OHIO Archives

Ohio University Libraries Archives & Special Collections

Let It Burn: Artists’ Books and the Lure of the Flame

By Miriam Intrator, Special Collections Librarian

Throughout the fall 2023 semester, the exhibit, Let It Burn: Artists’ Books and the Lure of the Flame was on display in Alden Library.

* artists’ book = book as art object, or, art object as book * 

A video accompanying the exhibit demonstrates the books in motion. Part of the meaning and intent behind artists’ books is communicated through their materiality, form, format, and structure, how they are used and read. The video provides a glimpse into that experience.  

Video for the Let It Burn: Artists’ Books and the Lure of the Flame exhibit
View of one display case for the exhibit, Let It Burn: Artists’ Books and the Lure of the Flame
View of one display case for the exhibit, Let It Burn: Artists’ Books and the Lure of the Flame

As long as humans have been documenting information, others have sought to destroy, ban, censor, or otherwise control that information. The situation today is no different. Challenging information is increasingly obfuscated, concealed, or withheld to suit repressive forces in our society. Perhaps this long, tense history of information creation and destruction helps to explain the lure of the flame for the creators of artists’ books.  

The tunnel book 17927 by Jaime Lynn Shaefer (2015)
The tunnel book 17927 by Jaime Lynn Shaefer (2015)
The unique (only this copy exists) artists' book Inventory: March 27, 1911 by Maureen Cummins (1999)
The unique (only this copy exists) artists’ book Inventory: March 27, 1911 by Maureen Cummins (1999)
The miniature Matchbox Paper Mill by Brian Queen (2017)
The miniature Matchbox Paper Mill by Brian Queen (2017)

This exhibit explored the theme of the flame, of matches, burning, heat, light, and shadow, through the lens of artists’ books held in the Fine Arts Library  and the Rare Book Collection. Through the inclusion of flammable elements like matches, some of the books even play with the potential means of their own destruction. It is our hope that the books on display both challenge and inspire us all to let everybody read, think, and decide for themselves. 

The video remains available and any of the books can be requested via the Mahn Center’s research request form.

Alphabetical checklist of items in the exhibit:
