Graduate degrees are offered in the following areas:
Copeland Hall
Glenn Corlett, Dean
The College of Business offers the Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.). The M.B.A. is available through a full-time program, Executive MBA, and the MBA Without Boundaries. The full-time M.B.A. is offered on a residential basis on the Athens campus. The Executive MBA is offered on the Lancaster campus in a two-year sequence of weekend courses and is open only to experienced business executives. The MBA Without Boundaries, a part-time, two-year program, combines the convenience of on-line education, the latest in information technology, and face-to-face interactions with faculty and colleagues during high-intensity residential experiences. All programs are accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business.
Information on graduate programs appears in the following pages. For further details on full-time programs, contact College of Business Graduate Programs, Ohio University, Copeland Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-2007. For further details on the Executive M.B.A., contact the director, EMBA Program, Ohio University, Copeland Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979, telephone 740-593-2028.
Information on the college and its graduate programs is also available on the college Web site:
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( September 25, 2001.
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