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La Tribune des Peuples

La Tribune des Peuples A political daily appearing in Paris March 15- April 13 and September 1-November 10,1849, founded and published by Adam Mickiewicz. The daily was sponsored by the Polish aristocrat Count Ksawery Branicki. Apart from daily morning issues, the paper published also special supplements showing maps of war developments in Hungary and Italy and featuring reports from major political trials. The journal attracted a number of Polish, French, Italian, Russian, Rumanian activists and publicists known for their revolutionary, democratic, and socialist views (E. Chojecki, F. Grzymala, J. Lechevalier, H. Castille, I. Golovin, H. Ewerbeck, J. Ricciardi, R. de la Sarga) - the number of contributors to La Tribune exceeded 70. After publishing, on April 13, 1849 and unbeknowst to Mickiewicz, a call of the so-called new parliamentary executives to revolution, the journal, along with other radical periodicals, was suspended. After the paper reappeared on September 1, 1849, police harassment of foreign editors caused many difficulties; Mickiewicz himself had to hide his work for La Tribune, because of threats to deport him from France. Eventually, pressed by the Russian embassy, French authorities forced all Polish contributors to resign on October 16, which eventually caused the journal's demise. La Tribune expounded the brotherhood of nations fighting, under the leadership of France, against despotic European monarchies headed by Russia. The nations' cause had religious overtones as the achievement of freedom was taken as realization of Christianity, the latter being corrupted by the papacy and the hierarchical church which, against the will of the nations, sought the support of Godless monarchs. Mickiewicz in particular forcefully emphasized religious aspects, along side patriotism. His concept of socialism removed all attributes of economic and political theory and meant an active and solitary striving of nations to reach freedom and progress. As opposed to most members of the editorial board, Mickiewicz attempted to couple socialism thus understood with Napoleanic ideals which, for him symbolized republicanism as opposed to dynastic Bonapartism. It was from those premises that Mickiewicz's initial, and not uncritical, support for Louis Napoleon, stemmed. The character and attitudes of La Tribune were shaped mainly and decisively by Mickiewicz's personality.
Przemyslaw Matusik

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