College of Education

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

The School of Education comprises the following:

School of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Educational Leadership
School of Curriculum and Instruction

McCracken Hall

Karen J. Viechnicki, Interim Dean
Thomas E. Davis, Associate Dean
Keith Hillkirk, Assistant Dean

The College of Education is a professional college whose major goal is to prepare individuals for future careers related to education. A wide range of programs is offered for teaching in elementary, middle, and high schools and for other educational positions. The college provides graduate study in a variety of professional education fields.

All undergraduate programs include a broad base of general education, intensive preparation in the subject matter field, and professional emphasis that combines theory with practice. Each program is thus designed to prepare students to enter their future career with a strong background in liberal arts, educational strategies and techniques, and a thorough understanding of teaching and learning processes.

The College of Education is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and is approved for teacher preparation by the State Department of Education of Ohio.

The College of Education shares the mission of Ohio University. Its special mission is to provide supportive and challenging experiences that foster the development of educational and human services professionals and the communities they serve. The college is a center for the development of knowledge and effective practices in education, human development, and organizational leadership. It promotes the efforts of participants to design and experiment with new practices, evaluate their impact, and share the results. Thus, programs evolve and are frequently improved to comply with changing standards established by the State of Ohio and accrediting agencies.

The information provided here does not include changes made after the printing deadline. Students must follow the program requirements that are in effect at the time of their acceptance into a teacher certification program and be prepared to incorporate additional changes that may be required by program revisions. Contact the Office of Student Services for current information about a particular program.

Bachelor of Science in Education

The Bachelor of Science in Education represents the completion of a program designed to allow you to attain competence in three areas:
  1. The principal academic fields
  2. The knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values underlying teaching
  3. General/liberal education

Besides university General Education Requirements, you must complete the certification requirements established for the program you are following.

If you plan to teach in the elementary grades, enroll in the College of Education. The curricula offered by the college meet the requirements of the State Department of Education and qualify you for a provisional certificate to teach in the elementary grades and kindergarten, depending upon your preparation.

If you plan to teach middle school, high school, or special subjects (e.g., music, art, physical education), enroll in the College of Education or other colleges within the university. These programs meet the requirements of the State Department of Education and qualify you for a provisional certificate to teach the subjects indicated on the certificate.

If you plan to teach in special education classrooms, enroll in the College of Education. The curricula offered by the college meet the requirements of the State Department of Education and qualify you for a provisional certificate to teach in classrooms for the severe behavioral handicapped, specific learning disabled, multihandicapped, and developmentally handicapped.

All students pursuing teacher education programs at Ohio University are subject to the Selective Admission and Retention Program in teacher education. Criteria and procedures are available from the Student Services Office in McCracken Hall.


All undergraduate teacher education programs at Ohio University conform to state standards for certification issued by the State Department of Education of Ohio and NCATE.

These programs and courses apply to all students entering Ohio University in the 1997-98 school year but are subject to change to conform to any revisions set forth by the State Department of Education and national accrediting agencies. If you have any questions about your program requirements, contact your advisor or Student Services, Ohio University, McCracken Hall 124, Athens OH 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-4420. E-mail: Internet:

Dual Certification

The level of preparation in another certifiable field must equal or exceed requirements shown in the regulations of the Division of Teacher Education and Certification of the State Department of Education. You may choose to add a second teaching field from the following list:

Biological Studies*    History
Bookkeeping/Basic    Journalism Business*
Chemistry*          Latin
Earth Science         Mathematics*
Economics           Physical Education*
English             Physics
General Speech       Political Science
Geography           Psychology
Health Education*

A list of certification requirements for each second teaching field is available in Student Services, McCracken Hall 124.

*NTE specialty test is required.

Reading endorsement

A reading endorsement of a standard certificate may be issued with 18 quarter hours EDEL 311 (4), EDEL 311L (1), EDEL 411 (4), EDEL 412 (4), EDEL 420 (4), EDEL 420L (1); and an NTE specialty test.


A validation of a standard certificate may be issued in the following areas:

A Prekindergarten (limited to holders of kindergarten-primary, elementary, or special education certificates: 30 quarter hours)
B Teaching English as a Second Language
C Gifted Education
D Adapted Physical Education (limited to teachers certified in PE)
E Early Education of Handicapped Children (limited to teachers certified in special education or prekindergarten)

Selective Admission and Retention

The college has a selective admission and retention process that applies to all students who intend to complete the teacher preparation program through Ohio University. Decisions regarding the retention of teacher education students in certification programs will be made through a continual quarterly evaluation of progress in coursework, clinical experiences, and field-based experiences. Evaluation criteria will be directly related to the specific knowledge, skill, attitude, and value objectives associated with each experience. There are three selection phases in this process, two of which are described below. The third phase is detailed under " Student Teaching."

You may appeal a decision regarding admission or retention by filing an appeal with the Credential Review Committee. Appeal forms and related information may be obtained from Student Services, McCracken Hall 124.

Admission to the College of Education

Students from other colleges at Ohio University who wish to transfer into the College of Education must have a cumulative g.p.a. of 2.75. Admission requirements are presently under review and are subject to revision.

Professional Expectations

Membership in the Ohio University academic community carries with it certain rights and responsibilities that are specifically delineated in the Student Code of Conduct. In addition, membership in the education profession requires that you demonstrate the ability and commitment to respect the dignity, worth, and diversity of all persons with whom you work and study, including peers, school students, and professional contacts on campus and in the community. The complete policy regarding professional expec-tations is available from the College of Education.

Admission to Professional Education

You must be admitted to professional education before taking any education courses numbered 200 and above.

Apply for admission to professional education during the third quarter of your first year. Contact Student Services or regional campus student services for application materials.


These requirements are subject to change.

  1. Completion of 45 quarter hours of credit with an overall grade-point average (g.p.a.) of 2.75.
  2. No grade below a C in any of the following:
    a  SY 101 General Psychology

    b  All Tier I freshman composition and mathematics, and INCO 103 (INCO 101 or 103 for special ed majors; INCO 103 or THAR 113 for English majors).

  3. Satisfactory performance on the Speech and Hearing Proficiency Examination. This examination is offered through the Speech and Hearing Clinic, Lindley Hall, on the Athens campus or by approved individuals at the regional campuses.
  4. Satisfactory performance on the Preprofessional Skills Tests (PPST). You must achieve scores of 173 or above in writing and mathematics and 174 or above in reading. OR Satisfactory performance on ACT or SAT. You must achieve scores of 21 or better on the ACT and/or 950 or better on the SAT. Any score less than these is unacceptable, and you may not enroll in education courses.
  5. Submission of a statement confirming that your record is clear of any felony convictions, obtained from Student Services.
  6. Submission of results of the tuberculosis skin test (administered by Hudson Health Center or other appropriate office).
  7. Screening and recommendation by a representative appointed by faculty and admission to Professional Education.
  8. Submission of two professional references.
  9. If you are a transfer student, you may be required to submit recommendations from your previous college. Your g.p.a. may be considered in admission decisions.

Admission to Advanced Standing in Professional Education

You must be admitted to advanced standing before taking any education courses numbered 300 or above. Methods courses can be taken no more than twice. Failure to obtain a satisfactory grade can result in dismissal from the program.

Apply for advanced standing in professional education at the end of the third quarter of your sophomore year. Athens campus students must attend a group meeting arranged by Student Services, and regional campus students should check with Student Services or the dean's office for relevant information.

These requirements are subject to change.

  1. General requirements

a  Completion of 90 quarter hours of credit with an overall g.p.a. of 2.75.
b  Satisfactory reports from:
  1. TB test, from Hudson Health Center or other appropriate office.
  2. Judiciaries approval
  3. Faculty advisor approval

c  Screening and recommendation by a representative appointed by faculty and admission to advanced standing.

  • Specific requirements for elementary education

  • a  Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of C in each:
    1. EDCI 200
    2. EDCI 201
    3. EDCI 202
    4. EDCI 203

    b  A minimum grade of C and a 2.75 g.p.a.for all education courses. (See Admission to Student Teaching.)

  • Specific requirements for special education

  • a  Completion of all courses in Blocks I and II with a 2.75 g.p.a.
    b  Completion of each course in Blocks I and II with a grade of C or better.
    c  Completion of all EDSP courses with a minimum grade of C and a 2.75 g.p.a. (See Admission to Student Teaching.)

    Specific requirements for middle, secon-dary, and special fields (K-12) education

    a  Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of C in each:
    1. EDCI 200
    2. EDCI 201
    3. EDCI 202
    4. EDCI 203

    b  A 2.75 g.p.a. in each teaching field for which certification is being sought.

  • Specific requirements for hearing and speech therapy

  • a  Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of C in each:
    1. PSY 275
    2. PSY 273 or HCCF 160
    3. EDSP 270
    4. EDSP 271 or PSY 376
    b  A 2.75 accumulative g.p.a. in all hearing and speech science courses completed.

    Contact the undergraduate coordinator in Hearing and Speech Sciences for more information.

  • Specific requirements for early childhood education or for childhood/primary

  • Completion of the following courses with a minimum grade of C in each:
    1. HCCF 160 or PSY 273
    2. EDSP 270, 271 and 272 (early childhood) or EDSP 271 (early childhood/primary)
    3. PSY 275

    Student Teaching

    Successful student teaching represents the culmination of the program of professional preparation; it is a requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Education for individuals pursuing programs that are designed to result in eligibility for teacher certification. You may be considered for recommendation for teaching certification after receiving a passing score on the National Teachers exam and successfully completing at least 16 hours of student teaching and seminar under the supervision of Ohio University.


    It is your responsibility to enter an application for student teaching in Student Services no later than December 1 preceding the academic year in which a student teaching assignment is desired. Failure to apply by this deadline will place you on a waiting list for your desired quarter.

    Schedule, Housing, Transportation, and Assignments

    You will experience the complete range of the teacher's activities in full-time student teaching assignments for one quarter. You must plan carefully during the first three years of college to provide for a completely free quarter to engage in full-time student teaching. Majors in elementary education and majors in secondary academic areas and special fields will normally be assigned to student teaching during one of the quarters of their senior year.

    The assignment of each student to a school is the responsibility and prerogative of the director of Student Services. You will be assigned to one of our centers in Athens; Chillicothe; Ironton; Lancaster; St. Clairsville; Zanesville; Cleveland; or St. Louis, Missouri.

    You must secure your own housing and provide your own transportation to your assignments. You will need a car unless you are assigned to a metropolitan center where public transpor tation is available. Student teaching assignments in the Athens area are made within a commuting radius. The university assumes no responsibility for your transportation.

    Prerequisites for Student Teaching

    Applicants are evaluated for admission to student teaching in terms of the prerequisites described in this section. Any exceptions are the responsibility of the director of Student Services. You are responsible for meeting the appropriate prerequisites prior to the opening of the quarter designated for student teaching on your application. In addition to the prerequisites detailed in this section, applicants in health, music, physical education, human and consumer sciences, and hearing and speech therapy must have approval of the appropriate departmental head.

    Enrollment in student teaching is open only to Ohio University degree candidates or to degree holders who are completing Ohio certification requirements and who will be eligible for Ohio University's recommendation for an Ohio certificate upon the completion of student teaching.

    Criteria for Admission

    Requirements must be completed by the time you begin student teaching, not at the time of application.

    1. General requirements
    2. These requirements are subject to change.

      a   Completion of at least two quarters (30 quarter hours) of residence work at Ohio University. Transfer students must complete at least one-fourth of the preparation in the principal teaching field at Ohio University.

      b   Completion of at least 135 quarter hours with accumulative g.p.a. of 2.75.

      c   Completion of all requirements to be admitted to advanced standing in professional education at least one quarter prior to starting student teaching, including passing scores on PPST or equivalent.

      d   Completion of junior-level English composition requirement with a C or better.

      e   Completion of a significant portion (at least 75 percent) of the general education portion of the teacher education program you are pursuing and all of the university General Education Tier I and Tier II requirements.

      f   Screening and recommendation for student teaching by a representative appointed by the faculty.

    3. Specific requirements for elementary education:
    4. a   Completion of the following courses with an accumulative g.p.a. of 2.75 and a minimum grade of C in each course:

      1. EDCI 200
      2. EDCI 201
      3. EDCI 202
      4. EDCI 203
      5. EDCI 301, 371A, 400
      6. EDEL 310, 311, 321, 330, 331, 340, 350, 372
      7. EDEL 310L, 311L, 321L, 330L, 331L, 340L, 350L
      b   Completion of ART 360, MUS 161, and PESS 270.

      c   EDM 480, 332.

    5. Specific requirements for early childhood/primary: EDPL 461, 462, 465; HCF 400, 464
    6. a   Completion of the following courses with an accumulative g.p.a. of 2.75 and a minimum grade of C in each:

      1. PSY 275
      2. HCCF 160 or PSY 273
      3. EDSP 271
      4. EDCI 301
      5. EDEL 306, 310, 311, 321, 330, 340, 350, 372
      6. EDEL 310L, 311L, 321L, 330L, 340L, 350L
      7. HCCF 361, 363, 364, 371, 463, 465

      b   Completion of the following courses:

      1. ART 360 A, B
      2. EDCE 410
      3. Two of the following: HCCF 462A, 462B, and 462C
      4. HLTH 202 or 227
      5. MUS 160, 161, or 262
      6. PESS 270

    7. Specific requirements for early childhood: HCCF 400, 464
    8. It is your responsibility to apply for early childhood student teaching no later than one year in advance of the quarter in which a student teaching assignment is desired. Application materials are available in Tupper Hall 201A.

      a  Completion of the following courses with an acccumulative g.p.a. of 2.75 and a minimum grade of C in each:

      1. PSY 275
      2. HCCF 160 or PSY 273
      3. EDSP 270, 271, 272
      4. EDEL 306
      5. HCCF 299, 361, 363, 364, 365, 371, 399, 463, 465
      b  Completion of the following courses:
      1. ART 360A, B
      2. EDCE 410
      3. Two of the following: HCCF 462A, 462B, 462C
      4. HCCF 467
      5. HLTH 227
      6. MUS 160 or 262
      7. PESS 485

    9. Specific requirements for special education:
    10. a   Completion of all courses in Blocks I, II, III, IV, and V with a minimum grade of C in each course and a 2.75 g.p.a. in all blocks.

      b  Completion of all field experience courses required in Blocks I, II, III, IV, V, and EDCI 301.

      c   If you are a multihandicapped major, a 2.75 or better g.p.a. in your concentration.

    11. Specific requirements for middle and secondary education:
    12. a   Completion of the following courses with a g.p.a. of 2.75 and a minimum grade of C in each:

        EDCI 200, 201, 202, 203, 301, 371A, 371B, 400
      1. Any additional education courses (to be determined)
      2. Any specific methods courses

      b   Completion of a major portion (at least 75 percent) of the work in each of the teaching fields in which the student wishes to be certified.

      c   An accumulative g.p.a. of 2.75 in each teaching field for which certification is sought.

    13. Specific requirements for hearing and speech therapy:

      a   Completion of the following courses with a g.p.a. of 2.75 and a minimum grade of C in each:

      1. PSY 273 or HCCF 160
      2. PSY 275
      3. EDSP 271 or PSY 376
      4. EDSP 270, 474
      5. HSS 442
      6. EDEL 311, 311L
      7. EDCE 410
      8. EDCI 301
      b   Completion of a bachelor's degree in hearing and speech therapy and HSS 643.

      c   Student teaching courses: EDPL 560, 561.

    Teaching Certificates

    If you plan to teach in Ohio, you will apply for a teaching certificate one month before completing the required classes. Before you will be certified to teach, passing scores for the core battery and specialty area(s) of the National Teachers Exam must be reported to Student Services in the College of Education. Applications may be obtained from Student Services, McCracken Hall 124, or your regional campus student services office. The certificate is issued by the State Department of Education and qualifies you to teach the subjects indicated on the certificate.

    Completion of requirements for graduation and of the professional courses required for certification does not ensure that you will be recommended for certification. Instructors in various courses, especially in courses in education and student teaching, will evaluate your fitness for the teaching profession in ways other than observation of academic performance in the classroom. Limitations that might impair your usefulness as a teacher in the public schools will be made a part of your record. When you apply for a certificate, this record will be examined and your fitness for teaching given further consideration.

    All students applying for a teaching certificate must undergo a background check by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI). The State Department of Education will not issue a new certificate until it receives a copy of the background check from the BCI. This requirement includes:

    1. Those applying for their first certificate
    2. Those who have a certificate but are applying for an additional certificate

      If you are applying for an endorsement or validation, you will not need to undergo a background check.

      If you are not planning to teach in Ohio, familiarize yourself with the requirements specified by the state in which you expect to teach.

    Out-of-State Certification and Reciprocity

    Many states have certification guidelines that allow all NCATE-accredited colleges to recommend students for certification. Our NCATE accreditation allows the College of Education to recommend qualified students for teacher certification (licensure) in many other states. If you need to obtain certification outside Ohio, contact the Department of Education in the appropriate state to obtain an application and learn if additional tests or courses are required. Your out-of-state application should be sent to Student Services, McCracken Hall.

    In addition, the state of Ohio participates in the Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel and has entered into an implementation contract with the following states:

    Alabama                   Nebraska
    Alaska                    New Hampshire
    California                 New Jersey
    Connecticut               New York
    Delaware                 North Carolina
    District of Columbia        Oklahoma
    Florida                  Pennsylvania
    Hawaii                  Rhode Island
    Idaho                   South Carolina
    Indiana                  South Dakota
    Kansas                  Tennessee
    Kentucky                Utah
    Maine                   Vermont
    Maryland                Virginia
    Massachusetts            Washington
    Michigan                West Virginia
    Montana                 Wisconsin

    Major Field of Specialization

    To be recommended by Ohio University for certification, you must have a level of preparation in your major area of specialization that corresponds with the outline on the preceding and following pages, even though these requirements in many instances exceed those shown in the state certification regulations.

    Transfering from One Type of Certificate to Another

    Elementary to High School

    If you hold a standard elementary teacher's certificate, you may obtain a high school teacher's certificate by completing the teaching field requirements and methods courses for teaching at the secondary level.

    High School or Special to Elementary

    If you are certified for high school or special education, you may obtain a certificate valid for elementary education. Check with an advisor or Student Services in McCracken Hall 124 for current requirements in the elementary retraining program.


    In conjunction with public schools in southeastern Ohio, the College of Education has developed several partnerships. Partnership programs provide increased field experience opportunities for preservice teachers to learn with, and from, experienced inservice teachers. Partnership schools support and encourage ongoing professional development for faculty and administrators. Current partnerships exist with The Plains, Federal Hocking, Lancaster, Chauncey, East Elementary, Deering Elementary, and Whitwell.


    The Office of Career Services, located in Lindley Hall, offers assistance to undergraduate students seeking educational positions. Information about available teaching and administrative positions in the public schools, as well as openings in education, student personnel, counselor education, and physical education departments of colleges and universities of most states and many foreign countries, is disseminated through the office.

    School of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Educational Leadership

    The School of Applied Behavioral Sciences and Educational Leadership (SABSEL) offers only graduate programs. However, some undergraduate courses are available in career counseling and human relations. For more information about graduate programs, contact Student Services, McCracken Hall 124, telephone 740-593-4420.

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     Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

    University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( August 24, 1998.

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