University College

University College is comprised of the following:
Degrees Offered
Programs of Study
140 Chubb Hall
Patricia Bayer Richard, Dean
William L. Allen , Associate Dean
Ted Bernard , Assistant Dean
Richard K. Brackin , Assistant to the Dean
Karin Sandell , Director, Center for Teaching Excellence
Suellynn Duffey , Writing Across the Curriculum
Laura Cross Chapman
Andrew H. Cinoman
Tammy Kahrig
Lora Munsell
University College is designed primarily to meet the needs of:
- Students who are exploring the university's options before selecting a major and a degree program;
- Students fulfilling university General Education Requirements;
- Associate's degree students;
- Students seeking the Bachelor of Specialized Studies or the Bachelor of Criminal Justice degree;
- Nondegree students.
The Criminal Justice Program is available to students who have earned associate's degrees in related disciplines.
University College advances the mission of Ohio University by providing institutional leadership across colleges to promote teaching and learning. The college provides a number of university-wide services. University
College staff manages orientation and advisement programs, such as Precollege, that assist you in reviewing your interests, planning academic programs, and adjusting to university life. University College also houses the Center for Teaching Excellence and the Academic Advancement Center.
Associate in Applied Business
Accounting Technology
Business Management Technology
Computer Science Technology
Office Technology
Associate in Applied Science
Aviation Technology
Child Development
Electronic Media
Electronics Technology
Equine Studies
Hazardous Materials Technology
Human Services Technology
Industrial Technology
Law Enforcement Technology
Security/Safety Technology
Travel and Tourism
Associate in Arts
Arts and Humanities Emphasis
Social Sciences Emphasis
Associate in Individualized Studies
Associate in Science
Bachelor of Criminal Justice
Bachelor of Specialized Studies
Admission Requirements
Any Ohio University student can be admitted to University College as an undecided student. A separate application is required to enter the Associate in Individualized Studies program, the Bachelor of Criminal Justice program, the Bachelor of Specialized Studies program, and the Associate in Applied Science in nursing program. See descriptions of each program later in this section for additional information.
No single activity of University College requires more time or is given a higher priority than academic advising and counseling. University College faculty advisors and college counselors strive to inform you about academic options and to assist you with decisions about how you can best use the university to promote your growth and development.
Undecided students, or those who wish to investigate academic options before selecting a major, are admitted to University College. As an undecided student, you are assigned two advisors. One is an academic advisor who is a member of the faculty; the other is a counselor from the University College staff to whom you may turn for information and advice about university programs, choosing a major program of study, and university requirements. If you are an associate's degree, Specialized Studies, Criminal Justice, or nondegree student, you are also assigned a University College counselor to help you plan an appropriate program. In addition, students in any other college may seek out counseling in University College when their questions touch on university-wide issues or University College programs, or when they are investigating a change of program.
If you are in University College as an undecided student, you are encouraged to follow the requirements of degree programs. If you have a tentative major in mind, you should refer to those requirements outlined elsewhere in this catalog. In addition, University College expects you to be thoroughly familiar with the Academic Policies and Procedures section of this catalog.
Academic and Other Requirements
As a University College undecided student, you are expected to move into a major program by the end of your second year. All majors require you to complete residency hours, which may be up to two years.
Professional Certification or Licensure
Two University College associate's degree programs, child development and nursing, meet the requirements for professional certification or licensure. Prekindergarten associate teacher certification in Ohio is available for those students who complete the Associate in Applied Science degree in child development. If you complete the two-year nursing program, you will be eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurse.
Special Programs
College Adjustment Program (CAP)
Since 1979 Ohio University and the U.S. Department of Education* have supported the College Adjustment Program (CAP) at the Academic Advancement Center. Serving about 300 students each year, Project CAP has a strong record of aiding in student retention and graduation.
Qualifications. Acceptance into Project CAP is based on the following criteria:
Educational need, based on ACT or SAT scores as well as rank in high school class.
First generation college student, meaning neither parent has earned a four year college degree.**
Low income status, determined by 150 percent of federal poverty levels. Eligibility for financial aid is a strong indicator.**
U.S. citizenship or permanent residency.
Less than 60 credit hours earned (at Ohio University or other institution).
Timely submission of application materials.
Eligibility for CAP is enhanced if a handicapping condition (including a learning disability) is verified by the Ohio University Office of Affirmative Action.
Features. Project CAP assists you through the following features:
Guaranteed enrollment in learning strategies and reading improvement courses.
Unlimited individualized assistance for basic skills improvement.
Free private tutoring in any enrolled course, if available.
Special CAP advising for course selection each quarter.
Informal residence hall visitations by student advisors.
Midterm performance check in all classes.
Personal, vocational, and financial counseling.
Special university retention review.
If, when admitted to Ohio University, you are identified as potentially eligible for CAP, you will receive information on the program prior to the university's orientation period. Already-enrolled students with fewer than 60 hours earned may also apply.
Questions may be directed to the Academic Advancement Center, Alden Library, 593-2644.
*Funded by a Student Support Services grant of the TRIO Programs, United States Department of Education.
**A small number of students may be accepted who qualify based on either criterion 2 or 3 but not both.
General Education
In 1979 the faculty of Ohio University adopted a comprehensive General
Education Program required of all baccalaureate degree students. University College is responsible for coordinating this program. The goal of general education is to broaden and enrich the educational experience of all undergraduate students.
Support of Teaching and Learning Initiatives
University College houses the Center for Teaching Excellence, which provides support for teaching innovation and the dissemination of the best classroom practices, and fosters learning initiatives such as the development of student learning communities. In recent years it has offered the Freshman Year Enrichment Program, a learning community focused on environmental literacy, and has worked with the Center for Community Service to develop courses in which community service and course content complement each other. You can obtain more information about these programs from any University College staff member.
Precollege Orientation
Each year during July, August, and September, University College conducts a Precollege Orientation Program designed to acquaint you and your parents with the programs of the university. You will meet with faculty, staff, and student advisors to plan an academic program, complete a class schedule, and register. You will also learn of the wide variety of social and group activities available on campus while becoming acquainted with other students in your college. Orientation programs are also held before the winter, spring, and summer quarters for first-year and transfer students.
First-Year Interdisciplinary Course
University College sponsors a special interdisciplinary course for all new
students, UC 115 The University Experience. The course is designed to help first-quarter students adjust to the new experiences of university life and take advantage of what the university offers. Topics covered include university resources, academic improvement skills, time management, university policies and procedures, academic major selection, and career planning.
University Professor Program
Another of University College's efforts to enhance and reward undergraduate teaching and learning is the University Professor Program. To acknowledge outstanding undergraduate teaching, Ohio University students select six University Professors on the Athens campus each year. University Professors are tenure-track faculty members who have demonstrated teaching excellence.
Upon selection by the University Professor Selection Committee and final appointment by the provost, each professor is granted a release from part of his or her normal teaching duties and receives $2,000 for professional development. The University Professor uses this opportunity to develop and teach two classes of his or her own choosing.
The University Professor Selection Committee consists of representatives from the undergraduate study body.

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( August 24, 1998.
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