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Czajkowski, Michal, Sadyk Pasha

Czajkowski, Michal, Sadyk Pasha, born September 29, 1804 in Halczyniec (Volhynia), died January 18, 1886 in Borki (Ukraine), Polish political activist and novelist. Participated in the November Uprising 1830-32 commanding his own detachment of Cossacks in the Volhynian cavalry regiment of Karol Rozycki; promoted for bravery to the rank of first lieutenant, and decorated with the Golden Cross; after the collapse of the Uprising emigrated to France. Since 1834 a member of the Polish Democratic Society; since 1836 of the Confederation of Polish Nation (Konfederacja Narodu Polskiego); in 1838 joined Prince Adam Czrtoryski's political camp, the Hotel Lambert, and in 1841 founded the first permanent representative agency of Hôtel Lambert in Constantinople; from there he developed anti-Russian propaganda in the Balkans, Ukraine, and Caucasus. In 1850 joined the Turkish service and converted into Islam as Sadyk Pasha; during the Crimean war, Cz. organized six hundred-men units of Cossacks, and commanded them in the Wallachian offensive 1855. Due to a conflict with Wladyslaw Zamojski, Cz. broke off with the Hôtel Lambert; in 1873 surrendered himself to the Russian Tsar Alexander II and settled down in Ukraine; died a suicide. His "Cossack" novels enjoyed great popularity and were translated into French, German, Czech and Serbian. A 12-volume selection of his writings was published in Leipzig (Pisma, 1862-85); he also left his memoirs (Moje wspomnienia o wojnie 1854 roku [My recollections on the 1854 war]), 1862).
Jolanta T. Pekacz


F. Gawronski-Rawita, Michal Czajkowski (Sadyk Pasha), jego zycie, dzialalnosc wojskowa i literacka St. Petersburg, 1901.

A. Lewak, Dzieje emigracji polskiej w Turcji (1831-1878) Warsaw, 1935.

J. Skowronek, Polityka balkanska Hotelu Lambert (1833-1856) Warsaw, 1976.

W. Smochowska-Petrowa, Michail Cajkowski-Sadak pasa i Balgarskoto vyzrazdanie Sofia, 1973.

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