The primary objective of the Department of Mechanical Engineering is to educate talented men and women who have a genuine interest and aptitude for mathematics and the physical sciences to become productive members of the mechanical engineering profession. A further goal is to produce professionals who can increase their own skills by continuing their education both formally and informally.
Mechanical engineering is an extremely diverse profession, which is concerned with:
Professional areas include research, development, design, testing, production, operation and maintenance, marketing and sales, and administration.
The mechanical engineering curriculum is designed to provide a solid foundation in higher mathematics, physics, and chemistry followed by extensive instruction in all of the classical mechanical engineering disciplines. The curriculum contains a significant amount of "design" content wherein students are required to apply their training to solve "real-world" problems in a project format. These efforts are enhanced by providing the students with technologically modern facilities including extensive laboratories and computing tools. The department also emphasizes the development of written and oral skills through formal presentations and reports. In addition to engineering courses, the department requires significant studies in the humanities and social sciences to establish a breadth and depth of awareness and education.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering prides itself on offering students a close working relationship with the faculty. Mechanical engineering faculty are required to set aside office hours to assist students with class assignments. In addition, each student who enters the program is assigned one of the mechanical engineering faculty members as an academic advisor who will meet quarterly with the student to assist in course scheduling.
If you are majoring in mechanical engineering as preparation for entry into another profession such as law, medicine, business, etc., consult with the department chair regarding modifying your schedule to meet specific career objectives.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a co-op program that allows you to acquire practical experience and income by working in industry after completing your freshman year. Sophomore and junior courses are scheduled to accommodate a work-academics plan based on alternate periods of study and work. Consult the co-op office if you are interested.
An honors program for students with a 3.35 g.p.a. provides the opportunity to receive graduate credit for coursework throughout your senior year. Contact the department office for further information.
The Paul H. and Irene C. Black Memorial Fund provides a large number of generous scholarships for seniors majoring in mechanical engineering. A good academic record, a history of work to cover the cost of education, and participation in departmental activities are key considerations in awarding the scholarship. Contact the department office for additional information. The Paul H. and Irene C. Black Memorial Fund provides a large number of generous scholarships for seniors majoring in mechanical engineering. A good academic record, a history of work to cover the cost of education, and participation in departmental activities are key considerations in award-ing the scholarship. Contact the department office for additional information.
CE 222 Strength of
Materials 4
CE 223 Strength of Materials Lab 1
CHEM 123 Prin. of Chemistry III 4
ENG 305J Technical Writing3 4
Soc. Sci. and Hum.2
CHE 418 Chem. Engineering Lab-Materials 2
ME 328 Applied Thermodynamics
ME 403 Machine Design I
ME 412 Heat Transfer
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( July 14, 1999.
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