Services for Students

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Academic Advancement Center

The Academic Advancement Center helps you develop the skills and attitudes necessary for your academic success. The center, a division of University College serving undergraduates from across campus, provides a variety of support services.


You may enroll in credit courses in study skills and reading. UC 110 Learning Strategies is a three-credit course designed to teach effective learning strategies you can use, like remembering textbook material, note taking, managing time, and preparing for exams. UC 112 College Reading Skills is a two-credit course designed to improve your reading comprehension of college-level material. You will learn an effective approach to reading textbooks, adjusting your reading rate, and mastering new vocabulary. (See Courses of Instruction section for descriptions of additional UC Courses.)


Individual tutoring in math, writing, and study skills is available free of charge. Please come to the center to schedule an appointment for these services. You may also request a referral to a private peer tutor for any course. Tutors may be arranged in most courses; you are expected to pay the tutor directly for this service. Group help sessions are also available each quarter, at no cost, for selected courses. Check with the center for help session schedules.

Supplemental Instruction (SI)

SI sessions are provided in traditionally difficult courses with large class sizes. Students who have succeeded in the courses are hired to attend the classes and then offer two to four study sessions a week for interested and enrolled students. These SI leaders help you review the course material, prepare for exams, and discover study techniques. SI sessions are usually offered in chemistry, biological sciences, economics, math, and psychology courses. Courses with SI sessions are noted in each quarter's Schedule of Classes.

Learning Center Computer Lab

You will enjoy using this state-of-the-art computer facility to learn new and necessary software, activate and use your e-mail account, access the World Wide Web, complete writing projects, prepare presentation materials, and improve your keyboarding skills. The lab also may assist you in developing reading and math skills and in career planning. Lab assistants are always available to answer questions and to teach new processes.

College Adjustment Program (CAP)

CAP is a special program for students who qualify. Sponsored by the Academic Advancement Center and a TRIO grant from the U.S. Department of Education, CAP helps new students adjust to college and meet their educational goals. Read more about CAP in the University College section.

You may contact the Academic Advancement Center to learn more about its programs and services. Please call 740-593-2644, fax 740-593-0338, visit our web site, or come to the center on the first floor of Alden Library.

Campus Safety

The Department of Campus Safety is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of the university community, as well as the security of all university property. The department oversees the Campus Escort Service and emergency call phones, and reviews lighting conditions to help ensure a crime-free campus. The department also oversees vehicle parking registration on campus. (See "Parking" in this section of the catalog.)

The Campus Escort Service is a free service that offers you a safe walk every night from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday through Thursday and 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. Friday and Saturday. During winter quarter, service begins at 7 p.m. Escorts are trained student employees who communicate by radio with the department. Teams consist of a female and male or two females. Call 593-4040 and a team will arrive within minutes. Escorts can also be arranged in advance.

CATCAB (Campus Area Transportation Cutting Across Boundaries) is a free service designed to transport individuals with mobility limitations or health problems. By asking individuals to pre-schedule, CATCAB is able to provide transportation to classes or university functions that they might otherwise not be able to attend. CATCAB is available from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. (After hours, the Campus Escort Service is responsible for transportation.) CATCAB schedules are available in many locations on campus. For more information, call 593-4040.

Emergency "Blue Light" phones are installed outside the main entrance of each residence hall and at the Aquatic Center, Baker Center, Bird Arena, Bryan Hall, the Facilities Management Building, Hudson Health Center, Lasher Hall, Mill Street Apartments, Parks Hall, Peden Stadium, the Ping Center, the President Street Academic Center, the Ridges, Ryors Hall at Oxbow Drive, Seigfred Hall, South Green athletic fields, Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium, Wolfe Street Apartments, and parking lots 104, 109, and 127. Four additional emergency phones are located along the bike path, and three are on the South Green catwalks. By pushing the red button, you can call for emergency help, the Campus Escort Service, information on campus directions or parking, and referral to other campus services.

Safe and secure lighting has been installed throughout the campus. Most recently, high intensity lights have been installed along the golf course section of the bicycle and jogging path that parallels the Hocking River.

In compliance with the Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990, the Department of Campus Safety releases a yearly report on campus safety and crime rates. For a copy of this report, contact the Department of Campus Safety, Scott Quad 135, telephone 740-593-1911.

Career Services

The Office of Career Services offers you assistance in making career decisions, gaining experience to explore career options, and conducting effective job searches. Services include:

  1. individual career advising, including identification of interests, abilities, and values

  2. computerized career guidance programs

  3. seminars on career decision making, resume preparation, interview techniques, and other career-related topics

  4. the Mock Interview Program, which allows you to practice and improve your interview performance

  5. career fairs that bring a variety of employers to campus to discuss career opportunities

  6. a Career Resource Library containing a wealth of career information: employer directories, graduate school guides and admissions test bulletins, internship and summer job listings, employer literature, and professional job vacancies

Services for Graduating Students.

In addition to the above services, which are free to all students, the office provides special services to students who will graduate in the current academic year: computerized resume referrals, a job hotline, and on-campus interviewing. To be eligible for these special services, you must register with the office by attending a registration seminar explaining services and procedures, paying a nominal fee, and submitting required materials.

The Career Services site on the World Wide Web not only provides you with general career information but can connect you with a range of other job-hunting resources on the Internet. It is linked to the Ohio University home page or can be reached at

You are encouraged to work with the Office of Career Services throughout your university experience for assistance in all career-related matters. For more information, call 740-593-2909.

Computer Services

Computer Services provides state-of-the-art computing resources and facilities to students at no charge. Professors or instructors arrange for your access to course-specific computer resources.

Computer Services operates a number of satellite labs where you may use computer terminals or microcomputers for your academic work. All terminals and many of the microcomputers can be used to access Ohio University's network of computers.

Lab locations include Alden Library, the Computer Services Center, Copeland Hall, Grover Center, and the Music Building. Many departments also operate computing labs for their own students. The departmental and Computer Services-managed locations have a wide variety of microcomputer software available, including Microsoft Word, Excel, and Works; WordPerfect for Macintosh; and many others. A total of 50 labs are available -- some to all students, some with restrictions.

Four dormitories have labs. Both Jefferson Hall and Brough House have a lab with Macintosh and PC systems, Boyd Hall contains e-mail and PC systems, and Hoover House contains microcomputers that can also be used to access the mainframe computers.

The main offices for Computer Services are in the Computer Services Center. The Alden Instructional Support Lab is located on the second floor of the Alden Library. Hours for the computer labs are posted in the labs on a quarterly basis.

Computer Services operates the OAK student e-mail system, which provides e-mail and Internet access to all university students. It can be used from any network-connected PC or Macintosh or by modem.

Most of the labs contain at least one letter-quality printer, and high-quality laser printer output is available in the Alden and Computer Services Instructional Support Labs.

Communication Network Services

Ohio University Communication Network Services (CNS) provides telephone, data, and video communications, along with electronic security and ID card services, to the university community. In addition, CNS provides maintenance and technical support for microcomputer hardware and audio-visual equipment. The communication system relies on fiber optics and the latest in digital switching equipment. Telephone and data communications are being updated to link the Athens and regional campuses electronically.

Counseling and Psychological Services

Counseling and psychological services are available on an individual and group basis for personal, educational, and career concerns. Confidential consultations are provided by a staff of counselors, psychologists, and trainees.

If you have personal problems of any kind (emotional, social, marital, substance abuse, stress, etc.), you can receive help in understanding and resolving those difficulties.

If you are having academic difficulties, you can receive help in understanding and resolving your concerns so that you may improve your performance.

If you are uncertain about your educational or career objectives, you can obtain assistance in appraising your abilities, interests, performance, etc., so that you may identify more appropriate and satisfying directions.

Workshops on a variety of topics, designed to reinforce your educational, social, and personal growth, are frequently offered and widely publicized.

You can make an appointment to discuss your educational, career, or personal adjustment concerns by stopping by our offices on the third floor of Hudson Health Center (use the side entrance next to Voigt Hall and see the receptionist), or by calling 593-1616 between 8 a.m. and noon and 1 and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Disability Services

The Office for Institutional Equity is committed to assuring equality of opportunity and full participation at Ohio University for persons with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities such as walking, seeing, hearing, performing manual tasks, or learning; a record of such impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment. In addition to people who have visible disabilities, the definition includes people with a range of invisible disabilities. These include psycho-logical problems, learning disabilities, and some chronic health problems. Persons requiring reasonable accommodations for disabilities must provide documentation and register with the Office for Institutional Equity. The office provides guidelines for required documentation of a disability. All information concerning disabilities is confidential.

The office for Institutional Equity has the primary responsibility for identifying and coordinating services to meet the particular needs of the person with a disability. General services include priority scheduling, introduction to faculty regarding academic accommodations, transportation assistance, tutoring and study skills assistance through the Academic Advancement Center, learning and study services including liaison with Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, library assistance, and work-place and housing accommodations.

All students, regardless of disability, are subject to established academic requirements. Ohio University recognizes the need for reasonable accommodations to promote program accessibility. Information provided concerning disabilities will be confidential. If you have a disability, contact the Office for Institutional Equity located in Crewson House to discuss your individual needs.

Environmental Health and Safety

Located in Hudson Health Center, Environmental Health and Safety provides environmental and occupational health, safety, and sanitation services to the campus community. Programs are administered to ensure the health and safety of faculty, staff, students, and visitors. The department works to ensure compliance with fire authority, health department, OSHA, EPA, NRC, DOT, and other regulatory agency requirements. A multidisciplinary professional staff coordinates programs in environmental sanitation, food sanitation, pest control, radiation safety, occupational safety, industrial hygiene, fire safety, bio-safety, hazardous materials management, and workers compensation. Training programs are also conducted.

Health Service

The Student Health Service is located in Hudson Health Center on the North Green. As an enrolled student, you have access to medical care in the ambulatory care clinic on a walk-in basis Monday through Friday. Eligibility for services does not depend on purchasing student health insurance.

Serving you in the outpatient clinic are a pharmacy, a medical laboratory, X-ray facilities, and a physical therapy department. The staff includes physicians, registered nurses, physical therapists, pharmacists, and registered laboratory and X-ray technicians.

International students must have a tuberculosis skin test upon first arriving in Athens or returning to the campus after an absence of two or more years. This test is given free of charge; check the Schedule of Classes for time and place.


Housing administers all room and board charges and oversees the apartment complexes for graduate students, married students, and students with families.

Housing Regulation

If you have fewer than 90 earned credit hours, or have lived on campus fewer than two academic years (six quarters) you must reside in university-owned housing and participate in the food service plan. Before the beginning of each fall quarter, your hours and time in residence on campus will be counted. If you do not have 90 credit hours or two academic years in residence before the beginning of fall quarter, you will be required to live in university-owned housing and have a food service plan for the following academic year.The contract for housing and food service is binding for the entire academic year. If you don't comply with this regulation, you may be denied registration or your registration may be canceled.

Transfer students should contact the Office of Admissions to determine their earned-hour status. Relocating and re-enrolling students should contact the registrar's office.

Housing Regulation Exemptions

If you meet any of the following condi-tions, you may request (in writing) that you be exempt from the hous-ing regulation. Falsification of any material submitted in support of an exemption request is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in a referral to University Judiciaries.

  1. You are enrolled for no more than 10 quarter hour credits during the fall, winter, or spring quarters and for fewer than 4 hours during a summer session.

  2. You are a married student living with your spouse or a single parent living with your children within commuting distance of the university.

  3. You live with parents or guard-ians whose permanent residence is within commuting distance of the university.

  4. You have 45 or more earned credit hours or one academic year (three quarters) in residence and are living in a recognized fraternity or sorority house. (This exemption is not available to continuing students once the academic year begins.)

  5. You are a veteran who has 18 or more months of active military service.

Special Students

All special students (students taking classes during the summer, Ohio Program of Intensive English students, etc.) must comply with the housing regulation. If you are not sure of your status, contact Housing.

Note: Continuing students with 90 or more hours of credit earned or two years in residence at the beginning of the fall quarter and new students with 90 or more credit hours and two years in residence may reside in off-campus housing. The university bears no responsibility for the living conditions or problems arising therein to either the home-owner or the student resident.

Instutional Equity

It is the policy of Ohio University that there shall be no discrimination against any individual in educational or employment opportunities because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, status as a disabled veteran or veteran of the Vietnam era, or disability. Also, there shall be no discrimination because of age, except in compliance with requirements of retirement plans or state and federal laws and guidelines.

The Office for Institutional Equity monitors hiring, promotion, and transfer of faculty and administrators; develops and implements programs and activities that give recognition to the value of diversity; coordinates services for disabled students and employees; advises students and employees about university policies and procedures regarding nondiscrimination; investigates complaints of discrimination; and seeks to foster a climate that encourages the full realization of the university's mission to promote a just and socially responsive community.

If you have a concern about possible discrimination or harassment, you are encouraged to contact the Office for Institutional Equity. In coordinating services for people with disabilities, the Office for Institutional Equity can advise you about specific resources available at Ohio University. (See the Disability Services section for details.)

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of students, faculty, or staff is prohibited at Ohio University. No male or female member of the Ohio University community, including faculty, contract staff, classified staff, and students, may sexually harass any other member of the community. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and thereby is illegal under law as well as a violation of Ohio University Policy.

This policy defines sexual harassment as unwanted advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

  1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment or of a student's status in a course, program, or activity;

  2. submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions affecting the individual; or

  3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with the individual's work, performance, or educational experience, or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for work or learning.

Examples of sexual harassment (not to be construed as exhaustive) include:

  1. physical assault;

  2. pressure, subtle or overt, for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning one's job, grades, or letters of recommendation;

  3. inappropriate display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures;

  4. direct propositions of a sexual nature;

  5. a pattern of conduct that would discomfort or humiliate, or both, a reasonable person at whom the con-duct was directed, such as unnecessary touching, pinching, patting, or the constant brushing against another's body; use of sexually abusive language (including remarks about a person's clothing, body, bodily movement, or sexual activities); and unwanted and unwelcome teasing and joking of a sexual nature.

All Ohio University employees and students are responsible for compliance with this policy. All university supervisory personnel have an affirma-tive responsibility to discourage and eliminate conduct inconsistent with this policy. Complaints can be received and investigated only by employees who have been authorized by the institution. Authorization will be given only to individuals who have completed training provided by staff of the Office for Institutional Equity. Any individual who is not authorized but is approached about concerns or complaints regarding harassment must direct the complainant to an authorized employee. Because of their positions or the nature of their work, the following individuals, or their designees, shall have completed training and thereby be authorized to receive and investigate inquiries and complaints: representatives of each major planning unit other than the unit head (a list will be available at the Office for Institutional Equity and the Office of Legal Affairs) and representatives from the Offices for Institutional Equity, Health Education and Wellness, University Judiciaries, Legal Affairs, Ombudsman, and Human Resources. When authorized employees are contacted with a complaint, they must consult with the Office for Institutional Equity.

Insurance, Major Medical

You are required to maintain a health insurance plan if you are registered for seven or more credit hours. To assist with this requirement, the university offers a major medical insurance plan designed to supplement the care provided by the Student Health Service. This plan is avail-able to all students registered for seven or more hours, and those taking fewer than six hours who are participating in an internship or co-op program or completing a master's thesis or doctoral dissertation.

The plan, subject to the benefits and exclusions of the policy, provides protection against major medical and surgical expenses for the insured student at home, at school, or while traveling anywhere in the world. In addition to accident and sickness benefits, it includes repatriation, medical evacuation, and accidental death benefits.

If you are married or a single parent, a major medical-surgical insurance plan for dependents is available through the university's group medical insurance.

Intercollegiate Athletics

Ohio University is a Division IA member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and a charter member of the Mid-American Conference (MAC). The conference, which was founded in 1946, also includes Akron, Ball State, Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Kent, Marshall, Miami, Northern Illinois, Toledo, and Western Michigan.

The Department of Athletics adheres to the policies and procedures of the NCAA concerning organization, administration, and financing.

The university fields a total of 20 intercollegiate teams -- 9 for men and 11 for women. The university offers baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, indoor track, swimming and diving, track, and wrestling for men. Basketball, cross country, field hockey, golf, indoor track, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming and diving, track, and volleyball are offered for women.

The Reese and Jacoby Trophies are awarded annually by the MAC to the institutions compiling the best overall conference records for men and women respectively. Ohio University won the 1995 Jacoby Trophy.

Athletic facilities include the 13,000-seat Convocation Center, the site of basketball, volleyball, and wrestling contests. Constructed in 1968, the building houses athletic offices, training facilities, locker rooms, and weight and equipment rooms. Peden Stadium, with its five-story Tower and seating capacity for 20,000 fans, is the home of the football Bobcats. The all-weather Goldsberry Track surrounds the field. The Aquatic Center contains an Olympic-sized pool, including sixteen 25-yard lanes, nine 50-meter lanes, and two one-meter and two three-meter diving boards. Field hockey and soccer playing fields are located along Shafer Street, and the golf teams practice at the Athens Country Club. The baseball and softball teams compete at the newly constructed Bob Wren Stadium complex. The $2.1 million complex was completed in 1998.

If you are interested in participating in intercollegiate athletics, contact the head coach of your preferred sport as soon as possible or during the first week of the academic year.

International Students


Information on undergraduate admission for international students is available from the director of admissions, Chubb Hall. Information on graduate admission is available from the Office of Graduate Student Services, Wilson Hall.

Financial Aid

A very limited amount of financial aid is available for undergraduate international students. In no case does this cover more than a portion of tuition or other expenses. Entering international students are eligible to apply for awards based on academic promise; those already enrolled at Ohio University may apply for the same awards, and in addition, may request special aid in cases of demonstrated need. Contact the Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

International House

Shively Hall, a centrally located residence hall, offers special programs for roughly equal numbers of international and U.S. students. The emphasis is on cultural sharing and mutual understanding. A large meeting room, lounges, and a dining hall are available. International students and U.S. students with an interest in other countries are encouraged to live in this hall. Staff members, both international and U.S., are selected because of their interest and training in international affairs.


More than 20 interna-tionally oriented student organizations exist at Ohio University, representing national, regional, religious, and social interests. They join together for special programs throughout the year. Programming reaches a high point in spring during International Week and the International Street Fair, conducted in cooperation with the City of Athens and the International Student Union.

The International Student Union (ISU)

ISU functions at Ohio University as the umbrella organization for more than 20 international student organizations and serves as the programming body for the international community on campus. ISU members come from all corners of the world, representing the collective educational, cultural, and developmental interests of more than 100 countries.

Athens Friends of International Students (AFIS)

AFIS runs a hospi-tality program and International Wives Club, and, on a modest scale, matches international students with local American families. Visits may be only for a dinner or an afternoon excursion, but sometimes long friendships develop from this brief opportunity to gain insight into American home life.

The International Wives Club brings together wives of foreign students on campus and interested wives of faculty and community people. It serves as a forum for ideas and infor-mation and offers a productive and easy way to participate in university life.

Ohio Program of Intensive English (OPIE).

The OPIE administers English proficiency examinations to all new international students and provides intensive language instruction for those needing it. (See descriptions of courses and programs elsewhere in this catalog.)

The Office of International Student and Faculty Services.

The Office of International Student and Faculty Services offers you consultation about any concern you might have, including immigration, financial, and personal problems. All new students, as well as returning students starting a new degree pro-gram, must report to the advisor's office upon arrival. An orientation program will be conducted for a few days before the opening of each quarter to introduce new students to the campus.

The Office of International Student and Faculty Services also works with other departments and organizations on campus such as Residence Life, Student Life, International Studies, Phi Beta Delta, and the Fulbright Alumni Association to promote pro-grams, such as cross-cultural awareness workshops, which create a supportive climate for international students.

International Women's Program

The International Women's Program is a support group open to all women. The group meets once a week at Mill Street Apartments and provides a way for participants to share their culture with other women. Participants plan a variety of programs and excursions. Fluency in English is not required, and child care is provided.


The University Libraries collection comprises more than 2 million bound volumes, more than 14,000 periodical subscriptions, and more than 2.8 million research materials including microform units, maps, photographs, cassettes, videotapes, and disks. The main library on the Athens campus is the Vernon Roger Alden Library. The seven-story building has seating accommodations for 2,800 people and is open seven days a week for a total of 102 hours.


Besides the main collection, which is arranged by the Library of Congress Classification System, the library houses separate subject and special collections: the Archives and Special Collections, Children's Collection, Government Documents, the Health Sciences Library, Instructional Media and Technology Services, Map Collection, Microforms and Nonprint Collection, and Southeast Asia Collection. In separate buildings are the Music/Dance Library and a number of departmental collections in several scientific disciplines. Each of the regional campuses also has a well established library.

The library collections on the main and regional campuses are accessible through ALICE, the Ohio University Libraries online catalog. ALICE can also be used outside the library via a modem or network connection. Tours, instructional presentations, and a video orientation are offered to classes and groups upon request. Subject bibliographers are available to assist with problems in specific academic disciplines.

Electronic Resources

Electronic information services can assist you in identifying and obtaining resources. The library offers more than 200 electronic databases (CD-ROM and Internet-based) -- many networked within Alden Library. Library workstations also provide access to statewide resources on OhioLINK, to national and international resources on the Internet, and to the vast OCLC union catalog. Librarians can assist you with online retrieval of information using commercial database services. Through OCLC and other networks linking libraries around the country and the world, materials in distant collections are easily accessible.

Instructional Media and Technology Services

Instructional Media and Technology Services (IMTS), located on the second floor of the library, provides audiovisual equipment and services to the entire university community. IMTS has several thousand instructional films, videotapes, and other media available. Instructional development and graphic and photographic production services, which generate a variety of self-study and group instructional materials, are available for academic courses upon faculty request. Audiovisual equipment such as projectors and tape recorders can be rented by registered campus student organizations.

For more information about the Ohio University libraries, visit our World Wide Web site:

Multicultural Programs

The Office of Multicultural Programs seeks to provide a diverse range of programs and opportunities that are educational, recreational, social, and cultural. Committed to supporting and promoting multicultural awareness and appreciation, the staff develops programs that increase understanding and appreciation of cultural differences by familiarizing the campus community with the contributions and histories of African American, Hispanic/Latino American, Asian American, and Native American cultures. Other services include:


The office plans and coordinates professional, educational, and cultural programs such as the annual Hispanic Heritage Month, Native American Awareness Week, Kwanzaa Celebration, Black History Month, Asian American Awareness Week, and the Mind, Body, and Soul Women's Conference.


The Office of Multicultural Programs has formal advising relation-ships with the Black Student Cultural Programming Board (BSCPB); the Ohio University chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC); and the Hispanic Scholars Support Program (HSSP). The office maintains an informal advising relationship with the Asian American Student Association (AASA), the Native American Awareness Coalition, and Alpha Psi Lambda, the co-ed Hispanic-interest fraternity. All of these organizations plan programs and activities that benefit the entire university community.


The ombudsman's primary responsibility is to assist members of the university community in expediting settlement of complaints and grievances. Using broad investigative powers and direct access to all university officials of instruction and administration, the ombudsman may intervene in the bureaucratic process on your behalf when that process unnecessarily or unfairly impinges upon you. Complaints and grievances are handled with complete confidentiality.

You should first try to discuss your concerns with the person most closely associated with the situation. Should such discussion seem difficult or fail to bring acceptable results, the ombudsman may prove an invaluable aid. The ombudsman's office is in Crewson House, 115 S. Court St.


Since parking on the Ohio University campus is limited, freshmen are not allowed to park cars on campus. Other students must register any vehicle that will be on campus with the Department of Campus Safety.

Permits for campus parking may be obtained any time in Scott Quad 135. Resident parking and commuter parking are available on a first-come, first-served basis; a limited number of garage parking spaces are available at the beginning of fall quarter through Housing, Chubb Hall 060. Parking fees are listed in the Schedule of Fees section.

Although it is not necessary to register motorcycles, parking is limited to specifically designated areas.

If your vehicle is registered, you can park without a permit in certain campus lots after 3 p.m. daily and on weekends. A map identifying these lots is available from the department. Parking areas have been identified for guests. For information call the Department of Campus Safety Parking Services at 740-593-1917.

Campus Recreation

The Division of Campus Recreation, under the administration of the College of Health and Human Services, is committed to the health and wellness of the Ohio University community. A commitment is made to improve the quality of life by pro-viding quality facilities and programs and ensuring customer satisfaction.

The division is composed of the Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center, Aquatic Center, Bird Ice Arena, golf course, driving range, fields, and tennis courts; and programs in intramural sports, fitness, and club sports. These areas complement one another in providing students with facilities and programs to meet their recreational interests and needs. They also fulfill university goals by encouraging physical, emotional, and social growth.

The Charles J. Ping Student Recreation Center is one of the largest campus recreational facilities in the country. It covers more than 168,000 square feet on three floors housing five basketball courts, two multipurpose courts, eight racquetball courts (two of which can be converted for squash and wallyball), weight, aerobic, fitness, and combative rooms, an indoor track, climbing wall, game room, meeting rooms, and a lounge.

The Aquatic Center features an Olympic-sized pool that has two three-meter and two one-meter diving boards, an underwater observation area for viewing swimming and diving techniques, and a sun deck.

Bird Ice Arena is an indoor arena that features an illuminated 190-by-85 foot ice surface with fiberglass dasher boards. It provides skate rentals, a lounge area, and a concession stand.

The university golf course has nine holes and a putting green. Rentals can be made for golf equipment and carts, and a pro shop provides for the purchase of supplies. The illuminated 300-yard driving range is located on West State Street and can accommodate approximately 30 drivers.

The Ping Recreation Center and the Aquatic Center, open year round, are available to students, faculty, and staff. The Aquatic Center is open to the community and alumni during lap and recreational swim times; the Ping Center is available to community and alumni on special weekend events and as guests of students, faculty, and staff. Bird Arena, golf course, and driving range operations are seasonal.

The intramural sports program offers activities for men and women that involve individual, dual, and team competition. Activities include foot-ball, basketball, baseball, broomball, volleyball, innertube water polo, wall climbing, softball, tennis, racquetball, bowling, golf, squash, billiards, table tennis, swimming, floor hockey, soccer, indoor soccer, and wallyball. A coed program for dual and team competition is offered for most activities.

The division administers recognized club sports on campus -- currently more than 30 clubs. Each club is run by students and establishes an organizational framework, leadership, and a schedule to meet the needs of its members. New clubs can be organized if they meet the needs of the university community.

The division also offers recreational special events throughout the year.

For more information on facilities and programs, call 593-9901.

Residence Life

The Department of Residence Life supports the educational goals of the university in the residence halls. The staff promotes community living, fosters the development of individuals and groups within the living environment, and provides support and information to residents.

Residence life offices are located on each green (East, South, and West). A central office is located on the College Green.

Each green has full-time professional and paraprofessional live-in staff that has been carefully selected and trained to offer informed and meaningful assistance. The staff-to-student ratio in upperclass halls is about 1:35, while in freshman halls it is 1:26. The department also coordinates a student security aide program.

Services offered by this department include providing a safe and healthful environment conducive to sound academic pursuit; creating opportunities for growth and development through educational, recreational, social, and cultural programming; involving faculty in the residence halls as faculty associates and resource people; meeting the needs of students through the use of special-interest housing (intensive study, honors, academic emphasis); promoting student involvement and leadership by encouraging participation in hall government; emphasizing the concepts of responsibility, respect, and consideration for others; interpreting university policies and procedures; serving as an information source and referral agent to other university services; and providing confidential personal advising for such concerns as adjustment, academic performance, substance abuse, and relationships.

Much of the learning that occurs during the collegiate experience takes place outside the formal classroom setting. The living-learning atmosphere of the residence hall is one of the prime catalysts in this growth process. While each residence hall is unique in character and spirit, they all offer the opportunity to meet, interact with, and learn from a very diverse student population.

Speech and Hearing Clinic

The Ohio University Speech and Hearing Clinic offers diagnostic and treatment services to university students, faculty, staff, and members of the community for both adults and children. Charges to Ohio University students are waived. Speech and language services cover such areas as articulation, language, stuttering, and voice. Audiology services include the identification and management of problems in hearing and balance for all ages including the selection and use of hearing aids, auditory processing, and developmental and communication problems posed by hearing loss.

The clinic operates five days a week and is staffed by graduate students majoring in Hearing and Speech Sciences under the continuous supervision of faculty and staff licensed in the State of Ohio and certified by ASHA: The American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Upon graduation from the master's program, majors secure positions as speech-language pathologists or audiologists in medical, educational, or governmental facilities, as well as private practice; doctoral graduates typically secure positions in university teaching, research, or private practice. For more information about the training program, make an appointment with a faculty member in the School of Hearing and Speech Sciences. For assistance with a speech language or hearing question, inquire at the clinic office in Lindley Hall between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Clinic services are available throughout the year.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities (OSA) is your connection to campus and community involvement Ñ the place where you can discover everything you want to know about student organizations, campus programs, Greek life, leadership development, and community service. If you want to get involved in campus life, stop by our office in Baker Center 204 or call 740-593-4025.

Leadership Development Programs

Effective leadership skills can help you on campus and after graduation. The Office of Student Activities sponsors a variety of programs to help you learn about leadership and develop your leadership potential.

Campus Programs

Campus Programs manages a variety of programs and lets everyone know about campus events. We advise University Program Council (UPC), plan special event weekends, and supply event information to the university community. UPC brings cultural, social, recreational, educational, and entertainment programs to the university in collaboration with the International Student Union (ISU), the Black Student Cultural Programming Board (BSCPB), and the Residence Action Committee (tRAC). In addition to enjoying UPC's events, you can become involved in one of its committees: concerts, communication, cultural arts and lectures, entertainment, or film and video.

Greek Life

Sororities and fraternities have been a part of campus life since 1841. Today, the Greek community consists of 30 national sororities and fraternities, with approximately 15 percent of the student body participating as members. Involvement includes a wide range of social, educational, and philanthropic activity, as well as leadership opportunities within the Intrafraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the Women's Panhellenic Association.

Student Organizations

Ohio University has more than 360 student organizations to explore. Becoming involved can help you perform better in other areas of life and feel more a part of the university. You'll learn about community and about effective membership and leadership.

Community Service Program

Community Service Programs give you the chance to make a difference in the world around you -- and, in the process, to make a difference in yourself. The Center for Community Service, located in Baker Center 033, can help you find the right community service opportunity. Programs include volunteer referral, national service, Community Service Federal Work-Study, service-learning, and student corps. Some offer career-related experience and academic credit.

Honor Societies

These national organizations confer memberships in recognition of high scholastic attainment and the fulfillment of other requirements. Honor societies encourage the development of a well rounded personality and leadership and service qualities in addition to academic achievement.

National Broadcasting Society, Broadcasting

Alpha Lambda Delta, Scholarship

Arnold Air Society, Aerospace Studies

Beta Alpha Psi, Accounting

Beta Beta Beta, Biology

Delta Phi Alpha, German

Delta Sigma Pi, Business Administration

Eta Sigma Phi, Classics

Gamma Pi Delta, Nontraditional Students

Gamma Theta Upsilon, Geography

Golden Key, Scholarship

Kappa Delta Pi, Education

Kappa Kappa Psi, Band

Lambda Pi Eta, Communications

Mortar Board, Scholarship, Activities

Order of Omega, Greek Leadership

Phi Alpha Honor Society, Social Work

Phi Gamma Nu, Business

Phi Mu Alpha, Music

Phi Sigma Iota, Romance Languages

Phi Upsilon Omicron, Home Economics

Pi Gamma Mu, Political Science, Social Sciences

Psi Chi, Psychology

Rho Lambda, National Greek Honorary

Sigma Sigma Phi, Osteopathic Medicine

Society of Professional Journalists

Tau Beta Pi, Engineering

Tau Beta Sigma, Band

Women in Communications, Inc., Journalism

Student Senate

Student Senate is the elected representative voice of the student body and is part of the network of campus governmental bodies that also includes the Administrative Senate, Faculty Senate, and Graduate Student Sen-ate. Student Senate initiates programs and coordinates activities beneficial to students. Student Senate is responsible for the appointment of undergraduate students to university committees, and for allocating more than $230,000 a year to student organizations. You are encouraged to contact the Student Senate for help in resolving issues and for information regarding programs and projects.

University Center

The John Calhoun Baker University Center is a focal point of co-curricular life at Ohio University. A variety of facilities, programs, and services are provided to the university community.

Recreation Room

The Recreation Room, located in the basement, has eight regulation bowling lanes, 13 pool tables, and a wide variety of video and pinball games.

Front Room

The Front Room, a campus coffeehouse, serves espresso, cappuccino, and specialty gourmet coffees, as well as tea, soda, seltzers, and juices. Also available are premium ice cream and locally produced baked goods. Open seven days a week until midnight, it is a popular place to meet friends. Activities are planned for every night and include the Front Room Free Film Series on Mondays and Tuesdays, dance nights, talent shows, open stage, poetry readings, lectures, Comedy Class Live, and live performances by local and regional jazz, rock, country, and rhythm and blues artists.

State Room

The State Room, located on the first floor, serves lunch daily. Also available are private rooms for luncheon meetings and a catering service.

Information Center

The Information Center in the main lobby offers a computerized campus calendar listing university events, programs, and academic information; check cashing; notary public services; an automatic teller machine; e-mail access; free telephones for local calls; paper and pen sales; and up-to-date listings of students, faculty, staff, organizations, departments, and committees. Adjacent to the lobby are a United States Postal Station, the 1954 Lounge, the Alumni Lounge, and the 1804 Lounge, with a grand piano. Ride and housing boards and coin-operated lockers are also available.

Meeting and reception rooms are available in Baker Center for groups from 10 to 500. Available are a ballroom, the Alumni Lounge and the 1804 Lounge, as well as 10 meeting rooms of various sizes. Reservations can be made at the director's office, Room 201. Baker Center also houses the Office of Student Activities, the Office of Multicultural Programs, and the following student organizations:

Athena Yearbook 320

Black Student Cultural Programming Board 419

Interfraternity Council 312

International Student Union 425

National Pan-Hellenic Council 313

The Post Ground floor

Student Activities Commission 311

Student Senate 308

Students Defending Students 413

University Program Council (UPC) 407

Women's Panhellenic Association 312

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