Graduate Telecommunications Courses
The School of Telecommunications offers programs of study leading to the Master of Arts in telecommunications and the Doctor of Philosophy in mass communication. The Ph.D. is offered in conjunction with the School of Journalism.
At the master's level, students design their own programs of study with approval of a faculty committee. Specializations may include international communication, management, distance education, and screenwriting. The master's program prepares students for careers in broadcasting, cable, multimedia, and related fields.
A specialization in public broadcasting management is also available. It offers training focused on non-commercial radio and television, and provides practical experience through Ohio University's Telecommunication Center and through internships. Associateships are available for women and minorities who have full-time public broadcasting experience.
Admission to graduate study in Telecommunications requires a baccalaureate degree for the master's program and a completed master's degree for the Ph.D. program. For master's applicants, an undergraduate g.p.a. of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale is expected, although other factors-professional experience or test results, for example-will be considered. Doctoral applicants are expected to present academic credentials of a particularly high academic standard.
Applicants are required to submit letters of recommendation, Graduate Record Examination and/or Miller Analogies Test scores, writing samples, an applicant information form (available from the School of Telecommunications), an application form, and transcripts of all uniiversity academic work. The M.A. in screenwriting requires submission of scripts or similar sample material. Applicants should have prior profes-sional or academic experience in electronic media or closely allied fields of communication. However, academic and professional potential as docu-mented in application materials can offset the lack of a strong background in the field. On advice from the school's graduate committee, individuals may be required to make up deficiencies by enrolling in appropriate undergraduate courses or by completing a directed readings program.
All application materials must be received no later than February 15. Applications will be accepted only for fall quarter entry.
All master's students are required to take two courses: TCOM 501, Introduction to Graduate Study, and TCOM 601, Introduction to Mass Communication Research. At the end of studies, non-thesis students must successfully complete a comprehensive examination and thesis students must present an approved thesis. Screen-writing students have somewhat different requirements commensurate with their professional writing commitment. Different courses are required, and a completed script portfolio will serve as a thesis.
A minimum g.p.a. of 3.0 must be maintained. Those who earn a grade below a B (3.0) in more than two courses will not be permitted to continue in the program.
Ph.D. requirements are listed under Mass Communication.
University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( December 11, 2000.
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