Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Educational Research and Evaluation

In addition to the courses provided in this program, the research staff provides services to both faculty and graduate students in the areas of research design, statistics, educational measurement, and computer use. Laboratory facilities, including programmable calculators, card punch, two computer terminals, and access to a library of statistical computer programs are available.

Educational Research and Evaluation (EDRE) Courses

501 Introduction to Research Methods (4)
Methods of research in education. Selecting, planning, and evaluating research problems.
Barcikowski, Johanson; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

510 Educational Measurements (4)
Construction of tests, item analysis, and statistics for test scores. Reliability, validity, and standard scores.
Johanson; F, W, Sp, Su; Y.

690 Readings in Educational Research and Evaluation (1-4)
Guided readings course, tailored to meet needs and interests of individual students, in selected topics in educational research, measurement, statistics, and evaluation.
Staff; D.

692 Special Projects in Educational Research and Evaluation I (1-8, max 8)
Prereq: 6 hrs in area. Individual research in problem areas in educational research, statistics, measurements, and evaluation. May be a theoretical or critical evaluation of recent research in some area in regard to objectives, content, and methodology. Projects may be individual or small groups.
Staff; D.

693 Seminar in Educational Research and Evaluation (1-5, max 10)
Prereq: perm. Special problems in elementary education, guidance, secondary education, and school administration.
Staff; D.

695 Thesis (2-10)
Staff; D.

711 Techniques of Test Development (5)
Construction of evaluation instruments for research and classroom use, item analysis techniques, criterion-referenced and norm-referenced testing, reliability, and validity.
Johanson; W.

712 Research in Educational Measurements (5)
Prereq: 711 and 720. Measurement and scaling theory, factor analysis, research in selected measurement topics, and item response theory with applications.
Johanson; Sp; Y.

720 Educational Statistics (5)
Measures of central tendency, measures of variability, standard scores, normal curve, simple regression, correlation, point estimates, testing statistical hypotheses, confidence intervals, t-distributions, chi-square distributions, and F-distributions. Use of computer statistical packages.
Barcikowski, Johanson; F, Su; Y.

721 Regression Analysis in Education (5)
Prereq: 720. Multiple and multivariate regression, one-way and two-way analysis of variance (univariate and multivariate), contrasts. Use of computer statistical packages.
Barcikowski; W, Su; Y.

722 Multivariate Methods in Education (5)
Prereq: 721. Factor analysis, canonical correlation analysis, discriminate analysis, higher order factorial designs, nested designs, analysis of covariance, and repeated measures designs. Use of computer statistical packages.
Barcikowski; Sp; Y.

723 Questionnaires and Nonparametric Statistics in Education (5)
Prereq: 720. Emphasis on questionnaire design and analysis using nonparametric statistics. Scaling, sampling, and selected parametric procedures are included.
Barcikowski, Johanson; W; D.

724 Research in Educational Statistics (4)
Prereq: 722. Interpretation of research studies from statistical viewpoint. Emphasizes examination of research designs involving statistics. Use of computer for statistical analysis.
Barcikowski; D.

731 Computer Science Applications in Education I (5)
Prereq: 720. Application of data processing and computer science techniques to problems in education.
Barcikowski, Johanson; F, Su; Y.

732 Computer Science Applications in Education II (5)
Prereq: 721 and 731. Advanced application of data processing and computer science techniques to problems in education.
Barcikowski, Johanson; W, Su.

733 Research Design in Education (5)
Prereq: 720 and 721, concurrent. Critical evaluation and development of research studies. Emphasis on development of problems which admit to scientific investigation, statement of hypotheses, definition of terms, problems of sampling, statistical methods, and interpretation and generalization of findings.
Barcikowski, Johanson; Sp; Y.

790 Advanced Readings in Educational Research and Evaluation (2-8, max 15)
Guided readings course, tailored to meet needs and interests of individual students, in selected advanced topics in educational research, measurement, statistics, and evaluation. May be a theoretical or critical evaluation of recent research in some area in regard to objectives, content, and methodology. These projects may be individual or small groups.
Staff; D.

792 Special Projects in Educational Research and Evaluation II (2-10, max 15)
Individual research in problem areas in research and evaluation. May be a theoretical or critical evaluation of recent research in regard to objectives, content, and methodology. Projects may be individual or small groups.
Staff; D.

793 Advanced Seminar in Educational Research and Evaluation (1-6, max 15)
Advanced seminar in selected topics in educational research and evaluation, including current trends, issues, and techniques.
Staff; D.

895 Dissertation (2-15)
Staff; D.

Ohio University Front Door

University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/educ/edre.html) April 13, 1998.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."