Environmental Studies

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Environmental Studies Courses

Graduate work leading to the Master of Science in environmental studies is developed around an interdisciplinary program of coursework and research. The following four areas of concentration constitute the basis of the program:

Life sciences -courses selected from biological sciences and environmental and plant biology

Physical and earth sciences - courses selected from chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, geography, geological sciences, industrial and systems engineering, and mechanical engineering

Environmental policy and planning - courses selected from business, civil engineering, economics, industrial and systems engineering, geography, and political science

Environmental monitoring - courses selected from biological sciences, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, environmental and plant biology, geography, and geological sciences.

Specific requirements for each concentration area are available upon request from the program director.

In addition to conventional programs of study developed around the four areas of concentration, you have the option of pursuing a combined master's degree program that allows you to combine the breadth of environmental studies with the focus of a departmental discipline. See the Degree Requirements section, in which university regulations for combined master's degree programs are discussed.


Admission to the graduate program in environmental studies requires an undergraduate degree in agriculture, biology, botany, chemistry, ecology, economics, environmental studies, engineering, forestry, geography, geology, microbiology, zoology, or other cognates. If you lack a suitable background in one of these fields, you may be admitted to the program but required to take additional coursework. A transcript of undergraduate work and three letters of recommendation are required with your application for admission. Deadlines for admission are April 1 for fall quarter, October 1 for winter quarter, and February 1 for spring quarter.

The minimum undergraduate grade-point average (g.p.a.) necessary for unconditional admission is 3.0 (of 4.0). Some students with a g.p.a. between 2.8 and 3.0 are admitted on conditional status but must acheive a g.p.a. of 3.0 in their first 15 hours of graduate coursework.


You are required to complete at least 45 credit hours of graduate coursework. Of these, at least 17 credits (three courses) are core courses, and at least 20 additional credits (four to six courses) are in your area of concentration. The balance of the 45 hours comes from other graduate courses, plus thesis research.

The core area course requirement is satisfied by successful enrollment in GEOG 547 Resource Management, BUSL 570 Environmental Law, and one of the following courses: BIOS 577 Population Ecology, BIOS 578 Community Ecology, MICR 575 Microbial Ecology, PBIO 521 Tropical Plant Ecology, PBIO 522 Agricultural Plant Ecology, and PBIO 525 Plant Ecology.

You must take a comprehensive examination and defend your thesis during your final quarter of study.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/99-01/areas/enst.htm) December 8, 2000.

Please e-mail comments or suggestions to "gcat@www.ohiou.edu."