Ohio University
Graduate Catalog

Departmental Faculty

The following listings were submitted by the dean's office in each college in May 1995 and verified in the Provost's Office. The regional campus faculties are listed after the main campus faculty.

B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | Regional Campuses |


O'Bleness Prof: Florence C. Sharp, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, C.P.A.
Prof: Ted R. Compton, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati, C.M.A., C.S.P.; Charles H. D'Augustine (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U., C.P.A.; Robert W. Jamison, Ph.D., U. of Texas; E. James Meddaugh, Ph.D., Penn State U., C.P.A.
Assoc. Prof: James S. Cox, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh, C.P.A.; Leon B. Hoshower, Ph.D., Michigan State U., C.P.A.; David P. Kirch, Penn State U., C.P.A.; Robert F. Sharp (director), Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin, C.P.A.; Donald V. Stuchell (emeritus, part-time), M.A.S., U. of Illinois, C.P.A.
Asst. Prof: Yining Chen, Ph.D., U. of South Carolina; Carol A. Hilton, Ph.D., U. of Arkansas; Joseph N. Hilton, Ph.D., U. of Arkansas; David L. Senteney, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Instr: Olin Adams III, M.B.A., Mount St. Mary's College, C.P.A.; William Hoops, M.B.A., Ohio U., C.P.A.

Aerospace Studies

Prof: Randy E. Morris (chair), M.A., Central Michigan U.
Asst. Prof: David R. Guio, M.A., Webster U.; David E. Saville, M.A., Embry-Riddle U.; Darrell D. Slone, M.B.A., Webster U.

African American Studies

Prof: Francine C. Childs, Ed.D., East Texas State U.
Assoc. Prof: Robert Rhodes, M.A., U. of Cincinnati and M.S., Atlanta U.; Vattel T. Rose (chair), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota.
Instr: Jeffrey C. Wray, M.F.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Joseph Bova (director), M.A., U. of New Mexico; Abner Jonas (part-time), M.F.A., U. of Iowa; David R. Klahn, M.F.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Ronald Kroutel (part-time), M.F.A., U. of Michigan; Mary Manusos, M.F.A., U. of Wisconsin; Karen Nulf, M.A., Michigan State U.; Gary Pettigrew (part-time), M.F.A., Ohio U.; Daniel Williams, M.A., U. of Oregon.
Assoc. Prof: Marilyn Bradshaw, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Robert Borchard (emeritus, part-time), M.S., U. of Wisconsin; Aethelred Eldridge, M.S.D., U. of Michigan; Michael Harper, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Charles McWeeny, M.F.A., Oklahoma U.; Robert Peppers, M.F.A., Ohio U.; Judith Perani, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Marilyn Poeppelmeyer, M.F.A., SUNY, Buffalo; Brad Schwieger, M.F.A., Utah State U.; Gary Schwindler, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Asst. Prof: Mary Campbell, M.F.A., U. of California, Davis; Carolyn Cardenas, M.F.A., Drake U.; Eva Enderlein, M.F.A., Indiana U.; G. Gofbarg, M.F.A., U. of New Mexico; T. Hipp, M.F.A., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro; Joseph Lamb, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara; Robert Lazuka, M.F.A., Arizona State U.; Daniel Loewenstein, M.F.A., U. of California, San Diego; Duane McDiarmid, M.F.A., Florida State U.; Arlyn Simon, M.F.A., Yale U.


Prof: C. Elaine McCoy (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Ronald J. Faliszek, B.B.A., Ohio U.
Instr: Brad Thompson (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U.; David E. Samuels (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U.; Amy Van Horn (part-time), B.S.A.S., Ohio U.; Charles Wentz (part-time), M.S.E., Catholic U. of America.

Biological Sciences

Goll Ohio Eminent Research Scholar: John Kopchick, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Houston.
Prof: Joseph Eastman, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; Fredrick Hagerman, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Robert Hikida, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; William Hummon, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Joseph Jollick, Ph.D., West Virginia U.; Ellengene Peterson, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside; William Romoser, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Jerome Rovner, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; Michael Rowe, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside; Gerald Svendsen, Ph.D., U. of Kansas; John Zook, Ph.D., Duke U.
Assoc. Prof: Huzoor Akbar, Ph.D., Australian National U.; Charles Atkins, Ph.D., North Carolina State U.; Dennis Bazylinski, Ph.D., U. of New Hampshire; Mary Chamberlin, Ph.D., U. of British Columbia; Robert Colvin, Ph.D., Rutgers U.; Walter Costello, Ph.D., Boston U.; Ralph DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta, Edmonton; Kenneth Goodrum, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin; Oscar Heck, Ph.D., Washington State U.; William Henley, Ph.D., Colorado State U.; John Howell, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; Patricia Humphrey, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Anne Loucks, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara; Louise Luckenbill, Ph.D., Brown U.; Donald Miles, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania; Malcolm Modrzakowski, Ph.D., U. of Georgia; Scott Moody, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Finnie Murray (chair), Ph.D., U. of Florida; Ronald Portanova, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.; Edwin Rowland, Ph.D., Wake Forest U.; Robert Staron, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Matthew White, Ph.D., Virginia Tech; Leon Wince, Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Asst. Prof: Bonita Biegalke, Ph.D., U. of Washington; Audrone Biknevicius, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.; Anthony Brown, Ph.D., King's College, U. of London; Elizabeth Crockett, Ph.D., U. of Maine; Filomena Dimayuga, Ph.D., U. of South Alabama; William Holmes, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; Scott Hooper, Ph.D., Brandeis U.; Frank Horodyski, Ph.D., U. of California, San Diego; Calvin B. L. James, Ph.D., Howard U.; Kelly Johnson, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Brent Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Stephen N. Reilly, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.; Linda Ross, Ph.D., U. of Texas; Lawrence Witmer, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.
Lect: Laura DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta, Edmonton; Mary K. Eastman, M.S., Ohio U.; Margaret Hummon, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Molly McCarthy, M.S., Rutgers U.; Mary Nossek, M.S., Ohio U.


Dist. Prof: Thomas Wagner, Ph.D., Northwestern U.
Prof: John Blazyk, Ph.D., Brown U.; David Hendricker, Ph.D., Iowa State U.; Peter Johnson, Ph.D., U. of Birmingham; Howard Latz, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Paul Sullivan (chair), Ph.D., U. of Waterloo; James Tong, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jared Butcher Jr., Ph.D., U. of Tennessee; Howard D. Dewald, Ph.D., New Mexico State U.; Karen E. Eichstadt, Ph.D., U. of Kansas; Peter deB. Harrington, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Keith F. McDaniel, Ph.D., Princeton U.; Gary Pfeiffer, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon U.; Hugh H. Richardson, Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.; Gary Small, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Martin T. Tuck, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee; Gene Westenbarger, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley.
Asst. Prof: Anthony Andrews, Ph.D., U. of Hull; Daniel Dolata, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz; Bing Gong, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Frederick R. Lemke, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Surina Ismail, Ph.D., U. of Akron; Lauren E. McMills, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Mark C. McMills, Ph.D., Michigan State U.

Classical Languages

Assoc. Prof: James A. Andrews, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Robert Stephen Hays (chair), Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Asst. Prof: William Owens, Ph.D., Yale U.; Mark Landon, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Ruth Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Joe Schott, Ph.D., Ohio State U.

Communication Systems Management

Assoc. Prof: Phyllis W. Bernt (director), Ph.D., U. of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Asst. Prof: Steven E. Johnson, M.A., Ohio U.; Hans Kruse, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.; Anthony G. Mele, B.S., Ohio U.; Trevor Roycroft, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis; Varadharajan Sridhar, Ph.D., U. of Iowa.

Comparative Arts

Prof: Jessica Haigney, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Robert Wortman (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U.
Asst. Prof: Wojtek Chojna, Ph.D., Temple U.
Visiting Asst. Prof: Rachel Hostetter, Ph.D., Indiana U.


Prof: Gladys Bailin (part-time), B.A., Hunter College; Madeleine Scott (director), M.A., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Assoc. Prof: Patricia Brooks, B.S., Wayne State U.; Michelle Geller, M.F.A., New York U. School of the Arts; Marina Walchi, M.F.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Andre Gribou, M.M., Juilliard School of Music.
Lect: Frederick Kraps (part-time).


Dist. Prof: Lowell Gallaway, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Richard Vedder, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Prof: Douglas Adie, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Roy Boyd, Ph.D., Duke U.; Edwin Charlé (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Indiana U.; Khosrow Doroodian, Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Ismail Ghazalah, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; David Klingaman, Ph.D., U. of Virginia; Rajindar K. Koshal, Ph.D., U. of Rochester; Vishwa Shukla, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jan Palmer (chair), Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Rosemary Rossiter, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Asst. Prof: Tony Caporale, Ph.D., George Mason U.; Chulho Jung, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Kathryn G. Marshall, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Barbara McKiernan, Ph.D., George Mason U.; Harold Winter, Ph.D., U. of Rochester.

Education--Applied Behavioral Sciences
and Educational Leadership

Prof: Robert Barcikowski, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Fred Dressel (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., Indiana U.; Max Evans (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; James Grubb (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Luther Haseley (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of Toledo; Richard Hazler, Ph.D., U. of Idaho; Lazarus Jaji, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Donald Knox (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., Case Western Reserve U.; Richard Miller, Ph.D., Columbia U.; Sally Navin, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Conrad W. Snyder, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania; Thomas Sweeney (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Melvin Witmer (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Florida State U.; Robert Young, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Patricia Beamish, Ed.D., West Virginia U.; Thomas Davis, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Glenn Doston, Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Crystal Gips, Ed.D., Boston U.; George Johanson, Ed.D., U. of Massachusetts.
Asst. Prof: Suzy Green, Ph.D., Ohio U.; James Hartman, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Frances Pearson, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; David Stone, Ph.D., Ohio U.

Education--Curriculum and Instruction

Prof: Larry Jageman, Ed.D., U. of Northern Colorado; Gail Jaji, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Monroe Johnson, Ed.D., U. of Tennessee; Albert Leep (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ball State U.; Ralph Martin, Ph.D., U. of Toledo; Ragy Mitias, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Reba Pinney (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; William Rader, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Stephen Safran, Ph.D., U. of Virginia; H. Wells Singleton (dean), Ph.D., Stanford U.; Ray Skinner (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U.; Charles Smith Jr., Ed.D., Wayne State U.; Edward Stevens Jr., Ed.D., U. of Rochester; James Thompson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; George Wood, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Arthur Clubok, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; R. Keith Hillkirk, Ph.D., Penn State U.; W. Stephen Howard, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; John McCutcheon, Ed.D., Indiana U.; Joan McMath, Ph.D., U. of Akron; Sondra Rebottini, Ed.D., West Virginia U.; Barbara Reeves, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky; Marta Roth, Ed.D., West Virginia U.; Joan Safron, Ph.D., U. of Virginia; William Smith, Ed.D., Indiana U.; Scott Sparks, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Karen J. Viechnicki, Ph.D., Kent State U.; James Yanok, Ph.D., Kent State U.
Asst. Prof: Bonnie Beach, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Alice Blake-Stalker, Ph.D., U. of Georgia; Michael Flemister, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Dorothy Leal, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky; Sallie Roberts (emerita, part-time), M.A., Ohio U.; Coleen Sexton, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Instr: Betty Mason, M.Ed., Ohio U.; Leeanna Morgan, M.Ed., Ohio U.

Education--Professional Laboratory Experiences

Prof: Rena Allen, M.A., Marshall U.
Instr: Bonnie Bailey, M.Ed., Indiana U. of Pennsylvania; Diane Burkhart, M.Ed., Kent State U.; Carolyn Richardson, M.S., Ohio U.; Connie Scott, M.Ed., Ohio U.

Engineering, Chemical

Prof: William Baasel (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Cornell U.; Calvin Baloun (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Nicholas Dinos, Ph.D., Lehigh U.; W. Paul Jepson (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Heriot-Watt U., Scotland; Michael Prudich (chair), Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Assoc. Prof: Wen-Jia Russell Chen, Ph.D., Syracuse U; Daniel Gulino, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Kendree Sampson, Ph.D., Purdue U.
Asst. Prof: Tingyue Gu, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Darin Ridgway, Ph.D., Florida State U.

Engineering, Civil

Prof: Tiao Chang, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Glenn Hazen, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Harry Kaneshige (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Gayle Mitchell (Russ Prof. and chair), Ph.D., Mississippi State U.; Shad Sargand (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.
Assoc. Prof: Edward Russ (emeritus, part-time), M.S.C.E., Clarkson College of Technology.
Asst. Prof: Kenneth B. Edwards, Ph.D., Iowa State U.; Lloyd A. Herman, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.; Joseph Recktenwald, Ph.D., U. of Akron; Eric P. Steinberg, Ph.D., Michigan Tech. U; Ben J. Stuart, M.S., Rutgers U.
Instr: Teruhisa Masada, M.S., Ohio U.

Engineering, Electrical and Computer

Prof: Hollis Chen, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Joseph Essman, Ph.D., Purdue U.; James Gilfert (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Herman Hill, Ph.D., West Virginia U.; Robert Judd (Cooper Industries Prof.), Ph.D., Oakland U.; Harold Klock (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Robert Lilley (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Henryk Lozykowski, Ph.D., N. Copernicus U.; Brian Manhire, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Richard McFarland (Russ Prof., emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Jerrel Mitchell (Russ Prof. and chair), Ph.D., Mississippi State U.; M.E. Mokari, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Roger Radcliff, Ph.D., West Virginia U.; William Shepherd (Stocker Visiting Prof.), Ph.D., U. of London; Janusz Starzyk, Ph.D., Technical U., Warsaw.
Assoc. Prof: Mehmet Celenk, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology; Robert Curtis, Ph.D., New York U.; Jeffrey Dill, Ph.D., U. of Southern California; Jeffrey Giesey, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; John Gillam, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; R. Dennis Irwin, Ph.D., Mississippi State U.; John A. Tague, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Frank van Graas, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Constantinos Vassiliadis, Ph.D., Mississippi State U.
Asst. Prof: Michael S. Braasch, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Venkat Gudivada, Ph.D., U. of Southwestern Louisiana; Larry Irwin, M.S., Ohio U.; Douglas Lawrence, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.; Joseph H. Nurre, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Shawn Ostermann, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Santosh Pande, Ph.D., North Carolina State U., Raleigh; Kleanthis Psarris, Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology.
Instr: Victor Hanna (part-time), M.S., Youngstown State U.; Timothy Killeen, M.S., U. of California, Berkeley; Margaret Thomas, M.A., Ohio U.

Engineering, Industrial and Systems

Prof: Charles M. Parks (chair), Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.; Donald Scheck (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U.; Robert Williams (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Helmut Zwahlen (Russ Prof.), Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: E. Ralph Sims (part-time), M.B.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Richard J. Gerth, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; David A. Koonce, Ph.D., Louisiana State U.; Thomas A. Lacksonen, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Robert Lipset, Ph.D., Oakland U.; Luis Rabelo, Ph.D., U. of Missouri.

Engineering, Mechanical

Prof: O.E. Adams Jr. (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Lehigh U.; Khairul Alam, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology; Jay Gunasekera (Moss Prof. and chair), Ph.D., U. of London; Roy Lawrence (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Southern Methodist U.; Hajrudin Pasic, Ph.D., Stanford U.; T. Richard Robe (dean), Ph.D., Stanford U.
Assoc. Prof: Sunil Agrawal, Ph.D., Stanford U.; Mohammad Dehghani, Ph.D., Louisiana State U.; Gary Graham, Ph.D., Texas Technical U.; Kenneth Halliday, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts; Israel Urieli, Ph.D., U. of Witwatersrand.
Asst. Prof: David Bayless, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Robert L. Williams II, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.; Bhavin Mehta (part-time), M.S., Ohio U.


Dist. Prof: Wayne Dodd, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; John Matthews, M.A., Ohio State U.
Trustee Prof: Samuel Crowl, Ph.D., Indiana U.
Prof: Laurence Bartlett, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Frank Cronin, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh; Susan Crowl, Ph.D., Indiana U.; James Davis, Ph.D., Florida State U.; Robert DeMott, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Raymond Fitch, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania; Roy Flannagan, Ph.D., U. of Virginia; Daniel Keyes, M.A., CUNY, Brooklyn; Earl Knies, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Julia Lin, Ph.D., U. of Washington; Dean McWilliams, Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Lester Marks, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Cosmo Pieterse, M.A., U. of Cape Town; Vance Ramsey, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; Barry Roth, Ph.D., Stanford U.; Duane Schneider, Ph.D., U. of Colorado; Eve Shelnutt, M.F.A., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro; Harold Swardson, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; James Thompson, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Arvin Wells, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Assoc. Prof: Marilyn Atlas, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; David Bergdahl, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; David Heaton, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Janis Holm, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Mara Holt, Ph.D., U. of Texas; Linda Hunt, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Reid Huntley, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Ernest Johansson, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Peter Kousaleos, Ph.D., Ohio U.; William Kuhre, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Ben Park, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; Betty Pytlik (chair), Ph.D., U. of Southern California; Mark Rollins, Ph.D., U. of Massachusetts, Amherst; Arthur Woolley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Linda Zionkowski, Ph.D., Northwestern U.
Asst. Prof: Josephine Bloomfield, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis; Deborah Brown, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; Kenneth Daley, Ph.D., New York U.; Paul Dombrowski, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Christine Freeman, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Loreen Giese, Ph.D., Emory U.; David Lazar, Ph.D., U. of Houston; Robert Miklitsch, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Charles Naccarato, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Lowell Ver Heul, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Valorie Worthy, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Visiting Asst. Prof: Joan Connor, M.F.A., Vermont College; Janet Sylvester, Ph.D., U. of Utah.
Instr: David Bruce, M.A., Ohio U.; Jane Denbow, M.A., Marshall U.; Miriam Hart, M.A., Ohio U.; Thomas Mantey, M.A., Ohio U.; David Sharpe, M.A., Brown U.; Joan Zook, M.A., U. of Michigan.

Environmental and Plant Biology

Dist. Prof: Norman Cohn, Ph.D., Yale U.
Prof: James Braselton, Ph.D., Iowa State U.; James Cavender, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin; Laurence Larson, Ph.D., Purdue U.; John Mitchell, Ph.D., Edinburgh U.; Gar Rothwell, Ph.D., U. of Alberta; Ivan Smith (chair), Ph.D., U. of London; Irwin Ungar, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Philip Cantino, Ph.D., Harvard U.; James Herbert Graffius, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Jan Salick, Ph.D., Cornell U.; Allan M. Showalter, Ph.D., Rutgers U.
Asst. Prof: Brian McCarthy, Ph.D., Rutgers U.; Arthur T. Trese, Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Mary L. Trivett, Ph.D., Ohio U.


Eminent Prof. of Film: Rajko Grlic, M.F.A., Famu Prague.
Prof: George Semsel, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; David O. Thomas (director), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.
Assoc. Prof: Ruth Bradley, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Jenny Kwok Wah Lau, Ph.D., Northwestern U.


Charles G. O'Bleness Prof. of Finance and Banking: Ganas K. Rakes (chair), D.B.A., Washington U.
Prof: Azmi D. Mikhail, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Harlan R. Patterson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Nanda K. Rangan (Visiting Bank One Prof.), Ph.D., Texas A & M.
Assoc. Prof: Dwight A. Pugh, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Bruce S. Berlin, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Natalie M. Chieffe, M.B.A., U. of Pittsburgh; Jeffrey Allen Manzi, Ph.D., Kent State U.
Instr: John E. Reynolds III, Executive in Residence, M.B.A., Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania; Scott B. Wright, M.B.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Nancy R. Bain, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; Frank E. Bernard, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Bob J. Walter, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Hubert G.H. Wilhelm, Ph.D., Louisiana State U.; Lynden S. Williams, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Hubertus H.L. Bloemer (chair), Ph.D., The Union Institute; James L. Cobban, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; James K. Lein, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Dorothy Sack, Ph.D., U. of Utah.
Asst. Prof: Ronald H. Isaac, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.; James M. Dyer, Ph.D., U. of Georgia.

Geological Sciences

Prof: Moid Ahmad, Ph.D., U. of London; F. Donald Eckelmann (part-time), Ph.D., Columbia U.; Royal Mapes (chair), Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Damian Nance, Ph.D., U. of Cambridge, England; Geoffrey Smith, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Thomas Worsley, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Assoc. Prof: Gene Heien, M.A., Indiana U.; David Kidder, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara.
Asst. Prof: Douglas Green, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Dina Lopez, Ph.D., Louisiana State U.; Mary Stoertz, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin.

Health Sciences

Prof: John E. Gay, Ed.D., West Virginia U.; Clifford Houk (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Montana State U.; Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Assoc. Prof: Franklin B. Carver, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Marsha Gathron, Ed.D., Oklahoma State U.; Richard Hedges, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky.
Asst. Prof: Patricia Baasel, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Dougles Bolon, Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U.; Margaret Christensen, Ed.D., Oklahoma State U.; Kevin Crist, Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Sean Mahar, Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Ernesto Randolfi, Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Joan Tucker, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Instr: Juli Miller (part-time), M.H.S.A., Ohio U.

Hearing and Speech Sciences

Prof: Joann Fokes (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U.; Donald Fucci, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Edwin Leach (director), Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Assoc. Prof: Dean Christopher, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Norman Garber, Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Ronald Isele (emeritus, part-time), M.A., Kent State U.; Richard Navarro, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.
Asst. Prof: Emily Buckberry, M.A., Ohio U.; Helen Conover (emerita, part-time), M.A., Ohio U.; C. Richard Dean, Ph.D., Stanford U.; Helen Ezell, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh; Brooke Hallowell, Ph.D., U. of Iowa.
Instr: Joan Fucci, M.S., U. of Pittsburgh; F. Travis Milliken, M.S., Brigham Young U.; William Wolfolk, M.A., Eastern Michigan U.


Ohio Eminent Research Scholar: Alfred Eckes, Ph.D., U. of Texas.
Dist Prof: Charles Alexander, Ph.D., U. of Texas; John Gaddis, Ph.D., U. of Texas.
J. Richard Hamilton/Baker and Hostetler Prof: Alan R. Booth, Ph.D., Boston U.
Prof: James Chastain, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; Marvin Fletcher, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Alonzo Hamby, Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Donald Jordan, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; William Kaldis, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Compton Reeves, Ph.D., Emory U.; Donald Richter, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; Bruce Steiner (chair), Ph.D., U. of Virginia.
Assoc. Prof: Douglas Baxter, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; Phillip Bebb, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Phyllis Field, Ph.D., Cornell U.; William Frederick, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii; Michael Grow, Ph.D., George Washington U.; Richard Harvey, Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Lyle McGeoch, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania; Steven Miner, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Chester Pach, Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Roy Rauschenberg, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Robert Whealey, Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Katherine Jellison, Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Sholeh A. Quinn, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Eric P. Roorda, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.

Human and Consumer Sciences

Prof: Margaret King, Ed.D., U. of Massachusetts.
Assoc. Prof: Judy Matthews (director), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Catherine McQuaid-Steiner, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Prisca Nemapare, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee; Ernest Stricklin, Ph.D., Boston U.
Asst. Prof: Lee Cibrowski, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Schuyler Cone, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Annette S. Graham, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Helen Hagens, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Marjorie Hagerman, M.S., Ohio U.; Richard Neumann, M.S., U. of Wisconsin; V. Ann Paulins, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Sharran Parkinson, Ph.D., Florida State U.; Donal R. Pierucci (part-time), M.A., Carnegie Tech; June Varner, Ed.D., West Virginia U; Robert Wildman, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Letty Workman, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.

Industrial Technology

Prof: Menno DiLiberto (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of Illinois; James Fales (Loehr Prof. and chair), Ed.D., Texas A & M; William Reeves, Ed.D., U. of Kentucky; Albert Squibb (emeritus, part-time), D.Ed., Penn State U.
Assoc. Prof: John Deno, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Arlen Saunders (emeritus, part-time), M.A., Morehead State U.; Timothy Sexton, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Dinesh Dhamija, M.S., Ohio U.; Thomas E. Scott, M.B.A., Butler U.; Peter W. Klein, M.Ed., Colorado State U.; Patrick J. McCuistion, Ph.D., Texas A & M.

Interpersonal Communication

Prof: Tom Daniels, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Sue DeWine (director), Ph.D., Indiana U.; Raymie E. McKerrow, Ph.D., U. of Iowa, Iowa City; Paul Nelson (dean), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; John Timmis III (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U.
Assoc. Prof: Roger Aden, Ph.D., U. of Nebraska; Charles Carlson (emeritus, part-time), M.Ed., Kent State U.; David Descutner, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Ted Foster (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Elizabeth Graham, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Claudia Hale, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Anita James, Ph.D., U. of Southern California; Judith Yaross Lee, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Michael Papa, Ph.D., Temple U.; Arvind Singhal, Ph.D., U. of Southern California; Ray Wagner, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Christina Beck, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; Wendy Papa, M.A., Central Michigan U.; John Smith, Ph.D., Wayne State U.; Candice Thomas, Ed.D., West Virginia U.
Instr: Cedric Dawkins, M.A., Ohio U.
Lect: Margaret Killough, J.D., U. of Detroit.


Dist. Prof: Guido Stempel III, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin.
Prof: Michael Bugeja, Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.; Anne M. Cooper, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Dru Riley Evarts, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Melvin Helitzer, B.A., Syracuse U.; Ralph Izard (director), Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Ralph Kliesch (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; Donald Lambert, M.A., Penn State U.; Jerry Sloan, B.S., Ohio U.; Patrick Washburn, Ph.D., Indiana U.
Assoc. Prof: Joe Bernt, Ph.D., U. of Nebraska; Marilyn Greenwald, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Sandra Haggerty, B.S., Utah State U.; Thomas Hodges, M.S., South Dakota State U.; Thomas Peters, M.B.A., Ohio U.; Ron Pittman, M.S., Marshall U.; Cassandra Reese, M.B.A., Governors State U.; Robert J. Richardson (part-time), M.S., Ohio U.; Robert Stewart, Ph.D., U. of Washington; Patricia Westfall, M.S., Columbia U.
Asst. Prof: Ovril Patricia Cambridge, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Eddith Dashiell, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Larry Levin, B.A., Immaculate Heart College.
Instr: Herbert Amey (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U.; Nancy Burton, B.A., Emerson College; Ray Frye (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U.; Carol James (part-time), B.S.J., Ohio U.; Karl Runser (part-time), B.A., Ohio U. Asst. Instr: Richard Bean; Douglas E. Noel, B.S.C., Ohio U.


Prof: Zinny Bond, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: James Coady, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Beverly Flanigan, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Richard McGinn, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii; Keiko Koda, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Marmo Soemarmo, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles.
Asst. Prof: Neil J. Anderson, Ph.D., U. of Texas; Yoichi Miyamoto, Ph.D., U. of Connecticut.
Instr: Joe Amoako, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Suharni Soemarmo, M.A., U. of California, Los Angeles; Fumiko Yoshimura, M.A., Ohio U.

Management Information Systems

Prof: John Day (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Thomas G. Luce, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Anne H. McClanahan, Ph.D., Ohio U.; James Perotti, Ph.D., Duquesne U.
Assoc. Prof: David Sutherland, Ph.D., U. of Kansas.
Asst. Prof: Douglas J. Havelka, Ph.D., Texas Tech U.; Ellsworth Holden, M.A., Harvard U.; Hao Lou, Ph.D., U. of Houston.
Lect: Corrine Brown (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.

Management Systems

O'Bleness Prof: John R. Schermerhorn Jr., Ph.D., Northwestern U. Grad School of Mgt.,BR> Lecturer and Executive-in-Residence: Richard C. Scamehorn, M.B.A., Indiana U.
Prof: Thomas Bolland, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Stephen H. Fuller, D.B.A., Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration; C. Aaron Kelley (dean), Ph.D., U. of North Texas; Manjulika Koshal, Ph.D., Patna U.; Arthur Marinelli (chair), J.D., Ohio State U.; Valerie S. Perotti, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Lucian Spataro, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; John Stinson, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Lane Tracy, D.B.A., U. of Washington.
Assoc. Prof: Frank Barone, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Carl R. Bridges, Ed.D., Northern Illinois U.; Gerald F. Carvalho, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Kenneth Cutright, Ph.D., West Virginia U.; William Day, D.B.A., Harvard U.; Frances M. Fuller, A.M., Columbia U.; Patricia Gunn, J.D., Boston College; Mary Keifer, J.D., U. of Virginia; Clarence Martin, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon U.; Richard Milter, Ph.D., SUNY, Albany; Bonnie Roach, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Jessie Roberson, J.D., U. of Michigan; Edward B. Yost, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Asst. Prof: David Chappell, Ph.D., U. of Colorado; Garth Coombs, Ph.D., U. of Colorado; Hugh Sherman, Ph.D., Temple U.; Rebecca A. Thacker, Ph.D., Texas A & M; Matthew Stollak, Ph.D., U. of Illinois.
Instr: Virginia Woolley (part-time), M.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Lect: Pamela A. Boger (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; C. Michael Gray (part-time), J.D., U. of Wisconsin; John Keifer (part-time), J.D., U. of Virginia; Peggy Miller (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Reid Sinclair (part-time), Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.


Prof: Ashok Gupta (chair), Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Kahandas Nandola, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania.
Assoc. Prof: Mary Elizabeth Blair, Ph.D., U. of South Carolina; Timothy P. Hartman, Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Catherine N. Axinn, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Barbara J. Dyer, Ph.D., U. of Tennessee; Daniel E. Innis, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Instr: Larry S. Rogers, M.B.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Abdol-Reza Aftabizadeh, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Arlington; Sergiu Aizicovici, Ph.D., U. of Iasi; Alexander V. Arhangelskii, Dr. Sc., Moscow State U.; Ralph deLaubenfels, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Surender Jain, Ph.D., U. of Delhi; Nicolae Pavel, Ph.D., U. of Iasi; Hari Shankar, M.A., U. of Cincinnati; Larry Snyder, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Shih-Liang Wen, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Howard Wicke, Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Thomas Wolf, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Jeffery Connor, Ph.D., Kent State U.; Klaus Eldridge, Ph.D., U. of Colorado; Ellery Golos (emeritus, part-time), M.A., U. of Michigan; Barbara Grover, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh; Eliot Jacobson, Ph.D., U. of Arizona; David Keck, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Sergio Lopez-Permouth, Ph.D., North Carolina State U.; Paul S. Malcom (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Cyrus Mehr (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Purdue U.; M.S.K. Sastry, Ph.D., U. of Rochester; James Shirey, Ph.D., Purdue U.; Mary Anne Swardson (chair), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Robert Vancko, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Quoc Phong Vu, Dr. Sc., Inst. of Math., Kiev.
Asst. Prof: Walter Carlip, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Steven A. Chapin, Ph.D., Rutgers U.; Winfried Just, Ph.D., U. of Warsaw; William E. Kaufman, Ph.D., U. of Houston; Paul J. Szeptycki, Ph.D., U. of Toronto.

Military Science

Prof: Thomas A. Coyle Jr. (chair), M.B.A., Troy State U.
Asst. Prof: David J. Bennett, B.A., Bowling Green State U.; Michael D. Bish, B.S., Franklin U.

Modern Languages

Prof: Richard Danner, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Thomas Franz, Ph.D., U. of Kansas; Manuel Serna-Maytorena (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Barry Thomas, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Lois Vines, Ph.D., Georgetown U.; Maureen Weissenrieder (chair), Ph.D., Penn State U.; William Wrage, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Assoc. Prof: Noel Barstad (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; David Burton, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky; Carl Carrier, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Abelardo Moncayo-Andrade, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; Ruth Nybakken, Ph.D., Columbia U.; C. P. Richardson, M.A., Ohio U.; Herta Rodina, Ph.D., Harvard U.; Marie-Claire Wrage, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison.
Asst. Prof: Gloria Allaire, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Melanie Archangeli, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Boris Bricker, Ph.D., U. of Alberta; Grafton Conliffe (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Signe Denbow, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Dominique Duvert, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Mary Jane Kelley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; H., Mark Larson, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Edward Maier, Ph.D., U. of California, Davis; Betsy Partyka, Ph.D., U. of Oxford, England; Daniel Torres, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Susan Wehling-Hassouna, Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati.
Lect: Bartolomeo Martello, M.A., Michigan State U.
Instr: Dominique Bardet, M.A., Appalachian State U.; Hector Brasil-Laurenzo, M.A., U. of California, Santa Barbara; Joseph Burns, M.A., Princeton U.; José Delgado, M.A., Indiana U.; Sarah Fritz, M.A., Michigan State U.; Carolyn Lukens, M.A., U. of North Carolina; David Mayberry, M.A., U. of California, Berkeley; Anne Porter, M.A., Middlebury College; Marjorie Prince, M.A., Ohio State U.; Barbara Reichenbach, M.A., Kent State U.; Josefina Williams, M.A., Ohio U.; Karin Wright, M.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Ernest Bastin, M.M., U. of Illinois; Howard Beebe, M.S., Juilliard School of Music; Gail Berenson, M.M., Northwestern U.; Reginald Fink, Ph.D., U. of Oklahoma; David Lewis (part-time), Ph.D., West Virginia U.; Guy Remonko, M.M., West Virginia U.; Harold Robison, D.M.A., U. of Michigan; James Scholten, Ed.D., U. of Michigan; Robert Smith (emeritus, part-time), M.M., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; Ronald Socciarelli (emeritus, part-time), M.M., U. of Michigan; Roger Stephens (director), M.M., East Carolina U.; Richard Syracuse, M.S., Juilliard School of Music; Richard Wetzel, Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh; Dora J. Wilson, Ph.D., U. of Southern California.
Assoc. Prof: H. Joseph Butler, D.M.A., Eastman School of Music; Peggy A. Codding, Ph.D., Florida State U.; Donna Conaty, M.M., Yale School of Music; Peter Jarjisian, D.M.A., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Michael Kellogg, M.M., Loyola U.; Mark Phillips, D.M., Indiana U.; Allyn Reilly, Ph.D., Northwestern U.; James Stewart, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Margene Stewart, M.F.A., Ohio U.; Sylvester Young, M.M., Bowling Green State U.; Ira Zook, D.M.A., U. of Michigan.
Asst. Prof: Nancy Beebe, M.M., Ohio U.; Milton Butler, M.M., Texas Southern U.; Kimo Furumoto, M.M., Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; Pauline Gagliano, M.S., U. of Illinois; Mark Schroeder, M.M., Cleveland Institute of Music; Marjorie Bennett Stephens, M.M., Ohio State U.; C. Scott Smith, M.M., Michigan State U.


Prof: Barbara K. Chapman (dean), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Kathleen Rose-Grippa (director), Ph.D., Stanford U.
Asst. Prof: Sharon Denham, M.S.N., Bellarmine; Emily Harman, M.S.N., West Virginia U.; Maxine Knapp, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Sharon Mullen, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Carla Phillips, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Martha Rock, Ph.D., U. of Delaware; Kathleen Tennant, Ph.D., Ohio U.

Ohio Program of Intensive English

Lect: John Bagnole, M.A., Georgetown U.; Linn Forhan, M.A., Ohio U.; Kathleen Harrington, M.A., School for International Training; Cynthia Holliday, M.A., SUNY, Albany; Kristen Hubert, M.A., Colorado State U.; Jack Humbles, M.A., Ball State U.; Mary Kaye Jordan, M.A., Ohio U.; Gerald Krzic, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Mary MacDonald, M.A., U. of Massachusetts; John McVicker, M.A., Kansas U.; Charles Mickelson, M.A., Ohio U.; Cornelia Perdreau, M.A., Ohio U.

College of Osteopathic Medicine

Basic Sciences

Prof: Jack Blazyk, Ph.D., Brown U.; Joseph T. Eastman, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; Fredrick Hagerman, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Robert S. Hikida, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Peter Johnson, Ph.D., U. of Birmingham; Joseph Jollick, Ph.D., West Virginia U.; Ellengene Peterson, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside; Michael Rowe, Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside; John M. Zook, Ph.D., Duke U.
Assoc. Prof: Huzoor Akbar, Ph.D., Australian National U.; Charles Atkins, Ph.D., North Carolina State U.,; Mary Chamberlin, Ph.D., U. of British Columbia; Robert Colvin, Ph.D., Rutgers U.; Walter Costello, Ph.D., Boston U.; Ralph A. DiCaprio, Ph.D., U. of Alberta; Kenneth Goodrum, Ph.D., U. of Texas; Oscar Heck, Ph.D., Washington State U.; William Henley, Ph.D., Colorado State U.; John Howell, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; Anne B. Loucks, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Barbara; Louise Luckenbill, Ph.D., Brown U.; Malcolm C. Modrzakowski, Ph.D., U. of Georgia; Scott M. Moody, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Finnie Murray, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Ronald Portanova, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.; Edwin C. Rowland, Ph.D., Wake Forest U.; Robert S. Staron, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Leon C. Wince, Ph.D., West Virginia U.
Asst. Prof: Bonita Biegalke, Ph.D., U. of Washington; Audrone Biknevicius, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.; Anthony Brown, Ph.D., King's College; William Holmes, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; Scott Hooper, Ph.D., Brandeis U.; Calvin B.L. James, Ph.D., Howard U.; Brent Palmer, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Lawrence Witmer, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.
Instr: Mary K. Eastman, M.S., Ohio U.; Margaret Hummon, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Nobuyuki Kuwabara, Ph.D., Sophia U.

Department of Family Medicine

Prof: John A. Brose, D.O., Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine; Anthony G. Chila, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Frank W. Myers (trustee), D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; David A. Patriquin (emeritus, part-time), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Judith W. Rhue, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Barbara Ross-Lee (dean), D.O., Michigan State U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Assoc. Prof: David E. Brown, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Peter B. Dane, D.O., Michigan State U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; William F. Duerfeldt (chair), D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Donald R. Furci, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Timothy J. Hogan, D.O., University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine; David M. Johnson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Donna M. Mabry (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Daniel J. Marazon, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Marjorie E. Nelson, M.D., Indiana U. School of Medicine; Lenard G. Presutti, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; Daniel J. Raub, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Gerald Rubin, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; Donald G. Spaeth, D.O., U. Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine; Anthony J. Tenoglia (part-time), D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Thomas A. Thesing, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; John C. Wolf, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Asst. Prof: William J. Burke, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Wayne R. Carlsen, D.O., U. of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Osteopathic Medicine; Steven W. Clay, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Sharon N. Duke, D.O., U. of North Texas Health Science Center, Texas Woman's U.; David C. Eland, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Ann R. Fingar (part-time), M.D., U. of Illinois College of Medicine (Chicago); Carol M. Gaines, D.O., West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine; Karl E. Harnish, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; Eric F. Hasemeier, D.O., U. of North Texas Health Science Center; Edward W. Schreck, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; Raymond B. Shearer, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Christopher Simpson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Martha A. Simpson (part-time), D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Scott E. Smith (part-time), D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; David N. Stroh, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Harold C. Thompson III, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; Linda B. Tomc (part-time), D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Department of Specialty Medicine

Prof: Jerome L. Axelrod (chair), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; J. Phillip Jones, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Phillip D. Kinnard (part-time), M.D., U. of Cincinnati College of Medicine; Frederick W. Rente (emeritus, part-time), D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Assoc. Prof: Paul E. Cadamagnani, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; Steven G. Carin, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; William H. Carlson, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; J. Jack Chan, D.O., Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine; C. Thomas Clark, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; Richard H. Feeck, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; James E. Foglesong, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Kenneth P. Glinter, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; Edward A. Gotfried, D.O., Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine; John S. Molea (emeritus, part-time), D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery, Des Moines; W. Randolph Purdy, D.O., Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine; Jack M. Ramey, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Michele K. Rivers, M.D., Wayne State University School of Medicine; Michael Tomc, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Asst. Prof: Janice R. Carrick, D.O., College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific; Catherine Coats, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Timothy S. Coss, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Gary Cordingley (part-time), M.D., Duke U.; Scott A. Jenkinson, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Mark E. Knable, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Susan D. Lawrence, D.O., U. of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, Demoines; Robert Moore, D.O., Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine; Regine Neptune-Ceran, D.O., Ohio U. College of Osteopathic Medicine; Kendall Stewart (part-time), M.D., Medical College of Georgia.


Prof: John Bender, Ph.D., Harvard U.; Gene Blocker, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Donald Borchert (chair), Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary; Richard Butrick, Ph.D., Columbia U.; Algis Mickunas, Ph.D., Emory U.; Albert Mosley, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin; Charles J. Ping (president emeritus and trustee professor), Ph.D., Duke U.; Warren Ruchti, Ph.D., U. of Pennsylvania; David Stewart (provost), Ph.D., Rice U.
Assoc. Prof: Philip Ehrlich, Ph.D., U. of Illinois, Chicago; Cynthia Hampton, Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Robert Trevas, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; George Weckman, Ph.D., U. of Chicago; Arthur Zucker, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota.
Asst. Prof: Elizabeth Collins, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Omar Dahbour, Ph.D., CUNY; James Petrik, Ph.D., Marquette U.

Physical Therapy

Assoc. Prof: Cynthia C. Norkin (emerita, part-time), Ed.D., Boston U.
Asst. Prof: Dennis Cade (interim director), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Stephanie Carter, M.S., Miami U.; Gary S. Chleboun, M.S., Duke U.; Rosalind S. Hickenbottom, Ph.D., Emory U.; Marleen I. McClelland, Ph.D., Ohio State U.

Physics and Astronomy

Dist. Prof: Roger Finlay, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins U.; Jacobo Rapaport, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Prof: Ronald Cappelletti, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Charles Chen, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; James Dilley, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Steven M. Grimes, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Earle Hunt, Ph.D., Rutgers U.; David Onley, D. Phil., Oxford U.; Roger Rollins, Ph.D., Cornell U.; Edward Sanford, Ph.D., Iowa State U.; Folden Stumpf, Ph.D., Illinois Inst. of Tech.; Sergio Ulloa, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Louis Wright (chair), Ph.D., Duke U.; Seung Yun, Ph.D., Brown U.
Assoc. Prof: Charles Brient, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin; Kenneth Hicks, Ph.D., U. of Colorado; Darrell Huwe, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; David Ingram, Ph.D., Salford U.; Martin Kordesch, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.
Asst. Prof: Clyde Baker, M.S., Ohio U.; David Drabold, Ph.D., Washington U.; Charlotte Elster, Dr. rer. nat., U. of Bonn; Gerald Harp, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Allena K. Opper, Ph.D., Indiana U.; Thomas S. Statler, Ph.D., Princeton U.

Political Science

Prof: Richard H. Bald (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Michigan; James F. Barnes, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Edward Baum, Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; David D. Dabelko, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Felix V. Gagliano, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Harold Molineu, Ph.D., American U.; Patricia Richard, Ph.D., Syracuse U.; Joseph B. Tucker, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Thomas W. Walker, Ph.D., U. of New Mexico; Mark L. Weinberg, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina.
Assoc. Prof: Delysa Burnier, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Gary Hawes, Ph.D., U. of Hawaii; J. Franklin Henderson, Ph.D., U. of Missouri; Ronald J. Hunt, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Sung Ho Kim, Ph.D., Columbia U.; Michael J. Mumper, Ph.D., U. of Maryland; Alexander V. Prisley, Ph.D., Brown U.; David L. Williams (chair), Ph.D., Columbia U.
Asst. Prof: Lisa M. Aubrey, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; John R. Gilliom, Ph.D., U. of Washington; Kathryn M. Lambert, Ph.D., Temple U.; Nancy J. Manring, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Lewis A. Randolph, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Takaaki Suzuki, Ph.D., Columbia U.; Barry L. Tadlock, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky; Patricia Wertsman, Ph.D., Columbia U; Julie A. White, M.A., U. of Wisconsin.


Prof: Margret Appel, Ph.D., U. of Denver; Jack Arbuthnot, Ph.D., Cornell U.; Hal Arkes, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Francis Bellezza, Ph.D., U. of Minnesota; James Bruning (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Thomas Creer, Ph.D., Florida State U.; Jean Drevenstedt (part-time), Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.; John Garske, Ph.D., U. of California, Berkeley; Donald Gordon, Ph.D., U. of Alabama; Kenneth Holroyd, Ph.D., U. of Miami; Harry Kotses, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Paul Lewis, Ph.D., Bowling Green State U.; Steven Lynn, Ph.D., Indiana U.; John McNamara, Ph.D., U. of Georgia; Gary Schumacher (chair), Ph.D., Iowa State U.; Lawrence Waters, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: Mark Alicke, Ph.D., U. of North Carolina; Linda Bellush, Ph.D., U. of Florida; Bruce Carlson, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Christine Gidycz, Ph.D., Kent State U.; David Johnson, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; G. Daniel Lassiter, Ph.D., U. of Virginia; Jerome Maurath (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Illinois; Danny Moates, Ph.D., Vanderbilt U.; Paula Popovich, Ph.D., Michigan State U.
Asst. Prof: Peter Chen, Ph.D., U. of South Florida; Christopher France, Ph.D., McGill U.; Paul Gleason (part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U.; Jeanne Heaton (part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Marcos Ionescu, Ph.D., CUNY; Steven Jones (visiting), Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Benjamin Ogles, Ph.D., Brigham Young U.; Gary Sarver, Ph.D., U. of Florida.
Instr: James Short (part-time), M.A., Ohio U.

Recreation and Sport Sciences

Prof: James A. Lavery (emeritus, part-time), P.E.D., Indiana U.; Sue Ellen Miller, P.E.D., Indiana U.
Assoc. Prof: Tiff E. Cook, Ph.D., Walden U.; Keith D. Ernce (director), Ph.D., U. of New Mexico; Charles R. Higgins (emeritus, part-time), Ed.D., U. of North Carolina, Greensboro; Andrew Kreutzer, Ph.D., Ohio U.; John McComb (emeritus, part-time), M.Ed., Boston U.; Owen J. Wilkinson (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Walden U.
Asst. Prof: Catherine Brown, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Susan Bullard, Ph.D., U. of Wisconsin; Richard Deivert, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Ronald Dingle, M.S.P.E., U. of Massachusetts; Roger Gilders, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Peggy Holmes, Ph.D., U. of Illinois; David Jacoby, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Joyce King (emerita, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Robin Mittelstaedt, Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Lynn Simon (emerita, part-time), P.E.D., Indiana U.; Beth VanDerveer, Ph.D., Texas Woman's U.; Ronald Whitaker, M.S.Ed., Ohio U.; Richard Woolison, M.S.Ed., Ohio U.
Instr: Carol Ault (part-time), M.S., Ohio U.; John Bowman (part-time), M.S.Ed., U. of Virginia; Sue Hammond (part-time), M.S., Ohio U.; Thomas Murray (part-time), M.A., Ohio U.; Sharon Noel (part-time), M.S.P.E., Ohio U.; Charles Vosler (part-time), M.A.Ed., Ball State U.

Social Work

Assoc. Prof: Miriam Clubok, M.S.W., Wayne State U.; Thomas Oellerich, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.; Carolyn Tice (chair), D.S.W., U. of Pennsylvania.
Asst. Prof: Richard W. Greenlee, Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Instr: Freve Pace, M.S.W., Ohio State U.

Sociology and Anthropology

Prof: Tibor Koertvelyessy, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Lena Wright Myers, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Arthur Saxe (part-time), Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Martin Schwartz, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky; Robert Shelly, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Alex Thio (part-time), Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Eric Wagner (chair), Ph.D., U. of Florida.
Assoc. Prof: Elliot Abrams, Ph.D., Penn State U.; E. Leon Anderson, Ph.D., U. of Texas, Austin; William Burkhardt (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Wayne State U.; Bruce Ergood, Ph.D., U. of Florida; AnnCorinne Freter-Abrams, Ph.D., Penn State U.; Girard Krebs (part-time), Ph.D., Cornell U.; Bruce Kuhre (part-time), Ph.D., Penn State U.; Don Shamblin, Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo; Robert Sheak, Ph.D., Washington U.
Asst. Prof: Thomas Calhoun, Ph.D., U. of Kentucky; Diane M. Ciekawy, Ph.D., Columbia U.; V. Aileen Hall (part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U.; Amanda Konradi, Ph.D., U. of California, Santa Cruz; Mary Beth Krouse, Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Christine Mattley, Ph.D., Washington State U.; Emanuel (Mike) Polioudakis, Ph.D., U. of Michigan; Judith Sedaitis, Ph.D., Columbia U.


Prof: Don Flournoy, Ph.D., U. of Texas; Drew McDaniel (director), Ph.D., Ohio U.; William Miller, Ph.D., U. of Southern California; Josep Rota, Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Joseph Slade, Ph.D., New York U.
Assoc. Prof: Vibert Cambridge, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Charles Clift III, Ph.D., Indiana U.; George Korn, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.; David Mould, Ph.D., Ohio U.; Jenny Nelson, Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.; Karin Sandell, Ph.D., U. of Iowa; Arthur Savage (emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.
Asst. Prof: Roger Good, M.A., Ohio U.; June Mack, M.F.A., Florida State U.; Jeff Redefer, B.S.C., Ohio U.; Joseph Richie, M.M.A., U. of South Carolina.
Instr: Sandra Sleight-Brennan, B.G.S.; Ohio U.; Sheila Wurtsbaugh, M.A., Ohio U.


Prof: Ursula Belden, M.A., U. of Michigan; Dennis Dalen, M.A., U. of Kansas; Toni Dorfman (director), M.F.A., Columbia U.; Seabury Quinn Jr. (part-time), Ph.D., Yale U.; George Sherman (part-time), M.F.A., Yale U.; Robert L. Winters, M.A., Michigan State U.
Assoc. Prof: Holly Cole, M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon U.; William F. Condee, Ph.D., Columbia U.; William Fisher, B.A., Indiana U.; L.S. Fraze, M.A., Penn State U.; Denise Gabriel, M.A., Ohio State U.; Robert St. Lawrence, M.A., U. of Pittsburgh; Laura Parrotti, M.A., SUNY, Binghamton.
Asst. Prof: Kathy E. Devecka, M.A., U. of Michigan.

Visual Communication

Prof: Terrill Eiler, M.F.A., Ohio U.; Larry Nighswander (director), B.B.A., Bowling Green State U.
Assoc. Prof: Marcia Nighswander, B.S.J., Bowling Green State U.
Asst. Prof: Christopher L. Carr, M.A., Ohio U.; Gary Kirksey, M.A., Ohio U.

Chillicothe Campus

Prof: Veena Kasbekar (English), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; John F. Reiger (history), Ph.D., Northwestern U.; Ronald Salomone (English), Ph.D., Indiana U.; Arthur Vorhies (biology), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Assoc. Prof: Andrew J. Batchelor (business management technology), M.B.A, Fairleigh Dickinson U.; Bobby Christian (physical education), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Dennis Deane (art/photography), M.F.A., U. of North Carolina; Ronald S. Elliott (computer science), Ph.D., Ohio U.; David H. Gigley (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati; David O. Harding (law enforcement technology), M.S., Eastern Kentucky U.; Glenn R. Mackin (political science), M.A., Ohio U.; Gene Mapes (plant biology), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Margaret McAdams (art), M.F.A., Washington U.; Hamid Shahrestani (economics), Ph.D., U. of Cincinnati; Arun C. Venkatachar (physics), Ph.D., Northern Texas State U.; Richard A. Whinery (human services technology), Ph.D., U. of Akron; Monica Wyzalek (mathematics), M.S., U. of Illinois.
Asst. Prof: Erin Ashley Bannon (sociology), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Thomas P. Brown (business management technology), M.B.A., Ohio U.; Gary Elkin (law enforcement technology), M.S., Eastern Kentucky U.; Robert Hartsell (law enforcement technology), M.A., Ohio State U.; Jeannette L. Kline (mathematics), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Richard Kowieski (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Vicky Parker (nursing), M.S., Wright State U.; Richard Sandy (mathematics), M.S., Michigan State U.; Jan Schmittauer (English), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Ruth Zajdel (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati.
Instr: Ken Breidenbaugh (comparative arts), M.F.A., Ohio U.; Patricia Buchanan (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio State U.; Janet Duvall (human services technology), A.A.S., Ohio U.; Lisa Kauffman (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U.; Michael Lafreniere (hazardous materials technology), M.S., U. of Florida; Cindy Matyi (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U.; J. Dale Maxey (anthropology), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Charlotte McManus (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U.; Denise Minor (nursing), B.S.N., Capital U.; Freda Scaggs (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U.; Charlotte Souers (nursing), B.S.N., Ohio U.; Roger Smith (chemistry), M.S., Ohio State U.; David Wilkin (English), M.A., Ohio U.

Eastern Campus (St. Clairsville)

Assoc. Prof: John Bisbocci (chemistry; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Bowling Green State U.; Lawrence Bush (mathematics), M.S., Ohio U.; Claude Colvin (English; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Kent State U.; Thomas P. Flynn (English), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Adam Giandomenico (hearing and speech sciences; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.; James W. Newton (geography and urban planning), Ph.D., U. of North Carolina.
Asst. Prof: Eldred Bovenizer (education; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Ohio U.; David Castle (history), Ph.D., U. of Oregon; Joseph Hudak (health and sport sciences), Ph.D., U. of Toledo; Muhammed Faizul Islam (economics), Ph.D., Northern U.; Kay Mansuetto (plant biology), M.S., U. of South Carolina; Richard McMann (sociology), M.A., Wayne State U.; Michael McTeague (history), M.A., Ohio U.; David Miles (comparative arts; part-time), M.A., Northeast Missouri State College; Gary Neff (mathematics), M.S., Ohio U.; David Noble (English), D.A., Carnegie Mellon U.; Michael Nojeim (political science), Ph.D., American U.; Victor Rutter (history; emeritus, part-time), M.A., Ohio U.; Thomas Stubbs (mathematics; emeritus, part-time), M.A., West Virginia U.; Kathleen Van Voorst (computer science), M.S., Northwest Missouri State U.; Samuel Weaver (history), Ph.D., American U.; Henry Winkler (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Howard Wisch (philosophy), M.A., CUNY; Charles Withrow (biology), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Kuruvilla Zachariah (chemistry), Ph.D., Oklahoma State U.
Instr: Thomas Doepken, (art; part-time), M.F.A., Ohio U.; Dennis Fox (theater; part-time), M.A., Ohio State U.; Daniel Frizzi, Jr. (business law), J.D., Ohio Northern U.; Michael Kaiser (guidance and counseling; part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Eileen McCormack, (communication; part-time), M.A., U. of Pittsburgh; Lucien Murzyn (health and sport sciences; part-time), M.Ed., U. of New Orleans; Carolyn Rutter (study skills and reading; part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Daniel Stern (sociology; part-time), M.A., U. of Pittsburgh; Patrick Wood (English; part-time), M.A., West Virginia U.

Lancaster Campus

Prof: Carol Christy (political science), Ph.D., Ohio State U.
Assoc. Prof: Larry Ault (economics), M.A., Ohio U.; Gary Baldwin (mathematics), M.S., U. of Illinois; Sonny Baxter (geology), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Jan Cox (mathematics; part-time), M.A., Western Michigan U.; Peter Desy (English; emeritus, part-time), Ph.D., Kent State U.; Shun Endo (art), M.F.A., Temple U.; Karen Evans (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., Southern Illinois U.; John Faulkner (English), Ph.D., Rutgers U.; Edward Fitzgibbon (history), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Kenneth Heineman (history), Ph.D., U. of Pittsburgh; Fred Herr (accounting), M.S., Kent State U.; Frederick Kalister (English), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Larry Kerr (psychology), Ph.D., U. of California, Los Angeles; Dennis Lupher (economics), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Polly Lyons (physical education; emerita, part-time), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Susan Maxwell (office technology), M.A., U. of Kentucky; Zale Maxwell (industrial technology), M.Ed., Ohio U.; David D. Mowry (biology), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Stephen Noltie (mathematics), Ph.D., U. of California, Riverside; Lorraine Ray (office technology), M.Ed., U. of Toledo; William Stevens (electronics technology), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Jeffery Wagner (theater), M.F.A., Ohio U.; Larry Wilson (chemistry), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Paul Yuckman (English), Ph.D., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Andrea Baker (sociology), Ph.D., Case Western Reserve U.; David Collopy (computer science technology), M.S., Ohio U.; Philip Hanson (English), Ph.D., U. of California; Jane Johnsen (education), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Helen Killoran, (English), Ph.D., U. of Washington; Gary Lockwood (engineering), M.S., Ohio State U.
Instr: Kunle Akerele (business management technology), M.B.A., Xavier U.; Dee Anderson (English), B.A., Ohio State U.; William Bickkham (business management technology), M.B.A., Xavier U.; Kathy Buxie (mathematics), U. of Kansas; John Clay (physical education), B.G.S., Ohio U.; Debbora Clegg (English), M.A., Ohio State U.; Anthony Davenport (art), M.F.A., SUNY, New Paltz; Maria Ferguson (Spanish), M.Ed., U. of Cincinnati; Gerard Gatoux (French), M.A., Ohio U.; Joan Gilchrist (business), M.B.A., Ohio U.; John Harris (real estate), B.S., Western Kentucky U.; Lisa Iacobellis (art history), M.A., Ohio State U.; Larry McElwee (classical languages), Ph.D., SUNY, Albany; Gisela Meckstroth (office technology), M.A., Ohio State U.; Gitta Sadoni (German), M.A., Ohio U.; Robert Trocchia (music), B.S.Ed., Ohio U.; Gertrude Young (music), M.A., Ohio U.; Paul Young (music), Ph.D., Ohio U.; John Zimmerman (mathematics), M.A., Bowling Green State U.

Zanesville Campus

Prof: John J. Arnold (philosophy), J.D., Capital U., Ph.D., Hartford Seminary Foundation; James E. Jordan (political science), Ph.D., U. of Michigan.
Assoc. Prof: John W. Benson (biology), Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Melissa Bixler (physical education), Ph.D., Ohio State U.; Thomas L. Bixler (physical education), M.Ed., Ohio U.; George Brooks (biology), Ed.D., Ball State U.; Richard J. Brumbaugh (chemistry), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Judith A. Davis (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; Marcia Herman (music), M.F.A., Ohio U.; John R. Kelbley (English), M.A., Ohio U.; Michael J. Kline (history), M.A., Ohio U.; Robert A. Rider (mathematics), M.A., Bowling Green State U.; Mark A. Shatz (psychology), Ph.D., U. of Florida; Sheida Shirvani (interpersonal communication), Ph.D., North Texas State U.; Parinbam K. Thamburaj (chemistry), Ph.D., Kent State U.; George L. Ware III (English), M.A., Ohio U.
Asst. Prof: Billie Dudley (mathematics), M.A.T., Indiana U.; Sally Fusner (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; Mary Ann Goetz (nursing), M.S., U. of Maryland; Deborah E. Henderson (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; James W. Hoefler (economics), M.A., Ohio U.; Linda L. Hunt (nursing), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Craig D. Laubenthal (dean; education), Ph.D., Michigan State U.; Mike Nern (English), M.A., Ohio U.; Barbara L. Schilling (nursing), M.S.N., Ohio State U.; Vicki L. Sharrer (nursing), M.S.N., Ohio State U.; Louis W. Smith (mathematics; part-time), M.A., Louisiana State U.; Gerald L. Westgerdes (fine arts), M.F.A., Otis Art Institute.
Instr: Marilyn Baker (mathematics), M.A.T., Vanderbilt U.; Beverly Bell (education), M.Ed., Ohio U.; Timothy Blake (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; Karen Brown (modern languages; part-time), M.A., U. of Wisconsin; Donald L. Cleary (fine arts), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Jon C. Durst (sociology), M.A., Ohio U.; John L. Furek (foreign language), M.A., Miami U.; Deeann Gehlauf (psychology), Ph.D., Ohio U.; Gloria Heine (computer science), B.S., Ohio U.; Susan Hoag (nursing; part-time), B.S.N., Vanderbilt U.; Janet Hostetler (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; Marilyn Jones (nursing), B.S., Ohio U.; Rick Shriver (electronic media), M.A., Ohio U.; Alta Sims (humanities), M.A., Kent State U.; Sharon Staib (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.; Thomas B. Stevenson (anthropology; part-time), Ph.D., Wayne State U.; Cynthia Tuck (nursing), M.S., Ohio State U.

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