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Amateur Radio Links & Notes by William Eric McFadden revision 20250114-0907 |
Table of Contents
Links to sites not related to amateur radio can be found in my Bookmarks.
Read my disclaimer.
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." — Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) |
QRP Contests (and other operating events) (return to top)
QRP Field Events (return to top)
Hamfests & Symposia (return to top)
QRP Discussion Groups & Blogs (return to top)
HF Pack and Groups.io
The Californial QRP Club at Groups.io
Four States QRP Club at Groups.io
QRPer.com, a blog by Tom Witherspoon, K4SWL
SGS Computer, a blog by Josh Senefeld, N8VXR
Ham on a Bike, a blog by Jim Williams, N4JAW
Outdoor Amateur Radio, a blog by Matt Bye, W6CSN
QRP in the Driftless, a blog by Philip Van Heurck, W9XAN
Random Ruminations, a blog by David Thompson, AG7TX
K4NYM: Radio Free Florida!, a blog by Bill Brown, K4NYM
QRP: When You Care to Send the Very Least! by W2LJ
The QRPer (no longer being updated) & Trail-Friendly Radio Extra, blogs by Richard Fisher, KI6SN
On All Bands at DX Engineeting
AA4OO's Ham Radio — QRP — "Lower Your Power and Raise Your Expectations"
S9plus by WV0H — field ops, field antennas, & KX3
N8ZYA's QRP Radio Blog
Rooster & Peanut's GoatTube with Steve, WG0AT
W1PID Outdoor Radio
W3ATB Anecdotes
KE9V's Ham Radio Blog
Bicycle Portable CWT by K9MA
Mike's Tech Blog by WB8ERJ
W7ZOI.net by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI (SK); see Summits Before SOTA for the his part in the development of tiny field rigs
Novice Rig Roundup and Groups.io
TX Factor — "Amateur Radio Explored" in professionally-produced high-def
HamRadioNow.tv (new URL)
Ham Radio Workbench
Ham Radio 360
QSO Today — "Meet the Most Interesting Amateur Radio Operators"
Vince d'Eon, VE6LK/AI7LK: VE6LK.com | YouTube
Joshua Ellis, N5FY: Tufteln.com | YouTube
Jonathan Kayne, KM4CFT: YouTube
Adam Kimmerly, K6ARK: website | YouTube channel
Mark Knight, KD7KTS & Di Xu, KO6BTM: SOTA+ (YouTube)
Charlie Brown, NJ7V: Red Summit RF (YouTube)
Jeramy Haygood, KL7EC: KL7EC Outdoors (YouTube)
Fraser Wenseth, MM0EFI: The Radio Rover (YouTube) — SOTA in the Scotland
Josh Nass, KI6NAZ: Ham Radio Crash Course (YouTube)
Mike Dahlhofer, K8MRD: K8MRD Radio Stuff (YouTube)
Michael Martens, KB9VBR: website | YouTube channel
Kyle Krieg, AA0Z: Youtube channel
Richard Newstead, G3CWI / SOTABeams: YouTube channel
Ben Eadie, VE6SFX: blog | YouTube channel
Colin Summer, MM0OPX: Amateur Radio Antennas and More (YouTube)
Kevin Thomas, W1DED: W1DED in Maine (YouTube)
William Parmley, KR8L: website | blog
G-QRP QRP Videos (YouTube)
W2AEW Technical Videos (YouTube)
WU2D Old Radios (YouTube)
K7AGE Ham Radio (YouTube)
KE0OG David Casler (YouTube)
Radio Prepper (YouTube)
"YL Riasa" Skrynnikova, R1BIG: QRZ.com | blog | YouTube channel
Marija Kostic, YU3AWA: QRZ.com | YouTube channel
CuriousMarc website & YouTube channel, including dives into Apollo hardware
Ken Shirriff website, including lots of Apollo tech
BFDIN Forums; with discussions and resources for club leaders
Elecraft (return to top)
The Elecraft Owner Online Database
Elecraft KX3 User Group at Groups.io
Elecraft KX User Group at Groups.io
Elecraft K3 User Group at Groups.io
W8FGU.com — service for classic Elecraft kits
KX3 / KX1 and QRP Accessories by Steve Roberts, W1SFR
K2 Mods by W3FPR (new URL)
LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to Elecraft K2 Modifications
Improving the K2's CW Filter Ultimate Rejection by KO0B
Modifications for Elecraft K2 including an internal 4:1 balun
K2 Internal 4:1 Balun by M0RGB
K2 NiMH Battery & LiPo conversions by WB6ZQZ
Reliable auto-detect (straight key/paddle) for the Elecraft K2 by LA3ZA
PSK31 and an Elecraft K2 Mod (PDF) by WB4QXE
Elecraft K2 & K1 Links by K8ZT
Rework Eliminator for K2, including Internal Mic Adapter
KX1 Battery Modification (PDF) by WA3WSJ (internal Li-ion 12v battery)
KX1 Maintenance Guide (PDF) by NZ0R (new URL)
VE1DY's KX1 Canso Causeway Trip with photos of all-band antenna
Heathkit (return to top)
On Heathkit Manuals: In October, 2008, the intellectual property rights to Heathkit legacy products were purchased by Don Peterson of Data Professionals of Pleasanton and it appears Mr. Peterson has been very aggressive in stopping on-line manual downloads and sales. Downloadable Heathkit manuals are no longer available at BAMA (or at the mirror) or from other sources on the web. Data Professionals offers printed copies of some manuals but at this time none are available for any of the Amateur Radio products ever offered by Heathkit. Update: Research by Rich Post, KB8TAD, indicates Heathkit manuals from prior to 1964 remain in public-domain because the copyrights weren't renewed by Heathkit. For more information, see Rich's article Adventures in Radio Restoration: A Tale of Two Progressive Radios in the March, 2014 issue of The Spectrum Monitor. (2014-02-26) |
Heathkit Manuals and Schematics at Vintage Radio Info
HW-16 at Groups.io
HW-8 at Groups.io
The Heathkit Shop by Mike Bryce, WB8VGE
RTO Electronics, specializing in the repair of Heathkit Amateur Radio equipment
Harbach Electronics — Heathkit, Drake, Collins, and Dentraon parts and upgrade kits
N0JMY's Hayseed Hamfest — Re-Cap kits
Technology Systems with photos of unbuilt kits and downloadable catalogs and manuals
The Heathkit Virtual Museum
Heathkit Message Board
Heathkit Information at Nostalgic Kits Central
Schematics for Heathkit equipment can be downloaded at Vintage Radio Information
The Benton Harbor Lunch-boxes: the Tener, Sixer, and Twoer
HW-19, HW-29A, & HW-30 at the Heathkit Virtual Museum HW-30 "Twoer" at Richard Post's Boat Anchor Pix HW-29A "Sixer" at Richard Post's Boat Anchor Pix
FT-243 crystals are available from AF4K — $12 plus shipping |
Hotwater QRP: the HW-7, HW-8, and HW-9
KK4KF's HW-7/8/9 Information Page
Michael Bryce's Repairing the HW-8 at The Heathkit Shop
WB6FZH's HW-8 Modifications, Repairs, & Recollections (nwe URL)
K8YTO's Index of HW-7, 8, and 9 Modifications in Excel 97 spreadsheet format (new URL)
The Freq-Mite from Small Wonder Labs is ideal for incorporation within an HW-7 or HW-8. (See notes here about installing a Freq-Mite in the HW-8.) In HW-8 Handbook, First Edition (1994), Michael Bryce recommends replacing the MPF-105 front-end in the HW-8 with a 2N4416 for a significant increase in sensitivity. He notes, "The extra pin of the 2N4416 grounds the case, and it may be done with a small hole drilled into the PC board nearby the new unit, or the ground simple (sic) may be left 'floating' with no noticeable loss in performance." (This suggestion was not included in the Second Edition of the book.) The 2N4416 is available for $2.50 each at RF Parts. The 2N4416A is available at Mouser for $2.00 each. (Note: RF Parts has a $25 minimum order; Mouser has no minimum order.) |
Classic Heathkit HF Stations:
Heathkit Citizen-Band Walkie-Talkies:
The GW-31/31A "Hand-Held Transceiver" is a single-channel rig with superregenerative receiver and crystal-controlled 100mW (input) transmitter.
WD8RIF has a pair of GW-21 transceivers and a GW-31 which he may move to ten meters.
GW-21/21A: The receive crystal is 455kc higher in frequency than the transmit crystal. The GW-21 & GW-31 were designed for the NEDA #1602 carbon-zinc battery which is 9 volts and 850mAh; see Energizer No. 246. Modern, smaller, 9v alkaline batteries have approx. 625mAh capacity; see Energizer 522; a pair in parallel would have 1250mAh capacity. |
Ten-Tec (return to top)
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The W8KC Virtual Ten-Tec Museum
Power Mite manual in .PDF format
From The Second Coming of the Argonaut, November, 1971, CQ:
Argonaut 509 at RigPix Database Argonaut 515 at RigPix Database Argonaut II at RigPix Database Argonaut V at RigPix Database Omni D at RigPix Database Corsair II at RigPix Database Omni VI Plus at RigPix Database |
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On powering older Ten-Tec 100-watt transceivers with non-OEM power supplies:
R.L. Drake (return to top)
R.L. Drake Virtual Museum (new URL)
WB4HFN's Drake Page (and repair/service)
Drake Radios User Group at Yahoo! Groups
WWII Command Sets (return to top)
W7EKB's Glowbugs (and directory of "Military")
The Command Set Story by Gordon Elliot White, from November, 1964 CQ (.pdf)
The Entire ARC-5 & B29 Radios at U.S. Military Aircraft Avionics from 1939 to 1945
The ARC-5 Pages at Glowbugs (new URL)
AN/ARC-5 at Wikipedia
SCR-274-N by WA6IKJ
AN/ARC-5 Airborne Communications Systems
Command Sets at Ray Robinson's Communications Museum
Command Set Transmitter SCR-274-N at Kurrajon Radio Museum
ARC-5/BC-455 Modification Notes by Phil Salas, AD5X (.pdf)
Video: All Original ARC-5 Receiver, Dynamotor Repair, and Demonstration
Video: ARC-5 Command Receiver: parts 1, 2, 3, 4
Video: ARC-5 Command Transmitter: parts 1; 2, 3, 4, 5
N3FRQ's B-17 Aircraft ARC-5 Communication System
Photos of radios in B-17: here, here, & here
B-17 Radio Operator
B-17 Crew Requirements and Standard Operating Procedures, including Radio Operator
B-26 Radio Operator Compartment
Rich Post's ARC-5 Navy Receiver
K5MBX's WWII Military T-21/ARC-5 Transmitter
BC-696 schematic
KF6NUR's BC-224 and BC-348 Aircraft Radio Receivers (gone?)
BC-348 at Wikipedia
The Irrepressible BC-348 Receiver by WA2CBZ
Rich Post's Signal Corps BC-348Q Receiver
BC-348 FAQ (new URL)
AC7ZL's Restoring the BC-348-Q (new URL)
BC-348 by James Moorer
BC-348 at Kurrajon Radio Museum
rec.radio.amateur.boatanchors FAQ
The Wireless-Set-No19 Group (www.royalsignals.org.uk | www.megacycles.co.uk | www.kilocycles.co.uk)
Manuals are available in the "military" section of Boat Anchor Manual Archive (BAMA) ( and mirror)
"Resurrecting a Command Set Transmitter" by W8KGI appears in January, 2009 QST.
"Bring That WWII Command Set Receiver Back to Life" by AD5X appears in January, 2009 QST.
The ARC-5'er — A Power Supply for the BC-453 and other Command Receivers (PDF) at jlandrigan.com
Dave Stinson's Getting Your ARC-5 Transmitter Running Without Hacking it Up (PDF) (new URL)
Dave Stinson's ARC5 Notes (PDF) at HilltopArmyRadios.com
Command Set Receivers for All Frequencies (PDF) at Glowbugs (CQ, January, 1967) (new URL)
ARC-5 Receiver Mixer-Mod (PDF) at Glowbugs (new URL)
The Command Set Roundup (PDF) at Glowbugs (new URL)
AN/ARC-5 Military manual (PDF) at Glowbugs (new URL)
Command Sets (PDF) at Glowbugs (CQ, 1957) (new uRL)
K3MXOs Guide to ARC Sets (PDF) at Glowbugs (new URL)
ARC-5 Manual (AN 16-30ARC5-2) (PDF) at HillTopArmyRadios.com
AN/ARC-5 Alignment Procedure (AN 16-30ARC5-501) (PDF) at HillTopArmyRadios.com
Command Sets (CQ Magazine book) (PDF) at HilltopArmyRadios.com
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual Volume 1 (PDF) at HilltopArmyRadios.com
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual Volume 2 (PDF) at HilltopArmyRadios.com
Surplus Radio Conversion Manual Volume 3 (PDF) at HilltopArmyRadios.com
Complete 80-Meter CW Station Using Surplus Units (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1960)
Vacation Special (PDF) at ARRL (May, 1967)
Single-Control Transmitter-Receiver (PDF) at ARRL (May, 1953)
Converting Surplus Transmitters for Novice Use (PDF) at ARRL
Keying the BC-696 (PDF) at ARRL (July, 1951)
Operating the BC-696 in TV Fringe Areas (PDF) at ARRL (December, 1953)
Crystal Control for the BC-457 and HC-459 (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1959)
Better Keying for the Converted BC-457 (PDF) at ARRL (March, 1953)
100 Watts on 160 Meters, Using a BC-458 (PDF) at ARRL (October, 1972)
"All-Band" BC-458 — A Heterodyne V.F.O. for S.S.B. (PDF) at ARRL (February, 1953)
Improved Keying for the BC-459 (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1963)
Using the BC-459 With the V.H.F. Overtone Oscillator (PDF) at ARRL (December, 1957)
Simple Heterodyne Exciter for 10 Meters (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1953)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: 14-Mc Output from the BC-459-A (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: 14-Mc Output from the BC-459-A (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: Eliminating Ripple in the BC-459-A (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: NFM Added to the BC-459-A (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: Improved Keying (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
ARC-5 Transmitter Modifications: Making Use of the Tuning Eye (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
Crystal Adapter for ARC-5 Transmitters (PDF) at ARRL (December, 1952)
TVI-Proofing the ARC-5 VHF Transmitter (PDF) at ARRL (November 1950)
Deluxing the ARC-5 Transmitter (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1960)
Putting the ARC-5/T18 on 160 and 80 Meters (PDF) at ARRL (February, 1963)
Two-Band Coverage with the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1960)
Getting Started with the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1959)
80 Through 6 with the BC-454 (PDF) at ARRL (May, 1959)
Command Set Receiver for 6 and 10 (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1953)
ARC-5 and 274N (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1959)
ARC-5 Triple Superhet (PDF) at ARRL (August, 1959)
Super-Simple 80-20 Receiver (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1972)
New Life for the Q5-er (PDF) at ARRL (February, 1951)
BC-453 "Q5-er" reception (PDF) at ARRL (August, 1950)
Bandspreading the BC-455 (PDF) at ARRL (April, 1959)
BC-348 Alignment (PDF) at ARRL (July, 1959)
Note on Surplus Type BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1957)
BC-348 Page by James Moorer, with high quality scans of manuals
Double Conversion Using the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1954)
Modifying Tuning Range of the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1952)
Curing Backlash in BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1951)
Eliminating Back-Lash in BC-348 Receivers (PDF) at ARRL (February, 1948)
Broadcast-Band Coverage with the BC-348-Q (PDF) at ARRL (September, 1949)
"Q5-er" for BC-348 Owners, by Adding Series Padders (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
"Q5-er" for BC-348 Owners, Building a Simple Converter (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
"Q5-er" for BC-348 Owners, Modifying the Calls (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
"Q5-er" for BC-348 Owners, Converting with an External Oscillator (PDF) at ARRL (June, 1948)
Converting the BC-348-Q (PDF) at ARRL (January, 1947)
Servicing Xtal Filters in the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (August, 1947)
More on the BC-348-Series Receivers: Modifying the BC-348-O (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1947)
More on the BC-348-Series Receivers: Calibrating the BC-348 (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1947)
More on the BC-348-Series Receivers: Curing Noise-Limiter Troubles (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1947)
More on the BC-348-Series Receivers: A Further Note on the BC-348-Q (PDF) at ARRL (November, 1947)
CW and Keys (return to top)
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Morse Magnificat: the Morse Magazine archives + the WT 8A Key Survey
Basic CW Operating Procedures
The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy by William G. Pierpont, N0HFF
TASRT: Amateur Society for Radio Telegraphy with The Art & Skill of Radio-Telegraphy course (new URL)
LB3KB's Just Learn Morse Code
W1AW Morse Code Practice Files & archive, sorted by code speed
How to use an "English Key" by WB8DQT
What are American and European "styles"?
Adjust a straight key to avoid "glass arm"
The Vibroplex Collector's Page (new URL)
Vintage Vibroplex
Vibroplex — The Company and its Classic Key by John Ceccherelli, N2XE (PDF, ARRL Members Only)
How to Adjust a Semiautomatic Key at N6TT
How to Adjust a Bug at Vibroplex
Vibroplex Ads 1925-1965
W0EB's Dot Stabilizer for bugs
W1TP Telegraph Museum
The Sparks Telegraph Key Review
Telegraph-History.org by W2NI
Radio Telegraphy — Straight Keys to Bugs at Western Historic Museum
The KK4DW Telegraph Key Collection (gone?)
N7CFO Telegraph Key Collecting & Telegraph Related Downloads
Stewart Johnson, Les Logan, EF Johnson, & Wm. M. Nye keys by N0UF
When did the model 310 straight key appear?
According to Western Historic Radio Museum both the models 322 (rectangular base) and 310 were available from Les Logan from 1937 to 1947.
Morse Express says the model 322 has been available since 1937 and was manufactured by Les Logan, E.F. Johnson, and Wm. M. Nye.
Tom French (Artifax Books) thinks my older Speed-X is an early Wm. M. Nye piece; Logan and Johnson number-schemes were different.
N0UF identifies Speed-X HS15.682 keys as being products of the William M. Nye Company.
Artifax Books sells old keys and replacement knobs for old keys
2B Radio Parts — replacement bug, paddle, and key repair parts
The book "Keys IV... and More — the Finale" by K4TWJ (SK) is available in PDF format as a free download here: K4TWJ (new URL)
Yaesu FT-60R (return to top)
External power jack dimensions: 1.7mm ID, 4mm OD.
(See also Yaesu FT-60R at WD8RIF for more FT-60R links.)
Fox Hunting (return to top)
The HANDI-Finder TDOA DF Antenna kit
Sense the Right Way to Go with the HANDI-Finder by Joe Moell, K0OV
Montreal Doppler v3.2 as recommended by N8PXW
Amateur Satellite (return to top)
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)
SatNOGS — Satellite Networked Open Ground Station
Elk Model 2M/440L5 dual-band log-periodic at Elk Antennas; no duplexer needed for use with dual-band HT (new URL)
Arrow II Satellite Antenna at ArrowAntennas.com (new URL); duplexer model needed for use with dual-band HT
For Beginners at AMSAT
Amateur Satellite Articles at EB4DKA (gone?)
The "IOio" Antenna (PDF) (new URL)
The "CJU" ANtenna / The Magic Antenna (PDF) (new URL)
The Arrow Antenna and the Satellites (PDF) (new URL)
Build an Arrow Antenna Look-Alike by G6LVB
Orbitron satellite tracking software
Visible Satellite Flybys at SpaceWeather.com
KG4AKV's SpaceComms blog
APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) and GPS (Global Positioning System) (return to top)
Southeast Ohio APRS Development by W8KVK
APRS World APRS database and information
TinyTrak at Groups.io
Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning, with launch announcements
About GPS at Garmin
GPSInformation.net by Joe Yeazel N4TEB, Jo Mehaffey W2JO, & Dale DePriest
APRS.org by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) at ARRL
Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) at ARRL (QEX Sidebar)
Position Reporting with APRS at ARRL
UI-View32 APRS client for Windows (and registration)
Convert Lat/Long between various formats
Bicycle-Mobile APRS
(See Bicycle Combined With Amateur Radio within this document for more on use of radio on bicycles.)
WD8RIF and the ACARA provide APRS support to the Athens (Ohio) Marathon
ACARA Marathon Communications Planning Page
a thread at BMHA about bicycle-mobile APRS
Aeronautical-Mobile APRS
Bicycling with Amateur Radio (return to top)
Bicycle Mobile Hams of America site & Yahoo! Club
GOBAHams.org (and alternate URL)
How to Wire a Bike for Ham Radio (PDF), by Bill Sharp, W8HI
Bicycle-Mobile Antennas at ARRL
The Jurassic Duck — a 2m J-Pole antenna inside PVC, by WX2NJ
2m J-Pole by AA1EP
2m J-Poles by N6VNG
Bike 'n Hike Special antenna described by WB8ERJ (new URL)
The Perfect HF Bicycle Mobile Antenna by Bonnie Crystal, KQ6XA on the HFPack Yahoo! Group (logon required)
G4AKC: HF Bicycle & Pedestrian Mobile (& on QRZ.com)
K2 Bicycle Mobile by N8MX
QRP Plus Bicycle Mobile & K2 Bicycle Mobile by VE3JC (new URLs)
CW Bicycle Mobile by KB8U
HF Bicycle Mobile by N0LX, with FT-817 (new URL)
SGC-2020 Bicycle Mobile by NW7DX
SGC-2020 Bicycle Mobile by GØSBW
Bicycle Mobile by AF8X (2m FM and HF)
Bicycle Mobile, from a Beginner's Point of View by KD7S (20m CW)
Bicycle Camping Adventure and pictorial by AC6XK (HF CW)
W9XS Bicycle Mobile by Ron Baran — 100-watt HF CW & SSB (and alternate URL)
Bicycle Mobile by K4MBE (2m FM)
2m & CB Bicycle Mobile by VO1MDS
An article on 2m FM bicycle mobile by AA6WK
Riding the Airwaves, bicycle mobile by KE4WMF (2m FM)
Mountain-Bike Mobile by N7QJP (2m/70cm FM)
This is KS1G Bicycle Mobile (2m/70cm FM + HF) (PDF)
According to W8HI (link), a half-wave antenna wants to see feedline that's an odd multiple of 1/4λ long. Three 1/4λ is about 57" at 2m. Larson sells GBR-1 in this length with NMO on one end and BNC on the other. |
Canoeing / Kayaking with Amateur Radio (return to top)
Canoe-portable QRP, German-style
Guide to Canoe/Kayak-mobile QRP by AE3C (gone?)
Rowboat HF Mobile by N0LX
(See also the sites by Steven Roberts, N4RVE, above.)
Hiking with Amateur Radio (return to top)
WD8RIF Two-Way QRP Worked All States (return to top)
50th state worked two-way QRP November 30, 2011; final QSL cards received January 19, 2012.
(map generated at Douwe Osinga)
WD8RIF QRP ARRL Centennial Worked All States (return to top)
Celebrating 100 years of the American Radio Relay League (link).
(map generated at Douwe Osinga)
WD8RIF QRP National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) Worked All States (return to top)
ARRL National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) (link): Celebrating 100 years of the National Park Service throughout 2016.
(map generated at Douwe Osinga)
WD8RIF QRP Parks on the Air (POTA) Worked All States (return to top)
Parks on the Air (POTA) (link): promoting emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks
(map generated at Douwe Osinga)
WD8RIF QRP Parks on the Air (POTA) U.S. States Activated (return to top)
Parks on the Air (POTA) (link): promoting emergency awareness and communications from national/federal and state/provincial level parks
(map generated at Douwe Osinga)
WD8RIF Parks on the Air (POTA) Units Activated (return to top)
SILSO Sunspot Map over Six Cycles (return to top)
The following graph from SILSO (Sunspot Index and Long-term Solar Observations) shows why WD8RIF had so much fun working DX on the Novice bands in 1978 through the early 1980s (Cycle 21) and why working QRP DX was so challenging during the peak of the most recent cycle, Cycle 24. This graph also clearly shows the legendary Cycle 19 which peaked around 1957. Click the graph to view the continually-updated version at SILSO. |
Sony SWL Receivers (return to top)
Stephan Großklaß's Sony 7600 Series Page
Miscellaneous (return to top)
Generate an azimuthal map: NS6T's Azimuthal Map
Feedline Loss Calculator at OwenDuffy.net
Feedline Loss Calculator at KV5R.com
Contest Calendar by WA7BNM
State & Province QSO Party Calendar by N5NA
Tamitha Skov: Space Weather Woman & YouTube Channel — solar weather video reports
Gatti-Hallicrafters 1947-1948 Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon as told by W6PBV, W0LHS, & PA0ABM
Dashtoons & Art for Shacks by Jeff Murray, K1NSS
Ham Hijinks — Ham Radio News of the Funny Variety
Ham Radio History — A Century of Amateur Radio, by Chris Codella, W2PA
Short-Wave.info — a searchable AM/FM/SW broadcast database
Bunker of DOOM — Information for Retro-Tech Hobbyists and Hardware Hackers; with printable safety signs
Dimension4 — synchronize Windows clock to time-standard servers
RigReference.com, "Reference Guide for Ham Radio Equipment"
VE3EN's SolarHam (formerly SolarCycle24.com)
WA7UZO's Near-Real-Time HF Radio Propagation Data with a good introduction to what the data means
Introduction to HF Radio Propagation (PDF) at Australian Government IPS Radio and Space Services
Why Ham Radio Endures in a World of Tweets by David Rowan
Online Great Circle Map Generator by NA3T and NV3Z
Announced DX Operations by NG3K
Active DX, by Date at Radioham.info
DXScape; spots can be filtered to just those from US hams and by band
DX Summit; click "Custom Spots" to find QRP DX
Articles by W4RNL (SK) at Antentop
K5IJB: Antenna Topics, including articles by W4RNL (SK)
Ultra-light Antennas Based on a Panfish Pole by Bruce Grubbs, N7CEE
WA3WSJ Black Widow Vertical Antenna 20m, 30m, & 40m without a tuner
MiniBac antenna (Minimalist Backpacker Antenna System) by KQ6XA
Joe Everhart, N2CX, has had good luck using a Black-Widow supported 40m end-fed half-wave wire with counterpoise for QRP NVIS work. See January, 2000, QRP Quarterly |
Dollar Store Special Antenna by WB3GCK
The HyLaunch, Build a Compact, Integrated Antenna Launching System by Bill Jones, KD7S
B&W Window/Balcony Portable Antenna, instructions: AP-10A | AP-10B
NVIS Ionospheric Map — US (and tinyURL version)
55' Irrigation Pipe Push-Up Mast by Bob Bruninga, WB4APR (new URL)
Build a Tiger Tail Counterpoise by W1CAR (gone?)
The Museum of Radio & Technology in Huntington, WVa
Amateur Radio Today video with Walter Cronkite (for purchase or 70MB download) at ARRL
Boat-Anchor Nightlight (PDF) by AD5X
Battery University & Batteries in a Portable World by Cadex Electronics, Inc.
Powering Ham Gear with USB-C Power Delivery power banks by Gwen Patton, NG3P
Improved 9.6V Compact Fast Charger (PDF) by AD5X
BatteriesAmerica.com (and batteries for Icom & Yaesu)
AE5X — Dipole DXing — look for battery information under "QRP" pull-down
Hand Soldering and the Impact of the RoHS Directive (PDF) (new URL)
Pelican Cases
The World's Best Hobby, an online book by Dave Bell, W6AQ
RadioShackCatalogs.com, an archive of Radio Shack catalogs
Ham Radio Magazine at Archive.org — complete issues, February 1968 through June 1990, in PDF and other formats
NorCal QRP Club "QRPp" magazine archive (gone?)
AmericanRadioHistory.com — archives of magazines and periodicals
Antenna Launching for Serious Practitioners by Russ Carpenter, AA7QU
75/60/40m NVIS Portable Antenna by W4CNG
K2TQN's Old Radio and Radio History Website with QST Column additional items
The Xtal Set Society
Voice of Victory (1944): Part I | Part II at Internet Archive
Batteries & QRP by AE5X (click "QRP" menu item)
The Care and Feeding of Gel Cell Batteries by WB3GCK
Battery Care (PDF) at EMRG
12-volt Battery Case with Powerpoles (PDF) by VE3UNW
Simple In-Line Current/Voltage Monitoring Fixture (PDF) by AD5X
NiCD Lady
Prices vary between $0.50/ft2 for 0.5" to $4.15/ft2 for 4" thicknesses.
Sales: Michael Hannah (email)
Business hours: 8:30-4:30 Mon-Fri
Pelican Case Outlet
Midwest Case Company — Columbus, Ohio dealer for Pelican
Ham Radio Horizons Magazina at Archive.org — complete issues, March 1977 (1st issue) through December 1979, in PDF and other formats
73 Magazine at Archives.org — complete issues, October 1960 through September 2003, in PDF and other formats
New England QRP Club "72" magazine archive
The Carl & Jerry Stories from Popular Electronics
Popular Science, an archive of 140 years of Popular Science magazine
Archie's Ham Radio Adventure (1986)
This is a collection of links that I have found useful or interesting, either professionally or personally. It is maintained for my own use, and is subject to change at any time. No claims are made to completeness, accuracy, or competence. No endorsement of any site, individual, product, or corporation is intended. With these caveats, anyone is welcome to browse these links or to use this page.
Heathkit Lunch-Box paragraph found at the Heathkit Virtual Museum.
Inside-view photographs of Heathkit Lunch-Box found at the Heathkit Virtual Museum.
Photo of HW-7 chassis from manual; scan found at Boat Anchor Manual Archive.
Paragraph about HW-7 from Heathkit manual.
Paragraphs about and photo of DX-40 found at the Heathkit Virtual Museum.
Paragraphs about and photo of DX-60 found at the Heathkit Virtual Museum.
Paragraphs about and photo of HR-10 found at the Heathkit Virtual Museum.
Heathkit walkie-talkie catalog page found within Heathkit 1961 catalog scan found at Technology Systems.
Heathkit walkie-talkie catalog page found within Heathkit 1963 catalog scan found at Technology Systems.
1979 Ten-Tec Omni D advertisement found at RigPix.com.
Ten-Tec Omni D Series C advertisement found at TenTecWikie.
Photo of Drake 4-Line found at R.L. Drake Virtual Museum.
Photos of B-17 radio installations found at www.b17queenofthesky.com.
"There's a real thrill" cartoon by Phil Gildersleeve found in the January, 1950 issue of QST magazine.
SILSO Sunspot Graph courtesy of SILSO, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels.
Elecraft, Heathkit, Ten-Tec, R.L. Drake, Nye Viking, Vibroplex, AMSAT, and ARISS logos copyrights are held by the respective companies/organizations; no endorsement by these entities is implied.