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Gustaw Potworowski

Gustaw Potworowski A Polish landowner and politician. Born on June , 1800 at Bielewo in the Grand Duchy of Poznan. Potworowski studied law and chamber music at universities of Bonn, Heidelberg, and Berlin where he belonged to a secret students' organization Polonia. then he settled down in a family landholding Gola in the Grand Duchy of Poznan. In 1831, he took part in the November Rising in the congress kingdom where he distinguished himself with his courage and was promoted to second lieutenant. At the terminal stage of the rising he crossed the Russo-Prussian border and was interned near Klaipeda from where he escaped and returned to the Grand Duchy of Poznan. Once back home he concentrated on managing his land and serving his community by promoting agricultural developments and working in Polish volunteer organizations. In 1843 he became an envoy to the provincial Diet. During the Poznan rising of 1848, Potworowski headed the national committee. He agreed to serve on the committee in order to control the radical insurgents. He was opposed to revolutionary methods as threats to the existing social order. He frequently acted as an intermediary during arguments between the committee members. He forsook the notion of Poland's independence when it turned out that the independence had to be fought for against the Prussians. He opposed the program of an armed fight for freedom and supported the concept of autonomy for the Grand Duchy of Poznan. After the rising had collapsed, Potworowski concentrated on his activity in the Polish League. Between 1848 and 1860 he was an envoy to the Prussian Landtag where he frequently supported the Polish minority's political right. He presided over the Polish circle in the Landtag and was very stringent in demanding his colleagues' solidarity in voting at the parliament sessions. Potworowski distinguished himself among his compatriots in the Grand Duchy of Poznan with his patriotism, readiness to sacrifices in the name of public causes, and consistency in practicing legal opposition towards the Prussian politics. Potworowski died on February 23, 1860 in Poznan. Witold Molik

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