[Refund of Fees] [Ohio
Residency Guidelines]
Payment of all assessed fees at the times designated is prerequisite
to official enrollment. Checks and money orders should be made payable to
Ohio University in the exact amount of the fees. Postdated checks are not
acceptable. Checks not paid upon presentation to the bank will automatically
cancel any receipts given and result in assessment of penalties. It is important
that you retain all fee receipts.
Ohio University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee
adjustments that may become necessary. Graduate students carrying more than
eight hours are eligible for the Monthly Payment Plan, which equalizes the
academic year's fees into nine monthly payments.
The comprehensive fee covers the instructional fee, general fee, recreational
facilities fee, and a tuition surcharge for nonresidents. See the inside
front cover for the schedule of academic fees.
Admission application filing fees
Late registration and/or late payment fee
Duplicate official forms, fee receipts,
Application for master's degree $30
Application for Ph.D. degree $50
Reapplication for master's or Ph.D. degree $5
Transcript of record $5
Recreational facilities fee (included in
*All above fees are nonrefundable and subject to change without notice.
If you register for seven or more credits, you are required to carry student
insurance or other comparable health insurance.
Return to 1995-1997 Graduate Catalog Table of Contents
University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/newfees/fees.html) April 13, 1998.
Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."