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Andrej Radlinsky

Andrej Radlinsky (1817-1879), editor and journalist, came from a family of burghers. When he finished his studies of theology in Vienna and obtained a degree at the University of Pest, he was in charge as a chaplain in the town of Banska Stiavnica, the center of Hungarian mining industry.

In the spring 1848 he maintained the contacts with local Slovak patriots, with the representatives of rioting miners and dissatisfied students of Mining Academy. Radlinsky was unable to direct their expressions of dissatisfaction and disagreement with inconsequent March reforms and continuing national oppression into a goal-aimed movement. Under the threat of persecution, he afterwards lived in seclusion. In January 1849 he hid himself from the penetrating Hungarian army, and in April he fled before the army to Vienna. In Vienna Radlinsky was active in the large Slovak political emigration. He acquired the permission of the Viennese government to issue a Slovak newspaper, which he edited jointly with the protestant minister Daniel Lichardus. Despite an unpromising environment, they hoped to solve the Slovak question on the political and legal level, withstanding aristocratic interests and Magayrization of Old Conservatives noblemen who once more controlled the public sphere in Slovakia. During the summer time Radlinsky also acted as the Slovak People's Trustee. When the Hungarian army was defeated, he realized that the position and the fate of Hungary and also Slovaks was decided for long time. Together with D. Lichardus they incited patriots in Slovakia to be politically active and initiated petition movement in September. In Hont and Orava counties A. Radlinsky himself advocated separation of the Slovaks from Hungary and favored establishing Slovak crown land. After the revolution he edited the Slovak translation of imperial law codes in Pest. A. Radlinsky became involved in controversy with high Hungarian church hierarchy because of his democratism. His newspapers and advocacy of reform in the church contributed to the social, national and cultural awakening of Slovaks within the lower strata and strengthened their rudimentary national consciousness.
Dusan Skvarna


Steliar, Franticek Andrej Radlinsky: Jeho Zivot a boj za prava naroda slovenského. Trnava 1934.

Slovnik slovenskej literatury Bratislava, 1984, II.

Rapant, Daniel Slovenské povstanie 1848-49. Martin-Bratislava 1937-72, I-V.

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