Graduate Council

Margaret Appel, Ph.D., Arts and Sciences
Joseph Bernt, Ph.D., Communication
Mehmet Celenk, Ph.D., Engineering and Technology
Kenneth Hicks, Ph.D., Arts and Sciences
Rajindar Koshal, Ph.D., Arts and Sciences
Jenny Lau, Ph.D., Fine Arts
Michael Maume, Ph.D., Arts and Sciences
Bhavin Mehta, Ph.D., Engineering and Technology
Averell Overby, Dr.P.H., Health and Human Services
Edward Rowland, Ph.D., Osteopathic Medicine
Arvind Signhal, Ph.D., Communication
Scott Sparks, Ph.D., Education
Edward Yost, Ph.D., Business
Student Representatives
Derek Bleyle
James Edward Bush
Michael Meyer
Maureen Weissenrieder, Arts and Sciences
Daniel Innis, Business
Associate Dean, Communication
Glen Doston, Education
Roger Radcliff, Engineering and Technology
Charles McWeeny, Fine Arts
Raymie McKerrow, Graduate Studies
Leona Cibrowski, Health and Human Services
Josep Rota, International Studies
Bobbi Conliffe, Osteopathic Medicine
Julia Zimmerman, University Libraries

University Advancement and Computer Services staff revised this file ( on August 29, 2001.
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