Political Science

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

Political Science Courses

The Department of Political Science offers two graduate degrees: the Master of Arts in political science and the Master of Public Administration.

To begin work on either degree, you should have the equivalent of 27 hours of undergraduate work in political science and/or public administration, but applications are also considered from persons with academic backgrounds in closely related areas or with relevant practical experience, especially for admission to the M.P.A. program.

Master of Arts

The M.A. program encompasses five subfields of political science: American politics, comparative politics, international relations, political theory, and public policy and administration. General requirements are a minimum of 50 quarter hours of graduate work, of which at least half must be in your subfield specialization. In addition, you must complete 600 and either 581 or 582, the required graduate seminars in your subfield specialization, and one seminar outside your subfield specialization.

You may choose either a thesis or a nonthesis option. The requirements for the thesis option include the submission of a master's thesis to a committee of three faculty members and an oral defense of the thesis. The requirements for the non-thesis option include the submission of two approved research papers (starred papers) to a committee of three faculty members as well as a written comprehensive examination. The written examination covers your starred papers and a reading list compiled by your committee. A complete description of requirements for the M.A. is available in the department office.

For admission to the M.A. program, you must submit the application form together with transcripts of previous academic work, three letters of recommendation, and Graduate Record Exam scores. You should plan to begin coursework fall quarter; exceptions are made only with the approval of the graduate chair.

Master of Public Administration

The M.P.A. is a specialized, professionally oriented interdisciplinary degree.

It requires 70 hours of graduate work in public policy and administration, including an administrative internship or equivalent experience. Requirements include the submission of a policy project paper to a committee of three public administration faculty members. Detailed program requirements are available in the department office.

To apply to the M.P.A. program, submit the application form together with transcripts of previous academic work, three letters of recommendation, and either Graduate Record Exam or Graduate Management Admissions Test scores. You may begin coursework during any quarter of the academic year, but fall quarter is preferred.

Financial Aid

A number of graduate associateships are available to qualified applicants in both degree programs. Graduate associates in the M.A. program are normally expected to assist faculty members in the instruction of introductory courses or in their research. Graduate associates in the M.P.A. program are normally expected to assist the Institute for Local Government Administration and Rural Development. Tuition scholarships are available to all graduate associates and a limited number of other students in both programs. To seek financial aid for the following academic year, fill out the appropriate section of the application and submit all application materials by March 1.

The Department of Political Science works closely with several interdisciplinary programs, including the Center for International Studies, Contemporary History Institute, Women's Studies Program, Environmental Studies Program, and the Center for Public and Environmental Affairs.

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Ohio University Front Door -Undergraduate Catalogs- Graduate Catalogs

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/99-01/areas/poli.htm) December 8, 2000.

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