[The Master's Degree] [The
Doctor of Philosophy Degree]
Conferral of either the master's or Ph.D. degree requires at least a B (3.00)
grade-point average. The grade-point average in formal coursework will be
computed separately from the average in research, thesis, and dissertation
credits to determine eligibility for graduation. At least a B (3.00) grade-point
average is required in each category. No grade below C (2.00) can be used
to satisfy any degree requirement. A department may establish more rigorous
standards. All graduate students are expected to maintain at least an overall
B (3.00) grade-point average on a continuing basis. Should you achieve less
than an overall B (3.00) grade-point average, the office of the dean of
the college in which you are enrolled will solicit a written statement from
your departmental graduate committee to justify your continuation in the
Academic work at Ohio University is evaluated on the following grading system:
a grade of A equals 4.00; A- equals 3.67; B+ equals 3.33; B equals 3.00;
B- equals 2.67; C+ equals 2.33; C equals 2.00; C- equals 1.67; D+ equals
1.33; D equals 1.00; D- equals 0.67; and F equals 0.00. In addition to letter
grades, the following grades also may be recorded. Credit (CR) is usually
awarded for satisfactory completion of seminars, research projects, and
thesis or dissertation credit. You may receive a grade of progress (PR)
in courses which are not yet complete or which will extend over more than
one quarter. Grades of CR or PR are not used in computing your grade-point
average. An incomplete (I) indicates that you have made progress in a course
but have not finished the work required to receive a letter grade. An I
symbol is not counted in quarter hours attempted, hours earned, or quality
points until a letter grade is reported. If neither a letter grade nor notification
from the instructor for an extension of time is received by the Office of
Student Records, the I symbol reverts to an F letter grade six weeks into
the next quarter you are enrolled. Requests from the instructor for an extension
of time beyond six weeks cannot exceed the end of the next quarter enrolled.
Any remaining I symbols will be calculated as F in determining your eligibility
for graduation.
Determination of appropriate use of letter grades, CR, PR, or I is made
by the department and is recorded in the Office of Student Records.
A grade of NR means that the instructor has not submitted a grade, or that
there has been a processing error. Check with the instructor; if a grade
was in fact submitted, go to the Office of Student Records to learn what
is necessary to clear up the problem.
An administrative incomplete (I*) is given by the Office of Student Records
when you fail to drop officially a course for which you have registered.
Until removed, an administrative incomplete is computed as an F in calculating
the grade-point average.
the master's degree.
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University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/appadm/degreq.html) April 13, 1998.
Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."