School of Comparative Arts

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Lindley Hall

Norma Humphreys, Interim Director

The School of Comparative Arts offers only the Ph.D. degree. Undergraduate course offerings may be used to complete Tier II, Tier III, or elective requirements or to obtain a minor in comparative arts.

Minor in Comparative Arts

Minor code ORCART

CA 117     Intro to Fine Arts           4
CA 118     Intro to Fine Arts           4
CA 355A   Cultural Trad. and the Arts   4
CA 355B   Cultural Trad. and the Arts   4
CA 355C   Cultural Trad. and the Arts   4
CA 400    Senior Seminar             3

Two courses or eight hours from:

AH 350          Prin. of Architecture                  4
AH 351          Ancient Architecture                  4
AH 352          Medieval Architecture                 4
AH 353          Renaissance and Baroque Architecture   4
AH 354         19th- and 20th-Century Architecture     4
CA/AH 211      History of Art                       4
CA/AH 212      History of Art                       4
CA/AH 213      History of Art                       4
CA/MUS 321    Music History                       3
CA/MUS 322    Music History                       3
CA/MUS 323    Music History                       3
CA/THAR 470   Tragedy                            4
CA/THAR 471   Comedy                            4
CA/THAR 472   Forms of Drama                     4
CA/THAR 477   Amer. Theater and Drama             4

Minimum credit hours required: 30

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( on July 19, 1999.

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