Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Economic Education

The M.A. in economic education at Ohio University is administered by the faculty of the School of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education. It is designed specifically for in-service teachers who have baccalaureate degrees and who meet the normal graduate admission standards and the standards of the School of Curriculum and Instruction. A program of 48 quarter hours in economic education, economics, and educational theory and research is required. You are expected to take a minimum of 28 quarter hours in economic education, 12 in economics, and eight in education. The total program must be planned with and approved by your graduate advisor.

The Ph.D. is also offered through several programs in the School of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education. These are described in this catalog under the heading Education.

Economic Education (ECED) Courses

546 Economics in the Curriculum (3-5)
For teachers and other qualified graduate students, designed to provide study of (1) fundamental economic concepts, (2) methods of inquiry employed by economists, and (3) relationship of economics content to classroom instruction and materials.
Rader; D.

547 Economic Analysis and Its Application to the Curriculum (2-5)
For elementary and secondary teachers, designed to emphasize methods of inquiry employed by economists and their application to theories of instruction.
Rader; D.

548 Economic Policy and Its Application to the Curriculum (2-5)
For elementary and secondary teachers, designed to provide application of an economic analysis to economic policy and courses of study.
Rader; D.

649 Economic Education Programs (3-5)
Economic education in the schools: administrative and organizational structures, current curriculum development projects, essential economic understandings that should be taught and their place in the curriculum, ways to improve economic education and economic education organizations.
Rader; D.

651 Master's Seminar (2-5)
Writing of colloquium papers in areas of economic education.
Rader; D.

691 Economic Education Seminar (2-5)
Selected topics of current interest.
Rader; D.

692 Economic Education Research (3-5)
Methodology, analysis of data, and preparation of research findings. Precedes writing of colloquium paper.
Rader; D.

693 Readings in Economic Education (1-15)
Readings on topics selected in consultation with a faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

695 Thesis (1-15)
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

697 Independent Research in Economic Education (1-15)
Research in selected fields of economic education under direction of faculty member.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

698 Internship (1-15)
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su; D.

791 Economic Education Seminar (3-5)
Selected topics of current interest.
Staff; D.

792 Economic Education Research (3-5)
Methodology, analysis of data, and preparation of findings.
Staff; F, W, Sp; D.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/educ/eced.html) April 13, 1998.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."