Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Educational Administration

Educational administration offers course sequences that lead to the educational specialist certificate and to the Master of Education and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. If you are seeking certification, you may work toward the following administrative certificates:

Elementary principal
Secondary principal
Assistant superintendent
Administrative specialist in
Business management
Staff personnel administration
Instructional services
Pupil personnel administration
Special education
School and community relations

You can earn an administrative certificate only if you have a valid Ohio teaching certificate and have taught under it for three years. A superintendent's certificate requires a valid administrator's or supervisor's certificate and three years of employment under it.

Educational Administration (EDAD) Courses

601 Introduction to Educational Administration (4)
Nature and critical tasks of educational administration, problems and issues, purposes, situational factors, processes; qualifications for the job, personal assessment, preparation, in-service training, professional opportunity, and challenge.
Staff; F, Su.

602 Organizational Structure in Education (4)
Considers general organizational theory as applied to the existing structure of schools and other educational agencies such as colleges, universities, private, and alternative schools.
Staff; W, Su.

603 Human Behavior in Educational Organizations (4)
Provides potential leaders of educational institutions with the theoretical knowledge and skills necessary to function effectively within the human element of educational organizations.
Staff; Sp, Su.

611 Educational Law (5)
Prereq: 601. Selected principles of constitutional, statutory, case, and common law affecting schools and school personnel with special reference to Ohio school law.
Staff; Sp.

621 Educational Finance (5)
Examines economics and education; educational finance as type of public finance; theories, concepts, and issues related to programs designed to achieve equalization of educational opportunities; local, state, and federal programs of financial support for education.
Staff; F.

631 Personnel Administration in Education (4)
Prereq: 601. Organization and implementation of personnel functions. Covers organizational structure, staff procurement, staff selection, staff development, and conditions of service for people in the organization. Competencies in course conceptually oriented to provide understanding of personnel process.
Staff; F.

640 The Principalship (4)
Prereq: 9 hrs incl 601. Leadership theories and practices. School/ community organization; social-political forces; instructional leadership; teacher appraisal; elementary, middle, and secondary school administration.
Staff; F.

641 The Principalship--Skill Competencies (4)
Prereq: 9 hrs incl 601. Designed for persons aspiring to become administrators. Individualized approach to developing job skills for specific tasks in elementary, middle, and secondary schools in actual job setting and simulated settings.
Staff; W.

661 Public Relations in Education (4)
Principles, program organization, agents, and media in effective public relations; models of communication; attitude change; development of problem situations and simulations of practical problem-solving techniques; examples from public school administration, higher education administration, and sports administration.
Staff; F.

671 Community Education (4)
Introduction to philosophy of community education with emphasis on role of school administrator in conceptualizing philosophy and then taking leadership in developing and implementing community education programs.

690 Research in Educational Administration (1-6)
Prereq: 601. Individual research studies.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

691 Seminar in Education (4)
Prereq: 35 grad. hrs., EDRE 501. Student chooses area of study, engages in library research, interviews, questionnaires, etc., and writes a substantial, scholarly paper. Students must submit a proposal to the instructor by the ninth week of the quarter prior to the quarter of enrollment.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

695 Thesis (2-10)
Staff; D.

702 State and National Administration of Education (4)
Prereq: 601. State program of education, state responsibility, educational organization, certification and tenure, national problems in education.

703 Administration of Education in Other Countries (4)
Prereq: 601. Programs, organizational structure, and control of education in other countries. U.S. assistance programs for educational administration in developing nations.

731 Conflict Management in Educational Administration (4)
Theories, attitudes, techniques, and strategies for managing conflict, solving problems, negotiating, and decision making in educational organizations. Focuses on understanding conflict and persons involved. Practice for third party mediators, as well as conflict participants.
Staff; W.

734 Competency Development in Personnel Administration (5)
Prereq: 631. Practicum designed to develop competency to perform effectively in area of personnel administration. Includes all aspects of personnel administration as a team concept. Specific competencies developed include writing policy, staff selection, staff evaluation, establishing record systems, career counseling, salary administration, and meeting organizational and staff needs. Competencies developed in terms of actual situation.

740 Special Problems of the Principalship (2-6)
Prereq: master's degree; practicing principal. Critical appraisal of major problems and issues in elementary, middle, and secondary school administration. Individual and group study procedures.

742 Planning Educational Facilities (5)
Prereq: 601. Helps student to gain an appreciation for importance of facilities to educational enterprises. Acquaints student with principles, processes, and problems involved in identification of need for planning and acquisition of new facilities and for improvements to existing facilities.
Staff; Sp.

751 Business Administration in Education (4)
Prereq: 601. Helps student develop increased awareness of and appreciation for role and function of business administration in total educational enterprise. Promotes understanding of major task areas and competencies required to become knowledgeable about current theories and recommended practices in administration of business affairs in education.
Staff; W.

752 Problems in Administration of Education (1-6)
Intensive course or workshop for practicing educational administrators. Content of each offering specially selected to meet needs of particular group being served. Amount of credit will depend upon length of course.

A. Administration in Bilingual Settings
B. Business Administration
C. Collective Bargaining in Education
D. Community Education
E. Conflict Management in Educational Administration
F. Educational Facilities Planning
G. Educational Finance
H. Educational Law
I. Leadership
J. Personnel Administration in Education
K. Planning and Evaluation in Education
L. The Principalship
M. School-Community Relations
N. The Superintendency
O. Pupil Transportation
P. Politics of Education

780 Politics and Local School Administration (4)
Examines ideas related to political power and educational decision making, community power structure, school board member nomination and election, politics and innovations, and administrator's base of influence in community.
Staff; Sp.

784 Educational Planning and Evaluation (5)
Intended to help advanced graduate students gain better understanding of theories related to and systems and techniques employed in comprehensive planning and evaluation in educational enterprises of all types and levels, and help students gain some competence in application of those theories, systems, and techniques.
Staff; Sp.

791 Leadership Project--Problem Identification (4)

Individualized field-oriented course designed to assist practicing educator in conducting systematic, in-depth studies to identify critical problem areas in selected phase of school system operation.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

792 Leadership Project--Implementation (4)
Individualized field-oriented course to assist practicing educator in developing skills in identifying techniques and strategies for implementing change related to critical problem areas identified in 791.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

793 Leadership Project--Analysis and Evaluation (4)
Individualized field-oriented course to assist practicing educators in identifying and using techniques for analyzing their practices in implementing change. Complete leadership project (791, 792, and 793) culminates in a written analysis and evaluation under direction of advisor.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

811 Legal Aspects of Educational Administration (4)
Prereq: 611. Intensive study of selected aspects of both case and statutory law, constitutional basis for education, schools in their legal setting, school legislation, and relevant court decisions. Extensive reading in an approved law library required.

824 Seminar in Educational Finance (5)
Helps students gain greater depth of understanding of theories, practices, problems, and issues to foster an increased competence in financing educational enterprises.

831 Seminar in Collective Bargaining in Education (4)
Gives students understanding of collective bargaining movement in education through simulation, readings, guest lectures, media presentations, and discussions. Each student assigned a bargaining team which has responsibility for negotiating a contract. Attention given to analyzing contracts between selected employee groups and boards of education, impasse resolution, and contract administration.
Staff; W, Su.

844 Seminar in Educational Facilities (5)
Helps students gain greater depth of understanding of and competence in planning of educational facilities and administration of building programs.

854 Seminar in Business Administration in Education (5)
Helps students gain understanding of and competence in administration of business affairs in education.

864 Seminar in Public Relations (5)
Prereq: 661. Special topics, new concepts, and specific techniques for public relations in public, private, higher education, and sports administration; in-depth investigation of problems of specific interest.

881 Organization in Educational Systems (4)
Study of organizational and systems theories and analysis of organizational systems. Study of implications of such theories and systems for educational administration.

890 Research in Educational Administration (1-6)
Individual research studies.
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

895 Dissertation (2-15)
Staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/educ/edad.html) April 13, 1998.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."