Thomas Shostak, Dean
Marlene Wisowaty,Director of Continuing Education, Conferences, Workshops
Richard Moffitt, Director of Independent Study
Pam Brown, Director of Summer Sessions
The Division of Lifelong Learning is the administrative umbrella for Continuing Education, Conferences, Workshops, and Summer Sessions; Adult Learning Services; and Independent Study. Its purpose is to provide lifelong learning opportunities beyond the regular channels by using university resources in nontraditional ways.
Classes, independent study courses, workshops, and seminars-both credit and noncredit-are offered in response to interests and needs. Some programs may lead to a degree. If you are interested in seeking an Ohio University degree, you must be admitted through normal university procedures. Participants in designated noncredit courses may earn continuing education units (CEUs).
Programs especially designed for those not seeking traditional credit include the Senior Citizens Program and the Informal Community Learners Program. The Senior Citizens Program, which began in 1973, allows Ohio residents who are 60 years of age or older to participate in many university courses at no cost and to receive a 15 percent fee reduction will be given for most noncredit Community Education (Communiversity) classes. The Informal Community Learners Program (ICLP) allows an opportunity for area residents not currently enrolled for credit to enroll in any undergraduate Ohio University class, subject to permission of the instructor. University credit cannot be earned through either the Senior Citizens Program or ICLP.
The Office of Adult Learning Services administers three programs of general interest to adult students-the External Student Program for distance learners, the Adult Institutes, and the Experiential Learning Program-as well as the College Program for the Incarcerated and the Hong Kong Degree Program.
The External Student Program is for the adult who is interested in a degree but cannot study full time on campus. The program provides help in evaluating previous college course work and planning a degree program. Students can work on one of several associate's degrees or the Bachelor of Specialized Studies by taking Independent Study Courses by Correspondence or Course Credit by Examination (see Independent Study). Many students also take advantage of Summer and Winter Institutes and portfolio-based assessment.
The Experiential Learning Program of portfolio-based assessment helps qualified adults document and receive credit for learning that has occurred through work or volunteer activities. A maximum of one year of credit may be earned toward a four-year degree. EDCE 102 Life and Career Experiences Analysis, which focuses on the development of the learning portfolio and is required for the submission of a portfolio, is offered on the Athens and regional campuses and by correspondence.
The Summer and Winter Institutes for Adult Learners allow adult students to come to the Athens campus for one to three weeks of intensive study. This award-winning program gives students another opportunity to earn college credit with other adults who are pursuing degrees.
The College Program for the Incarcerated serves incarcerated adults who wish to earn a degree or college credit. Students receive guidance in evaluating previous college work and planning a degree. The Bachelor of Specialized Studies and four associate's degrees are available, or students can transfer credit toother institutions. Most credit is earned through Independent Study Courses by Correspondence or Course Credit by Examination. Comprehensive fees make college level study more accessible to the incarcerated.
For more information on the Hong Kong Degree Program, call the toll free number listed below. In Hong Kong call 2339-5471/5472.
For more information, contact
Adult Learning Services
Ohio University
Tupper Hall 301
Athens OH 45701-2979
Telephone 740-593-2150/1-800-444-2420
Fax 740-593-0452
World Wide Web
The Office of Continuing Education, Conferences, Workshops, and Summer Sessions provides community events, conferences, economic development opportunities, on-site training, open enrollment classes, travel experience, and credit and noncredit workshops, available locally, statewide, nationally, and internationally.
For further information, contact
Continuing Education,Conferences, Workshops, and Summer Sessions
Ohio University
Haning Hall 102
Athens OH 45701-2979
Telephone 740-593-1770/1-800-336-5699
E-mail or
Independent Study Courses by Correspondence provide a highly structured method of independent learning involving a tutorial relationship with a faculty member who guides your learning and monitors your progress through the course. You receive a detailed study guide, prepared by the faculty member responsible for the course, which guides you through the course content using textbooks and other educational media. Course assignments are submitted to the faculty member, who provides comments and evaluation. Supervised examinations are generally required and may be taken in your own location.
Independent Study projects can sometimes be arranged in undergraduate courses not currently available as independent study courses. These arrangements are made on an individual basis and are contingent upon the approval of the department in which the course is offered and the availability of a qualified faculty member willing to direct the project. You and the faculty member agree upon the conditions that must be fulfilled for credit to be awarded. The work may include a variety of readings, papers, projects, and examinations. This option is most successfully used by experienced students.
Course Credit by Examination represents the least structured method of obtaining college credit through the Independent Study Program. You enroll in the course in which you wish to obtain credit by examination and receive a brief syllabus that describes the nature of the course, the textbooks and other materials to study, and the type of examination you can expect. You prepare for the examination without intermediate assistance from a faculty member. Letter grades, including failures, are recorded. Credit is awarded for a passing grade.
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is especially useful for adults who have had no previous college courses but whose work or life experiences may be the basis for college credit. It is also useful for beginning college students who have had an enriched high school experience. The program is sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board, and the Independent Study office serves as an open test center administering examinations by appointment on the third Saturday of each month. Subject to approval by the appropriate department in each case, the university will allow credit for satisfactory per-formance on the CLEP subject-matter examinations provided that the examinations are taken prior to formal enrollment at Ohio University. The university does not award any credit for scores achieved on the CLEP General Examinations. Detailed information is available from the Independent Study office.
For further information, contact
Independent Study
Ohio University
Tupper Hall 302
Athens OH 45701-2979
Telephone 740-593-2910/1-800-444-2910
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( August 19, 1999.
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