Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

College Student Personnel

The focus of the master's degree College Student Personnel Program is upon the knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills needed for the entry-level professional. These tasks are primarily direct services to students and are educational and developmental in nature. The master's degree is a two-year program that follows national standards for professional preparation.

The focus of the doctoral program is to prepare professionals for student personnel positions at the vice-presidential, dean, assistant/associate vice-presidential, or director level, or to prepare college faculty to teach in graduate-level programs in student personnel.

College Student Personnel (EDCP) Courses

520 Introduction to College Student Services (4)
Introduction to field of student personnel including history and development of profession, roles, and functions of student personnel professionals, and an overview of student personnel services.
Pearson, Young, staff; F; Y.

521 College Student Development: Theory with Practice (4)
Prereq: 520. Provides an understanding of college student development theories and how they are applied in student affairs.
Pearson, Young; W.

522 College Campus/Student Environment: From Theory to Practice (4)
Prereq: 520. Provides an understanding of college environment theories and their application.
Pearson, Young; Sp.

544A Student Activities/Unions (2)
Prereq: 520. Study of college unions, theories related to the student activities profession, campus programming, Greek life, leadership development, and student organizations. Future trends, professional organizations and standards, and several models of college unions and student activities are included.
Staff; W.

544B Student Behavior and Judiciaries (2)
Prereq: 520. Focuses on functions, conceptual bases, ethical concerns, research, and applications in judiciaries.
Staff; Sp.

544CResidence Life/Housing (2)
Prereq: 520. Provides the opportunity to develop knowledge about the college student personnel specialty area of housing/residence life.
Staff; W.

544D College Career Services (2)
Prereq: 520. Focuses on the field of career planning and placement and its role and function as one component of college student personnel services. Includes a perspective on how and why the field developed, current practice, current and historical issues, legal and ethical issues, and the future outlook.
Staff; F.

544E Admissions and Financial Aid (2)
Prereq: 520. Study of the professional principles of good practice, management, and conduct of the admissions and financial aid functions in higher education.
Staff; Sp.

544F Orientation/Advising/Developmental Education (2)
Prereq: 520. Explores the philosophical base, organizational patterns, management styles and practices, and evaluation methods used in the areas of orientation, academic advising, and devel- opmental education in higher education.
Staff; Sp.

544G International Student Services: Advising and Administration (2)
Prereq: 520. Focuses on the rationale for foreign student services, the functions and services performed, and the relationship of foreign student services to institutions of higher education and international education.
Staff; W.

544H Health and Wellness Programming and College Counseling Centers (2)
Prereq: 520. A study of the principles, functions, and practices of health education and wellness programs and college counseling centers, their organization, administration, and role in college student personnel services.
Staff; F.

544J Adult Students and Services (2)
Prereq: 520. An overview of the college student personnel specialty area of adult and continuing higher education. Academic and student service programs specifically designed for adult learners are examined.
Staff; W.

544K Two-Year College Student Personnel (2)
Prereq: 520. The study of the application of student personnel practices in the two-year college setting.
Staff; Sp; D.

544L Computer Applications in Student Personnel (2)
Prereq: 520. Provides student personnel students with a working knowledge of computer applications in the student personnel profession. Students master skills necessary to understand the use of computers in their field and to use the computer as a tool.
Staff; F.

603 Practicum in Student Personnel (3-5)
Must be taken 3 times for total of 12 hrs. Supervised experiences in student personnel offices of the university or of neighboring educational institutions.
Young, staff; F, W, Sp.

620 Administration and Organization of Student Affairs Programs (4)
Prereq: 522, EDAD 601. Relates theories and practices of leader-ship, decision making, organization, and administration to student personnel programming in higher education.
Young; W.

622 Readings and Research in Student Personnel (1-12)
Survey, analysis, interpretation, and synthesis of professional literature on college student personnel. Independent, directed research project in area of college student personnel.
Young; F, W, Sp.

720 College Student Personnel: Theories and Research (4)
Introduction of college student personnel field including history, development of the profession, and roles, functions, and issues in the profession.
Young; F; Y.

721 College Student Development: Theories and Research (4)
In-depth study of the major theories of college student development which are used in college student personnel. Emphasis on understanding and critiquing the theories and related research.
Pearson, Young; F.

722 College Student-Environmental Interactions (4)
Prereq: advanced standing. Explores several person-environmental theories, emphasizes assessment of environment for purposes of changing environment to foster student development.
Pearson, Young; W.

743 Advanced Seminar in Student Personnel: Current Issues (2, max 8)
Seminar format concerned with specific professional issue each quarter such as legal issues or professional development; research and guests used extensively.
Young; F, W, Sp.

803 Advanced Practicum in College Student Personnel (3-6)
Doctoral-level practicum and seminar providing in-depth experiences in selected student affairs offices on various campuses.
Young, staff; F, W, Sp, Su.

820 College Student Personnel Administration and Organization Theories and Research (4)
Study of selected theories of administration, organization, and leadership with specific application to student personnel operations in higher education.
Young; Sp.

890 Advanced Readings and Research in College Student Personnel (2-6)
Independent studies and specialized projects for doctoral students.
Young; F, W, Sp, Su.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/educ/edcp.html) April 13, 1998.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."