African, Asian and Middle Eastern Languages
German, Romance and Slavic Languages
Greek and Latin Languages
Courses are offered in African and Asian, (Chinese, Indonesian/Malaysian, Japanese, Swahili, Southeast Asian Literature in Translation); Germanic, Romance, and Slavic Languages (Modern Languages Professional Courses, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish); Classical Languages (Greek, Latin). Master of Arts degree programs in French and Spanish are offered.
You also can earn a Master of Education with certification and a major in one modern foreign language, or a Ph.D. in education with 11 graduate courses in one modern foreign language. Consult the College of Education for further information.
To begin a graduate major in a modern foreign language, you should have completed an undergraduate major of 40 quarter hours beyond course 213 or the equivalent in that language. To begin a secondary area of modern languages, you should have completed a minimum of six hours of undergraduate work at the 300 level or the equivalent in the language. You can make up deficiencies in undergraduate preparation during the summer preceding graduate work or during the first quarter of study.
At least 11 graduate courses in the major field are required for the M.A.. You must also demonstrate a reading knowledge of a second modern language or Latin, to be shown either by passing 213 in a modern foreign language, Latin 213, or an equivalent intermediate course with at least a grade of B; passing the examination given for 513 (ETS Foreign Language Tests or a translation test prepared by the Modern Languages Department); or by passing a literature course in the foreign language. In lieu of a foreign language, you may present two graduate courses in linguistics in addition to the 11 graduate courses required for the M.A. Teaching associates are required to register for one hour of 699 each of the first three quarters they are on financial appointment. You must pass a written and an oral comprehensive examination based on coursework and a reading list.
For further information regarding admissions, program options, and degree requirements, write to the graduate chair, Department of Modern Languages, Ohio University, Ellis Hall, Athens OH 45701-2979.
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( December 8, 2000.
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