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Eftimie Murgu

(1805-1870) Born in the Banat, the son of an officer in a Habsburg military border regiment, Murgu was a true rabble-rouser, national militant, and a man in almost continuous motion and trouble from 1839 to 1848. He studied philosophy at Seghedin and law at Pest, where he completed a doctorate in 1834. He was appointed to teach philosophy at the Academia Mihaileana in Iasi, but moved to Bucuresti's St. Sava School in 1837 after conflict with Prince Mihail Sturdza. He was part of a revolutionary plot in Muntenia in 1840 (along with Dimitrie Filipescu, J. A. Vaillant, Nicolae Balcescu, and Cezar Bolliac), arrested, and expelled. Back in the Banat, he became a feared spokesman for national and social reform, and even union of Banat with Muntenia. This led to a lengthy prison term from 1845 to 1848.

Released in April 1848, Murgu picked up where he had left off. He was elected deputy to the Pest Parliament, called and presided over the Lugoj Romanian assembly in June, 1848, and tried to establish a Romanian army in the Banat. He also tried to establish links with the Muntenian revolution. He was one of the most intransigent Romanian leaders in 1848 and particularly militant on questions involving the national language. At the same time, he attempted in 1849 to reach an accord with the Magyars As a consequence of his radical activities, he was once more imprisoned, from 1849 to 1853. He returned to politics in 1861, but his popularity had peaked.
Paul E. Michelson


G. Bogdan-Duica, Eftimie Murgu Bucuresti, 1937.

Cornelia Bodea, Lupta Romanilor pentru unitatea nationala 18343-1849 Bucuresti, 1967.

I. D. Suciu, Revolutia de la 1848-1849 in Banat Bucuresti, 1968

Eftimie Murgu, Scrieri edited by I. D. Suciu Bucurest, 1969.

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