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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

The Gerontology Certificate Program allows graduate students in any major program within the university to gain knowledge and skills related to working with the elderly. The Geron-tology Certificate is also appropriate for students planning to continue doctoral preparation in gerontology or related areas. You are required to complete at least 23 credit hours from the following list of courses, including an approved practicum (HLTH 650). In addition, you are required to complete HLTH 613 Aging and Health, at least one course in the psychosocial area, and one in the biological/health-related area. You and your advisor choose elective courses and a practicum placement in consultation with the coordinator of the Gerontology Certificate Program.

Required Courses

Psychosocial Group

Biological/Health-Related Group

To apply for the certificate program, fill out an Application for Update of Program(s), available from the Office of Graduate Student Services, any dean's office, or the coordinator of the Gerontology Certificate Program. After completing the application and obtaining your advisor's and the coordinator's signature, turn it in to the Office of Graduate Student Services. Each quarter on your DARS (Degree Audit Report System), you will be able to track your progress in the certificate program. The certificate is awarded upon your graduation if you have completed the certificate requirements, and a notation is recorded on your transcript. For more information on course offerings or other concerns, contact the coordinator of the Gerontology Certificate Program.

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( June 1, 1998.

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