The panel will reflect on the following questions (subject to change based on feedback from panelists):
Why do you think business schools are increasingly led by deans from MIS backgrounds? What unique perspectives or skill sets do they offer that distinguish them from leaders in other business disciplines?
How does your background in MIS shape your approach to strategic decision-making, particularly in fostering innovation, digital transformation, and data-driven management within the business school?
What do you believe sets MIS-trained leaders apart from other disciplines when guiding business schools in today’s tech-centric environment? Why do you think this expertise is becoming more valued in leadership roles within academia?

Kaushal Chari
Dean, Sheldon B. Lubar College of Business at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

GJ de Vreede
Dean, School of Business, Stevens Institute of Technology

Rassule Hadidi
Dean, College of Business and Management at Metro State University

Bhavik Pathak
Director, Judd Leighton School of Business and Economics Indiana University South Bend

Jackie Rees Ulmer
Dean, College of Business at Ohio University

Saonee Sarker
Richard E. Sorensen Chair, Dean of Pamplin College of Business, Virginia Tech

Shu Schiller
Dean, College of Business Administration, University of Missouri-Saint Louis