

Finance                        Management Information Systems

General Business               Marketing

The business Prelaw, Business, and International Business majors require the completion of a second major. You can change your major or add a second major through the Office of Student Services.

Core Curriculum

The following courses are taken individually: ACT 101, 102; QBA 201; and MIS 201.

At the sophomore and junior level, business core courses are grouped into two clusters:

Business Context
BUSL 255, MGT 202, MIS 202, MKT 202, and PRCM 202

Introduction to Business Systems
FIN 325, OPN 310, BA 370, and PRCM 325J

All B.B.A. candidates are required to take these courses in their clustered form. You must take at least one of the two core clusters in the fully integrated format. Core cluster sections offered in this format are identified in each quarter's Schedule of Classes under the Business Cluster section.

Nonbusiness Requirements

You must complete the following nonbusiness courses:

Communications: 8 hours

ENG 151, 152, or 153       Freshman Composition       4 (1E)

INCO 103                   Public Speaking            4

Mathematics: 8 hours

MATH 163A                  Intro to Calculus          4 (2N)

MATH 250                   Intro to Probability       4

Performance Portfolio: 8 hours

Two of the following:

ART 112      Intro to Photography                              4

ART 113      Intro to Photography                              4

ART 116      Drawing I: Descriptive Process                    4

ART 117      Drawing II: Concepts, Space, and Time             4

ART 118      Drawing III: Process and Synthesis                4

DANCE        101A-103C, 201A-203A, 201B, 202B               varies

FILM 340     Film Techniques                                   4

FILM 341     Advanced Super-8 Prod.                            4

FILM 343     Scriptwriting                                     4

HSS 107      Voice and Articulation                            2

INCO 205     Group Discussion                                  4

INCO 206     Communication in Interpersonal Relationships      4

INCO 215     Argumentative Analysis                            4

INCO 304     Principles and Techniques of Interviewing         4

INCO 306     Interpersonal Conflict Management                 4

INCO 342     Comm. and Persuasion                              4

INCO 410     Cross-Cultural Commun.                            4

JOUR 133     Precision Language                                4

MUSIC        141A, 142A, 143A, 147A, 65A, 166A, 215A-361     2-4

ROTC 201     Basic Skills III                                  2

ROTC 202     Intro. to Leadership/Team Building                2

TCOM 110     Telecommunication Writing & Production Plan       4

TCOM 200B    Audio Production                                  4

TCOM200C     Video Production                                  4

THAR 113     Acting Fundamentals I                             4

THAR 213     Acting Fundamentals II                            4

Global Perspective: 12 hours

12 hours of a modern foreign language (211, 212, 213) or successful completion of a 16-hour Global Competitiveness Program experience as outlined under the "Study Abroad" section of the College of Business portion of this catalog (contact the COB Center for International Business at 740-593-2021 for more information about this option) or 12 hours of approved coursework from one or more departments focusing on a single geographic region from one of the following:


ANTH 385              Cult. of Southeast Asia            4

GEOG 338              Southeast Asia                     4

HIST 246              The Rise of Modern Asia            4 (2T)

HIST 344A             Hist. of the Malay World           4

HIST 344B             Hist. of Burma and Thailand        4

HIST 344C             Hist. of Vietnam                   4

HIST 345A             Southeast Asia to 1750             4 (2T)

HIST 345B             Southeast Asia 1750 to 1942        4 (2T)

HIST 345C             Southeast Asia 1942 to Present     4 (2T)

HIST 346C             Ancient China                      4 (2T)

HIST 346D             Imperial China 1200-1910           4 (2T)

HIST 346E             Modern China since 1911            4 (2T)

HIST 348A             Traditional Japan                  4

HIST 348B             Modern Japan                       4

HIST 449              Hist. of East Asia in Modern Times 4

INST 103              Modern Asia                        4 (2T)

JAPN 250              Japanese Lang. and Cult.           4 (2T)

PHIL 370              Hinduism                           4 (2T)

PHIL 371              Buddhism                           4 (2T)

PHIL 372              Islam                              4 (2T)

PHIL 374              Taoism                             5 (2T)

POLS 445              Govt. and Pol. of Japan            4

POLS 447A             Govt. and Politics
                      of Southeast Asia                  4


AAS 315               Literature of West Africa          4

AAS 316               Literature of South Africa         4

ANTH 381              Cultures of Sub-Saharan Africa     4

GEOG 331              Geography of Africa I              4

GEOG 332              Geography of Africa II             4

HIST 336A             North Africa in Modern Times       4

HIST 336B             North Africa Since 1914            4

HIST 338              History of West Africa             4

HIST 338A             History of East Africa             4

HIST 341A             Early Africa                       4 (2T)

HIST 341B             Traditional Africa                 4 (2T)

HIST 341C             Modern Africa                      4 (2T)

HIST 342A             South Africa to 1899               4

HIST 342B             South Africa Since 1899            4

HIST 343              Revolution in Southern Africa      4

INST 113              Modern Africa                      4 (2T)

POLS 441              Govt. and Pol. of Africa           4

POLS 464              Africa and the OAU                 3


ECON 353              European Economic Hist.            4

FR 348                French Civilization and Culture    4

GEOG 330              Geog. of Western Europe            4

HIST 364B             Contemporary Europe                4

HIST 366B             Modern France                      4

HIST 368B             Modern Germany                     4

HIST 372C             Balkans in the 20th Century        4

HIST 375	      World War I	                 4

HIST 382A	      History of Russia     	         4

HIST 382B	      Communist Revolution               4

HIST 382C	      Soviet Union	                 4

HIST 382D	      USSR in World War II	         4

HIST 392C	      20th Century England	         4

INST 118	      European Studies	                 4  (2C)

ITAL 348	      Italian Civilization and Culture   4
POLS 432	      Policy Making in Russia	         4

RUS 348	              The Cult. Hist. of Russia	         4

SPAN 348	      Spanish Civilization and Culture   4
SPAN 361	      Understanding Spoken Spanish	 4

Latin America

ANTH 383              Cultures of Latin America                    4

GEOG 335              Latin America                                4

HIST 323A             Latin American History: Colonial Era         4 (2T)

HIST 323B             Latin American History:19th Century          4 (2T)

HIST 323C             Latin American History: 20th Century         4 (2T)

HIST 325              Hist. of U.S.-Latin American Relations       4

HIST 426              Dictatorship in Latin  American History      4

INST 121              Interdisciplinary Survey of Latin America    4 (2T)

POLS 434              Govt. and Politics of Latin America          4

POLS 435              Revolution in Latin America                  4

SPAN 349              Spanish American  Civilization and Culture   4

SPAN 361              Understanding Spoken Spanish                 4

Middle East

ANTH 388              Cultures of the Middle East                4

HIST 332              History of Women in the Middle East        4

HIST 333              Oil, Energy, and International Diplomacy   4

HIST 334              The Arab-Israeli Dispute                   4

HIST 335A             Survey of Middle East  History to 1800     4 (2T)

HIST 335B             Survey of Middle East History Since 1800   4 (2T)

Breadth Cluster: 32 hours

One approved course from each of the following areas:

Ethical issues

BA 480               Ethics and Morality in Business    4

JOUR 412             Ethics, Mass Media, and Society    3

PHIL 130             Intro to Ethics                    4 (2H)

PHIL 231             Philosophy of Sport                4

PHIL 235             Business Ethics                    3

PHIL 330             Ethics                             5

PHIL 331             Moral Problems in Medicine         4

PHIL 332             Philosophy of Sex and Love         4

Diversity Issues

AAS 106              Intro to African  Amer. Studies                  4

AAS 150              Intro to Black Media                             5

AAS 220              Theories of African Amer. Social Development     4

AAS 250              Foundations of African  Amer. Arts and Culture   4 (2H)

AAS 341              African Amer. Personality                        4

AAS 345              The Black Woman                                  4

AAS 350              African Amer. Arts  and Artists                  4 (2H)

AAS 352              Blacks in Contemporary  Amer. Cinema             4 (2H)

AAS 482              The Black Family                                 5

ANTH 345             Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective             4

HIST 302             American Indians                                 4

HIST 313             Jews in American History                         4

HIST 315B            Hist. of African Americans Since 1865            4 (2S)

HIST 320B            Women in Amer. Hist.  Since 1877                 4

HLTH 427             Health of Women                                  4

INCO 420             Gender and Communication                         4

POLS 306             Politics of Appalachia                           5

POLS 319             Gay and Lesbian Politics                         4

POLS 323             Black Politics in the U.S.                       4

POLS 420             Women, Law, and Politics                         4

POLS 478             Feminist Political Theory and Movements          5

SOC 309              Sociology of Appalachia                          4

WS 100               Intro to Women's Studies                         4 (2H)

WS 200               Issues in Feminism                               4


If your major is accounting, management information systems, management, human resource management, business law, general business, international business, entrepreneurship, or business economics, take any 300- or 400-level economics course except ECON 300, 307, or 381. If your major is finance or marketing, take ECON 305.

Environmental/technical issues

BA 465              Technology and the Environment                      4

BIOS 220            Conservation in Biodiversity                        4 (2A)

EH 260              Intro to Environmental Health and Safety

EH 275              Environ. and Occupational Health and Safety Regs.   4

ET 280              Eng. and Tech. Overview                             4 (2A)

ET 320              Hist. of Western Tech.                              3 (2A)

ET 325              Pollution Solutions I                               3

ET 326              Pollution Solutions II                              3

ET 334              Water Pollution Control                             3

ET 337              Transportation Today                                3

ET 350              Engineering and the Technological Society           3 (2A)

ET 470              Energy and the Environ.                             3 (2A)

GEOG 201            Environmental Geog.                                 4 (2A)

GEOG 241            Global Issues in Environmental Geog.                4

GEOL 215            Environmental Geology                               4 (2A)

GEOL 231            Water and Pollution                                 4 (2A)

HIST 306            Amer. Environmental Hist.                           4

IT 110              Intro to Manufacturing Processes                    4 (2A)

POLS 425            Env. and Nat. Resource Politics and Policy          4

TCOM 105            Intro to Mass Commun.                               4 (2S)

Jour 105            Intro to Mass Commun.                               4 (2S)

Behavioral sciences

ANTH 101            Intro to Cultural Anthro.        5 (2T)

PSY 101             General Psychology               5

PSY 201             Sensation and Perception         4 (2S)

PSY 203             Learning                         4

PSY 231             Psychology of Adjustment         4

PSY 233             Psychology of Personality        4

PSY 261             Survey of Industrial and
                    Organizational Psych.            4

PSY 273             Child and Adolescent
                    Psychology 4

PSY 275             Educational Psychology           4

PSY 336             Social Psychology                4

SOC 101             Intro to Sociology               5 (2S)

SOC 201             Contemp. Social Problems         4 (2S)

SOC 210             Intro to Social Psychology       4

SOC 211             Collective Behavior              4

SOC 220             Intro to the Family              4

Political/legal/social issues

AAS 202             African American Hist. II
                    1865 to Present                  4 (2S)

AAS 254             History of Injustice
                    in the U.S.                      5

AAS 360             Black Politics in the U.S.       4

AAS 364             Comp. Study of Injustice         4

AAS 368             Black Political Thought          4

AAS 370             Urban Violence                   4

AAS 430             Social Theories of
                    Underdevelopment                 4

BUSL: any course except 255 and course used to satisfy major or other requirements

ECON 213            Current Econ. Problems           4

ECON 315            Economics of Health Care         4

ECON 316            Economics and the Law            4

GEOG 121            Human Geography                  4 (2S)

GEOG 131            World Regional Geog.:
                    Third World                      4 (2T)

GEOG 132            World Regional Geog.:
                    Industrial World                 4 (2S)

GEOG 220            Economic Geography               4 (2S)

HIST 101, 102,
or 103              Western Civilization
                    in Modern Times                  4

HIST 121, 122,
or 123              Western Heritage                 4

HIST 131            Intro to Non-Western Hist.       4

HIST 211, 212,
or 213              American History                 4

POCO 201            Intro to Potical
                    Communication                    3

POLS: any course except 306, 319, 323, 420, 425, 428

SOC 223 American Society 4 (2S) SOC 230 Sociology of Poverty 4 SOC 231 Sociology of Health and Health Care 4 SOC 240 The Future of Society 4 SW 101 Intro to Social Welfare and Social Work 3 (2S)


AAS 110             Intro to African Amer. Lit.      4 (2H)

AAS 210             African American Lit. I          4 (2H)

AAS 211             African American Lit. II         4 (2H)

AAS 310             Contemporary
                    African Amer. Lit.               4

AAS 311             African Amer. Lit.:
                    Special Topics                   4

AAS 315             Literature of West Africa        4

AAS 411             Literature Seminar               4

CLAS 234            Classical Mythology              4 (2H)

CLAS 235, 236,
or 237              Classics in Translation          4 (2H)

CLAS 301            Love in Antiquity                4

CLAS 312            Greek Tragedy                    4

CLAS 313            Greek Sophists
                    and Orators                      4

ENG 200             Intro to Literature              4 (2H)

ENG 201             Crit. Approaches
                    to Fiction                       4

ENG 202             Crit. Approaches
                    to Poetry                        4
ENG 203             Interpretation of Drama          4 (2H)

ENG 204, 205,
or 206              Intro to International Lit.      4 (2H)

ENG 327             African American Fiction         4

ENG 328             African American Poetry          4

ENG 329             African American Drama           4

ENG 331, 332,
or 333              Studies in Asian Lit.            4 (2T)

ENG 341             American Literature              4

ENG 342             Eng. and Continental Lit.        4

FL: any course
HUM: any course

Physical sciences

ANTH 201            Intro to Biological Anthro.      5 (2N)

ASTR 100            Survey of Astronomy              4 (2N)

ASTR 100D           Moons and Planets:
                    The Solar System                 4 (2N)

BIOS: any course

BIOL 101            Principles of Biology            5

CHEM: any course except 115

ET 331 Fluid Dynamics for Nonengineers 3 GEOG 101 Physical Geography 5 (2N) GEOL 101 Intro to Geology 5 (2N) GEOL 120 The Mobile Earth 4 (2N) GEOL 211 Intro to Oceanography 4 (2N) GEOL 221 Earth and Life History 4 (2N) PBIO 102 Plant Biology 5 (2N) PBIO 321 Agricultural Plant Ecology 4 PBIO 425 Plant Ecology 5 PHYS 201 Intro to Physics 5 (2N) PHYS 251 General Physics 5 (2N) PSC 101 Physical World 4 (2N) PSC 105 Color, Light, and Sound 4 (2N)

Recommended Course Sequence


BA 100A             Intro to Coll. of Business I     1

BA 100B             Intro to Coll. of Business II    1

ECON 103            Prin. of Microeconomics          4

ECON 104            Prin. of Macroeconomics          4

ENG 151, 152,
or 153              Freshman Composition             5

INCO 103            Public Speaking                  4

MATH 163A           Intro to Calculus                4

MATH 250            Intro to Probability             4

Approved electives (nonbusiness requirements)       21

Note: see Freshman Drop Policy, page 113


ACCT 101            Financial Accounting             4 

ACCT 102            Managerial Accounting            4

MIS 201             Intro to Microcomputers          3

QBA 201             Intro to Statistics              4

Business Context Cluster

BUSL 255         Business Law                        4

MGT 202          Management                          4

MIS 202          Business Info. Systems              4

MKT 202          Marketing Principles                4

PRCM 202         Intro to Prof. Comm. II             1

Approved electives (nonbusiness requirements)       19


Introduction to Business Systems Cluster

BA 370      Administrative Policy I      4

FIN 325     Managerial Finance I         4

OPN 310A    Principles of Operations I   4

PRCM 325J   Prof. Communication I        4

Major courses and approved electives    32


Major courses and remaining electives 48

At least one core cluster must be taken in the fully integrated format. Students choosing to take only one cluster will take the courses in the remaining cluster on a stand-alone basis. See each quarter's Schedule of Classes in the Business Cluster Section.

Accounting Major
Major code BB6121

The mission of the School of Accountancy is to prepare bright men and women for successful careers in the accounting profession. We provide a superior education with competent professors who challenge their students to excel and who support their students' professional aspirations.

Students who perform well in the undergraduate program can earn the M.S. in Accountancy, in addition to the B.B.A., by completing a fifth year of study as a graduate student. Additional information about this program is available from the Graduate Catalog or by contacting the School of Accountancy.

Program Requirements

Accounting majors must complete the college's business core curriculum, professional performance portfolio, global perspective requirements, and the breadth cluster of courses. The major consists of seven required accounting courses. Timely enrollment in the major courses is essential to completion of the degree within four years. These courses are listed below. To continue as an accounting major, you must achieve at least a 2.33 g.p.a. in ACCT 303, 304, and 310.

Major courses required of all accounting majors

ACCT 317             Federal Income Taxes                      4

ACCT 303, 304, 305   Inter. Accounting                        12

ACCT 310             Cost Accounting                           4

ACCT 345             Accounting Systems and Internal Control   4

ACCT 451             Auditing Principles                       4

Recommended Course Sequence


Fall quarter
BA 100A              Intro to the Coll. of Bus.             1

ECON 103             Prin. of Microeconomics                4

INCO 103             Fundamentals of Public Speaking        4

MATH 163A            Intro to Calculus                      4

Breadth/performance/global                                  4

Winter quarter

BA 100B         Intro to the Coll. of Bus.   1

ACCT 101        Financial Accounting         4

ECON 104        Prin. of Macroeconomics      4

MATH 250        Intro to Prob. and Stats.    4

Breadth/performance/global                   4

Spring quarter

ACCT 102        Managerial Accounting        4

ENG 15x         Freshman Composition         5

Breadth/performance/global                   8

Sophomore Fall quarter

QBA 201         Intro to Business Statistics   4

ACCT 303        Intermediate Acct. I           4

Breadth/performance/global                     8

Winter quarter

ACCT 304        Intermediate Acct. II          4

MIS 201         Intro to Microcomputers        3

Breadth/performance/global                     8

Spring quarter

ACCT 305        Intermediate Acct. III         4

Business context cluster                      12
Fall quarter
ACCT 310        Cost Accounting                4

Elective                                       4

Breadth/performance/global                     8

Winter quarter

Business systems cluster                      16

Spring quarter

ACCT 317        Federal Income Taxes           4

ACCT 345        Internal Control               4

Breadth/performance/global                     8

Fall quarter

ACCT 451        Auditing Principles            4

Electives                                      8

Breadth/performance/global                     4

Winter quarter

Electives (or Internship)                     12

Spring quarter

Electives                                     12

Tier III course                                4

Junior transfers to the accounting major should follow this course sequence assuming they have completed sophomore level business courses:

Junior Transfer
Fall quarter

ACCT 303        Intermediate Acct I            4

ACCT 310        Cost Accounting                4

Winter quarter

ACCT 304        Intermediate Acct. II          4

Spring quarter

ACCT 305        Intermediate Act. III          4

ACCT 345        Internal Control               4

Senior Transfer
Fall quarter ACCT 451 Auditing Principles 4 Can elect 340 4 Winter quarter Junior Cluster 16 Spring quarter ACCT 317 Federal Income Taxes 4

Not all accounting courses are offered every quarter. Check with your advisor or the School of Accountancy to make sure you can take courses when you plan.

Business Economics Major
Major code BB6124

The B.B.A. business economics major, designed to provide a broad business background, is intended for those who plan careers in business and economic research for both private firms and government, in banking, and in marketing analysis. It also is an important component for business management, law, operations, and financial analysis.

In addition to completing the B.B.A. core requirements, you must complete at least 20 additional hours of economics including ECON 304 and 384. ECON 380 and 381 cannot be counted toward this requirement. No economics course can be counted toward both nonbusiness and major requirements.

Business Prelaw Major
Major code BB6120

While law schools do not prescribe any rigid undergraduate curriculum, a substantial number of prelaw students choose one of the business fields of study as their major for the baccalaureate degree. You may wish to combine the business prelaw major with one of the other majors in the College of Business if the profession of law is your ultimate career goal.

The business prelaw major recognizes the business and economic emphasis of the practice of law and also provides the breadth of training and philosophical background that is conducive to success in law school.

You must complete the requirements for the business prelaw major in conjunction with the requirements for one of the other business majors, which include accounting, business economics, finance, general business, human resource management, management, management information systems, marketing, and operations. In addition to following the requirements of one of the other majors in the College of Business, you must complete 16 hours at the 300-400 level, including BUSL 356 and four additional hours in business law beyond 356, with the approval of your advisor. Another eight hours should be selected from the following: ACCT 217 Introduction to Taxation, ACCT 317 Federal Income Taxes, ECON 430 Public Finance, HRM 425 Labor Relations, POLS 401 and 402 Constitutional Law, POLS 409 Law Enforcement, POLS 304 State Politics, POLS 374 Great Jurists, POLS 413 Administrative Law, FIN 331 Insurance, and FIN 341 Investments. (You may request from your advisor written permission to substitute a course different from those listed above.) With your advisors approval, you should elect additional courses in nonbusiness fields, especially American government, American and English history, English, philosophy, interpersonal communication, and in such business fields as finance.

The law faculty in the College of Business is prepared to assist prelaw students in a number of ways:

  1. Several faculty members give extensive time to counseling students regarding selection of courses, the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), law school application procedures, and other matters of importance to prelegal education.

  2. LSAT and Law School Data Assembly Service (LSDAS) information is available from the prelaw advisor.

  3. The department maintains ties with the Criminal Justice Program administered by University College.

  4. The department maintains ties with faculty and staff at various law schools in the country.

Finance Major
Major code BB6125

The finance major prepares students for the dynamic environment of corporate finance and financial services. Coursework is available in the fields of financial management (both national and international), commercial banking, financial institutions, security markets, and risk and insurance.

Upon graduation, finance majors typically obtain direct entry-level positions in such areas as banking, insurance, government services, or in an array of industries that employ financial analysts, decision makers, financial strategists, budgeting officers, and planners.

In addition to the B.B.A. core requirements, you must complete 24 hours of finance courses at the 300 and 400 level, including FIN 327, 341, and 461.

Note: Finance majors are advised to take the courses in the "Introduction to Business Sytems" cluster on a stand-alone basis. This requires that the "Business Context Cluster" be taken in the fully integrated format.

General Business Major
Major code BB6122

The general business major prepares professionals on a broad basis for business careers. Five upper-level courses are required from the following areas: accounting, quantitative business analysis, management, management information systems, business law, finance, marketing, operations, business administration, and economics (course selection restricted to ECON 303, 304, 320, 332, 360, or 430). Each course will be in a different functional area or discipline. This major is of special interest if you have a generalized view of business and do not possess strong interests in any one concentration.

Upon graduation, general business majors enter what may be the broadest area of positions of any major within the College of Business. Recent graduates have entered such fields as sales, banking, government services, personnel, advertising, small business entrepreneurship, production, and insurance.

Human Resource Management Major
Major code BB6130

The demand for human resource professionals as strategic partners on the management teams of organizations is growing rapidly.

The human resource management major provides an educational background for those with a career interest in human resource management. The major provides basic preparation for entry-level positions in human resource management and the educational background that supports career advancement in this area. It also prepares you for a variety of positions in which knowledge of human resource management is critical to success.

In addition to the B.B.A. requirements, you must complete MGT 340 Organizational Behavior-Micro Perspective; HRM 320 Human Resource Management; HRM 426 Legal and Compliance Issues in Human Resource Management;HRM 428 Employee Relations, Safety, and Health; HRM 430 Compensation Management; HRM 440 Human Resource Training, Development, and Research; HRM 450 Recruitment, Selection, and Appraisal; HRM 455 International Human Resource Management; and HRM 460 Human Resource Policy, Planning, and Information Systems.

HRM 460 may not be taken concurrently with HRM 426, 428, 430, 440, or 450. Therefore, it is important to take MGT 202 during your sophomore year and HRM 320 the second quarter of your junior year. HRM 426 will be offered in spring quarter only, and should be taken in your junior year.

HRM 426, 428, 430, 440, 450, and 460 are offered only once a year. If you fail to take one of those courses during the year, you must wait to take it the following year. You must complete HRM 426, 428, 430, 440 and 450 before taking HRM 460.

With the help of your advisor, you are expected to select electives relevant to your career preparation. A sample of recommended electives: ACCT 310 Cost Accounting, ECON 320 Labor Economics, ECON 321 Labor Legislation, ISE 422 Seminar in Occupational Safety and Health, INCO 404 Principles and Techniques of Interviewing, PSY 101 General Psychology, PSY 241 Behavioral Measurement, and PSY 261 Industrial Psychology.

You may want to join the Ohio University student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the professional association for human resource management practitioners. The student chapter regularly brings in human resource managers as speakers; plans field trips; works closely with the sponsoring professional chapter, Lancaster Area SHRM; and provides many opportunities for you to get involved in human resource management activities.

International Business Major
Major code BB6132

To major in international business, you must complete the major requirements in conjunction with any business major except general business or business prelaw. A total of 28 credit hours should combine courses from the following list:

(a) GEOG 121 Human Geography

(b) BA 385 Multinational Business

(c) MGT 484 International Comparative Management

(d) FIN 455 International Finance

(e) MKT 441 International Marketing

(f) ECON 340 International Trade

(g) one four-hour course from Tier II Third World Cultures or any foreign language except Latin or Greek at the intermediate level (211).

If the required courses are not offered in a given year, you may substitute any of the following: ECON 341 International Monetary Systems (preferred substitute for FIN 455); ECON 342 International Economic Policy (preferred substitute for BA 385), BUSL 385 International Law or POLS 456 International Organization, GEOG 321 Population Geography, and INCO 410 Cross-Cultural Communication. These courses may be used as a substitute for any missing course upon consultation with your advisor.

Management and Strategic Leadership Major
Major code BB6126

Today's dynamic and highly competitive businesses require energetic and capable leaders who can add value and create high performance at all levels of enterprise responsibility. The major in Management and Strategic Leadership is designed to create the foundations of knowledge and personal capability requisite to life-long professional learning and career-long success in business leadership.

Success in strategic business leadership requires a broad base of conceptual knowledge, personal skills and competencies, and technological literacy. The required courses ensure a variety of rich developmental experiences that can include community service learning, individual leadership and emotional intelligence assessments, case analyses, research projects, team-based active learning projects, and guest speakers, in addition to traditional classroom lectures and discussions. The major places a strong emphasis on written and oral communications skills, teamwork, and personal initiative. Extensive readings, research activities, and short and long writing assignments are used to integrate learning and enhance the professional experience.

The following course requirements for the major address with rigor and a strong commitment to practical application the foundations of leadership in the business contextÑconceptual knowledge, personal skills and competencies, and technological literacy. The major in Management and Strategic Leadership requires six courses and 21 hours of study.

MGT 340   Organizational Behavior-Micro Perspective      4

MGT 350   Creativity and Innovation in Organizations     4

MGT 480   Business Organizations-Change and Development  4

MGT 490   Strategic Business Leadership                  4

MGT 499   Strategic Business Leadership Portfolio        1

          MGT Elective                                   4
          To be selected with approval of the advisor from
          any 300-level or 400-level MGT prefix course

Students who would like to include a substantial portion of the Management and Strategic Leadership Major as a component in another program of study from within or outside the College of Business are encouraged to do so. Participation in this capacity requires that the prerequisite course, MGT 202 Management, be completed with a grade of C or better. It is strongly encouraged that such participation include the four core courses of MGT 340, 350, 480, 490.

Majors in Management and Strategic Leadership within the Department of Management Systems will be required to successfully defend their personal Strategic Business Leadership Portfolios in order to graduate. This portfolio will be initiated in the prerequisite MGT 202 course and will be further developed in each of the required courses in the major. The portfolio will be reviewed annually with the student's major advisor. The final defense will be "Pass/Fail" and will be accomplished through participation in MGT 499, Strategic Business Leadership Portfolio.

Additional electives from course offerings in management within the Department of Management Systems are also available for those wishing to pursue further study. Students should also check the Department of Management Systems web site at to learn about available courses and any modifications in the major.

Management Information Systems Major

Major code BB6137

The management information systems (MIS) major is unique in its emphasis on applying computers to build information systems for business applications; the approach is applications oriented rather than technical. MIS majors are trained to assist with the rapidly progressing computerization of managerial functions and can expect to become expert managerial computer users or intermediaries between users and computer centers.

The hands-on emphasis of the program exposes you to a number of hardware and software solutions to common business problems. This training is designed to produce graduates who can quickly master computer technology so they will be able to adapt quickly to new technology and apply it to business problems as the software and hardware evolve. Being able to communicate with both management and computer specialists makes MIS graduates ideal candidates in organizations that make use of information systems and consulting companies.

In addition to the B.B.A. core curriculum, you must complete MIS 220, 225, 320, 325, 380, 420, and 485. One additional course must be completed from MIS 460, 430, 455, 480, or 491. Elective courses include MIS 230 and 235.

Marketing Major
Major code BB6127

Marketing is the lifeline of any organization. It links the organization with its customers and is vital not only to the survival of the organization but also to the maintenance of the free enterprise system. The marketing curriculum is designed to give you both broad knowledge and an opportunity to specialize. It prepares you to become a marketing professional through coursework in personal selling and sales management, marketing research and consumer behavior, and marketing analysis and management (national and international).

Upon graduation, marketing majors typically obtain direct- entry positions in such areas as sales, sales management, and retail management with companies that specialize in offering products/services to consumers or other businesses.

In addition to the College of Business core requirements, you must complete 24 hours of marketing courses at the 300-400 level including MKT 358, MKT 379, and MKT 463.

Only 4 credit hours of the 398/498 can count toward the 24 hours of marketing. Additional hours can count toward business electives.

Business Minor
Minor code ORBSAD

The business minor is open to any student enrolled outside the college of business. Be advised that some courses require prerequisites.

Required courses

ACCT 101   Financial Accounting     4

ACCT 102   Managerial Accounting    4

BUSL 255   Law and Society          4

One of the following five courses: ECON 381 Intro to Economic Statistics and Econometrics 4 GEOG 271 Intro to Statistics in Geography 5 INCO 301 Empirical Research Applications in Comm. 4 PSY 221 Statistics for the Beh. Sci. 5 QBA 201 Intro to Bus. Statistics 4

All of the following four courses:

FIN 325 Managerial Finance 4
MGT 202 Management 4
MKT 202 Marketing Principles 4
OPN 310 Principles of Operations 4

Total hours: 32

Due to accreditation standards, students outside the college are allowed to complete only 44 hours of courses in the business curriculum.

The Sales Certificate

The College of Business and the Department of Marketing through The Sales Centre at Ohio University sponsors the undergraduate Sales Certificate Program for students in any major who seek understanding about professional selling and development. Completion of this program, which is the equivalent of a minor, results in the certificate and is officially recognized on transcripts upon graduation. Several certificate courses satisfy both tier and College of Business requirements. Be advised that some courses require prerequisites.

For admission into the Sales Certificate Program, submit to the Sales Centre, Copeland 609, the following:

  1. A completed application form

  2. A copy of your most recent DARS (Degree Audit Reporting System) result indicating an overall g.p.a. of at least 2.75; 3) your resume demonstrating characteristics that support a successful sales career.

In addition you must have a panel interview with Sales Centre faculty and at least one representative from the professional Advisory Council of The Sales Centre. Application forms may be obtained from any college's undergraduate office.

Admission to this program is competitive and not guaranteed to all who meet the admission criteria. Students with the highest probability of success will be admitted up to the enrollment ceiling. Members of groups historically underrepresented in business will receive special consideration.

Each quarter those accepted into the Sales Certificate program will have their progress tracked by DARS. An overall g.p.a. of 2.5 in certificate courses is required. Students will need to consult the director of The Sales Centre before the deadline for graduation to ensure that the certificate will be awarded. For more information contact the director or associate director of The Sales Centre.

Required courses

MKT 358   Professional Selling   4

MKT 498   Sales Internship       4

Advanced Courses (must select two):

MKT 425   Business to Business Marketing                    4

MKT 458   Advanced Topics in Sales (Sales Management)       4

MKT 491   Current Topics in Sales: Executive in Residence   4

Communication Requirement (must select one):

INCO 215   Argumentative Analysis and Advocacy             4

INCO 206   Communication in Interpersonal Relationships    4

In addition to the courses listed above, two cross-disciplinary courses (8 hours) are needed to fulfill the 28 hour requirement. The following courses are suggested*:

ET 280     Engineering and Technology-Overview   4 (2A)

IT 110     Intro to Manufacturing                4 (2A)

PHIL 130   Intro to Ethics                       4 (2H)

THAR 113   Acting Fundamentals I                 4

THAR 170   The Theater Experience                4 (2H)
*Other cross-disciplinary courses that support the certificate curriculum may be substituted with the approval of the director of The Sales Centre.

Total hours: 28

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