Biological Sciences

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Graduate Biological Science Courses

Graduate Microbiology Courses

Admission to graduate study in biological sciences requires a bachelor's degree with a strong background in the biological and physical sciences, including calculus, organic chemistry, and physics. Results of verbal, analytical, and quantitative tests of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are required of all applicants; you must score in at least the 50th percentile to apply. The GRE advanced subject test in biology or a physical science is recommended but not required. GRE scores; the application; transcripts; a short essay concerning prior training, research interest, and career goals; a list of faculty members with whom you are interested in working; and three letters of recommendation should be received by January 15 for you to be considered for financial support during the following academic year. Applicants whose native language is not English also must submit the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or its equivalent; a score of at least 620 is required for admission.

Master's students must complete 45 quarter hours, with at least 30 hours in formal courses and seminars. A nonthesis master's program is available for secondary school and junior college teachers. Doctoral students must complete 135 quarter hours beyond the bachelor's degree, with at least 45 quarter hours in formal courses and seminars. At least one quarter of supervised teaching within the department is required of all master's students, and two quarters are required of doctoral students.

Areas of Emphasis

Graduate education in the Department of Biological Sciences is conducted in five research focus groups:

The cell biology and physiology group employs molecular, cellular, and systems approaches to study animal and plant function.

The ecology and evolutionary biology group integrates research on the ecology, functional morphology, phylogeny, genetics, and life history of natural populations and model organisms to study evolutionary patterns, processes, and mechanisms.

The exercise physiology and muscle biology group focuses on the effects of exercise, nutrition, gender, and aging on human performance, as well as skeletal muscle histology, physiology, metabolism, injury, and healing.

The microbiology group addresses questions concerning the role of microorganisms in environmental and disease processes and the role of the immune system in containing infection. Molecular, cellular, and immunological techniques are used to investigate specific areas of research that include parasites, viruses, bacteria, and the immune system.

The neurobiology group addresses areas of research including computational neurobiology; developmental neurobiology, emphasizing trophic interactions in the development of sensory systems; control of movement; central pattern generation; muscle biology; musculoskeletal mechanics; visual, auditory, and vestibular neurobiology; neuronal cytoskeleton and axonal transport; heavy metals and neurodegeneration; neuroendocrine control of development; and neural and neuroendocrine control of the autonomic nervous system.

The department also offers interdisciplinary studies in two areas:

Conservation biology - a plan of study leading to a graduate certificate in conservation biology, offered in conjunction with the Departments of Economics, Environmental and Plant Biology, Geography, Geological Sciences, and Political Science. (See "Conservation Biology.")

Molecular and cellular biology - M.S. and Ph.D. programs offered in conjunction with the Departments of Chemistry and Environmental and Plant Biology. (See "Molecular and Cellular Biology.")

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( September 10, 2001.

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