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Andrei Muresianu

ANDREI MURESIANU (1816-1863) The most important lyric poet in Transylvania prior to George Cosbuc, Muresianu was born in Bistrita in peasant family. He studied philosophy and theology at Blaj, where he was a classmate and friend of George Barit. Influenced by the cultural and educational milieu of Blaj, he went into teaching at Brasov in 1838 at Barit's invitation. At the same time he began to publish poetry in Barit's and Foaia pentru Minte, Inima, si Literatura. He also came into frequent contact with poets from Moldova and Muntenia.

In 1848, he was among the leaders, beginning with participation in the Brasov delegation to the Blaj Assembly in May 1848. His lyric poem, Un rasunet, (more popularly known as "Wake Up Romanian!") became a kind of revolutionary anthem, set to the melody of Anton Pann. The poem is the voice of a tribune who speaks on behalf of and to his oppressed nation, invoking the bravery of their ancestors, and announcing prophetically the decisive moment of "awakening." "Better to die in battle, covered with glory, tha to be slaves on our own ancestral land," he wrote. Balcescu called it the "Marseilles" of the Romanians, mobilizing the people to the struggle and making Muresianu the nationalist bard.

In 1848 and again in 1849, Muresianu was in charge of editing Barit's publications. In spring 1849, he fled as a refugee to Ploesti, where he was imprisoned briefly, and then to Bucovina.

After the revolutions, Muresianu worked as translator in Sibiu and continued to publish in Telegraful Roman. His works had a decided patriotic and social protest tone. In 1862, his poetry was gathered into a volume. In ill health, he died in Brasov in 1863.
Stelian Mandruti


Andrei Muresianu, Reflexii Cluj-Napoca, 1977

Ion Buzasi, Andrei Muresianu Bucuresti, 1988.

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