Curriculum Vitae

Julia A. Paxton, Ph.D.




Business Address

Department of Economics 
Ohio University 
Athens, OH 45701 
Voice(740) 593-2042 
Fax (740) 593-0181 


Ph.D., Agricultural Economics (Rural Finance), Ohio State University, 1996. 
M.S., Economics, Ohio State University, 1994. 
MLS, Latin American Economic Development, Ohio State University, 1991 
B.S., International Studies, minor in International Business, Ohio State University, 1989 (Graduated with distinction, Summa Cum Laude) 

Professional Activities

Present Position: Professor of Economics, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, Fall 2000-Present.  Undergraduate Chair, Department of Economics

Director, Center for Campus and Community Engagement, 2016-2017.

Research Interests:

Financial behavior, microfinance, altruism, development economics, poverty, service-learning 

Other Positions:
2022-2023 Ohio Economic Roundtable member for State of Ohio Office of Budget and Management

Microfinance Consultant: The World Bank, Mexican Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA), Mexican National Bank for Savings and Financial Services (BANSEFI), USAID, US Department of State, FAO
Instructor, Wright State University, Dept. of Economics, 1997-1998
Graduate Instructor, The Ohio State University, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 1991-1996


Teaching Awards and Grants


            2024-2025 Fulbright Global Challenges Teaching Award

            2024 Joe Burrow Foundation service-learning grant

2020 Cutler Scholars Outstanding Mentor

2014-2024 Recipient of Learning By Giving Foundation grant

2016-2019 Ohio Faculty Newsmakers Award

2017/2018 Bruning Teaching Academy Faculty Fellow

2014 Outstanding Mentor Award: Honors Tutorial College

2014 Ohio Senate Outstanding Achievement Award for Teaching

2014-2016 Presidential Teacher

2013 Class of 1950 Faculty Excellence Award finalist

2013 Excellence in Education profile, Ohio Magazine

2012 Presidential Teacher nomination

2011-2012 University Professor

2008-2009 Presidential Teacher nomination


Special Skills 

Fluent in Spanish, reading ability in French, Portuguese


Refereed Publications and Book Chapters


Paxton, J. (2024) “Beyond Graduation: The Prosocial Effects of Service-Learning and Volunteerism on College Alumni” in Engaging in Prosocial Behaviours for an Inclusive Classroom and Society, Leung, E. ed., InTechOpern, London.


Paxton, J. (2021) Learning by Giving in an Introductory Economics of Altruism Class, Journal of Economic Education, Vol. 52 (11), pp. 129-140.


Paxton, J. (2019) “Economics Training and Hyperbolic Discounting: Training Versus Selection Effects” Applied Economics, Vol. 51(55).


Paxton, J. (2017) “Strengthening Community Engagement Through Listening to Community and University Partners” in Service-Learning: Perspectives, Goals and Outcomes, Hou, S., ed., Nova Science Publishers: New York.


      Brian Gibbons and Julia Paxton (2015) “Youth and Inexperience: Dynamic Inconsistency Among Emerging Adults” Economics Discussion Papers, No 2015-19, Kiel Institute for the World Economy. 


      Paxton, J.  (2015) “A Practical Guide to Incorporating Service-Learning into Development Economics Classes” International Review of Economics Education, Vol. 18, pp. 25-36.


       Paxton, J. (2013) “A Push towards Revitalizing Rural Financial Institutions: Lessons From Mexico’s PATMIR Project” in Promoting Microfinance: Challenge and Innovations in Developing Countries and Countries in Transition, Manos, R., Gueyie, J.P., and J. Yaron, eds., Palgrave Macmillan: London.


       Caporale, T. and J. Paxton (2013) “Inflation Stationarity during Latin American Inflation: Insights from Unit Root and Structural Break Analysis” Applied Economics, Vol. 45 (15) pp. 2001-2010.


Caporale, T. and J. Paxton (2011) “From Debt Crisis to Tequila Crisis: Inflation Stationarity Through Mexico’s Turbulent Decades” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 18 (16) pp. 1609-1612.       


        Paxton, J. and F. Zhuo (2011) ''Economic Shocks and Savings Behavior by the Rural Poor'', Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31(4) pp. 3286-3293.


        Paxton, J. and L. Young (2011) “Liquidity Profiles of Poor Mexican Households”, World Development, Vol. 39(4) pp. 600-610.


Paxton, J. (2009), "Subsistence Savings Strategies of Male and Female Headed Households: Evidence from Mexico", Eastern Economic Journal, Vol. 35(2), pp. 209-231.


Paxton, J. (2008) “Analysis of the Cost of Financial Transactions in the Popular Savings and Credit Sector in Mexico” in Una Mirada al Interior del Sector de Ahorro y Crédito Popular en México: Estudios sobre Hogares e Instituciones, BANSEFI: Mexico City.


Paxton, J. (2008) “Technical Efficiency in Mexico’s Popular Savings and Credit Sector” in Una Mirada al Interior del Sector de Ahorro y Crédito Popular en México: Estudios sobre Hogares e Instituciones, BANSEFI: Mexico City.


Paxton, J. (2007) “Contrasting Methodologies for Expanding Microfinance Outreach to the Rural Poor: Trade-offs and Lessons from Mexico’s PATMIR Project”, Savings and Development, Vol. 31 (3) pp. 283-306.


Paxton, J. (2007) "Technical Efficiency with Non-Monotonic Marginal Effects in Mexico's Semi-Formal Financial Sector" Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 69(1), pp. 57-75.


Paxton, J. (2006), "Technical Efficiency in the Rural Financial Sector: Evidence from Mexico" Journal of Developing Areas,.Vol. 39(2), pp.101-120.


Hernández-Trillo, F., Pagán, J., and Paxton J. (2005), "Start-up Capital, Microenterprises and Technical Efficiency in Mexico" Review of Development Economics, Vol. 9(3), pp. 434-447.


Paxton, J. and C. Thraen, (2004) "Mean-Covariance Structure Models in Economic Research: an Application to a Lending Program for Development in Burkina Faso" International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, Vol. 1(2), pp. 5-26.


Paxton, J. and Thraen, C. (2003) "An Application of Mean-Covariance Structure Models for the Analysis of Group Lending Behavior" Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 25(9), pp. 863-868.


Paxton, J. (2003) "A Poverty Outreach Index and Its Application to Microfinance" Economics Bulletin, Vol. 9(2), pp. 1-10.


Paxton, J. and Cuevas, C. (2002) "Outreach and Sustainability of Member-Based Rural Financial Intermediaries" in The Triangle of  Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach and Impact, The Johns Hopkins University Press.


Paxton, J. (2002) "Depth of Outreach and its Relation to the Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions" Savings and Development, Vol. 26(1), pp. 69-85.

Paxton, J., Graham, D., and Thraen, C. (2000) "Modeling Group Loan Repayment Behavior: New Insights from Burkina Faso" Economic Development and Cultural Change, University of Chicago Press, Vol. 48(3), pp. 639-655.


Other Publications

United Nations Grupo Interagencial de Desarrollo Rural en México (2010) “Informe de la Reunion de Expertos: Análisis de los Problemas de Desarrollo del Medio Rural de México” contributor to section on Microfinanzas Rurales, Mexico City.


Paxton, J. (2007) “Methodologies for Increasing Access to Financial Services: Trade-offs and Lessons from Mexico’s PATMIR Experience” conference paper presented at International Conference on Rural Finance Research: Moving Results into Policy and Practice, FAO: Rome, Italy.

Paxton, J. (2007) “Financial Strategies of Male and Female Headed Households in Rural Mexico” conference paper presented at Foro de Microfinanzas Conference,  Monterrey, Mexico.

Paxton, J. (2006) “Analysis of Mexico’s PATMIR Project,” Mexican Ministry of Agriculture (SAGARPA), Mexico.

Paxton, J. (2003) "Technical Efficiency in Mexico's Popular Savings and Credit Sector"  BANSEFI, Mexico.

Paxton, J. (2002) "Analysis of the Cost of Financial Transactions in the Popular Savings and Credit Sector in Mexico" The World Bank and BANSEFI.

Paxton, J. (2001) "Savings Mobilization by Non-Bank Financial Intermediaries in Rural Mexico" The World Bank, Washington DC.

Paxton, J. (1999) "Balancing Outreach and Sustainability: Evidence from 12 Latin American Financial Institutions" Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. (1999)  "A Case Study of Women's World Banking Colombia" Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Burnett, J., Cuevas, C., and Paxton, J. (1999) "The Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Crédito of Peru" Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. (1998) "A Case Study of Banco Caja Social Colombia" Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Ouattara, K., Baydas, M., and Paxton, J. (1998) "Building an African Credit
Union from the Ground Up: Lessons from the Caisses Populaires d'epargne et de credit in Niger" Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. and Cuevas, C. (1997) "Outreach and Sustainability of Member-Based Rural Financial Intermediaries" Proceedings from the International Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Sacramento, CA, 10-16, edited by IFPRI.

Paxton, J. (1997) “Case Study of FINCA Costa Rica: Accomplishments  and Obstacles” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The  World Bank.

Dichter, T. and Paxton, J. (1997) "Case Study of CARE Kenya"  Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Fidler, P. and Paxton, J. (1997) “An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in East Asia and the Pacific” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Fidler, P. and Paxton, J. (1997) “An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in South Asia” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Fidler, P. and Paxton, J. (1997) “An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Fidler, P. and Paxton, J. (1997) “An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in East, Central, and South Africa” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Fidler, P. and Paxton, J. (1997) “An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in West Africa” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. (1996) “Case Study: CARE Guatemala’s Women’s Village Banking Program” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. (1996) “Determinants of Successful Group Loan Repayment: An Application to Burkina FasoOhio State University  dissertation.

Paxton, J.(1996) “A Worldwide Inventory of Microfinance Institutions” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank.

Paxton, J. (1995) “Case Study: Le Projet de Promotion du Petit Crédit Rural, Burkina Faso” Sustainable Banking with the Poor, The World Bank, 1995.

Cuevas, C.  and  Paxton,  J. (1991) “The Informal Financial Sector in El Salvador” USAID.

 Paxton, J. (1988) “Real Wage Trends in Paraguay 1980-1988”  U.S. Department      of State. 




Paxton, J. (2024) “Faculty Spotlight:The Power of Place-Based Collaborations” presented to Ohio University Board of Trustees, Athens, OH.


Paxton, J. (2024) “Economics of Altruism” presented at Ohio University College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Leadership Council, Dublin, OH.


Paxton, J. (2022) “Attracting More Diverse Students into Economics” Kentucky Economics Association Conference, Covington, KY.


Paxton, J. (2021) “Women in Economics” talk as part of OHIO University “What Can You Do with a STEM degree? Virtual Conference.


Paxton, J. (2019) “Learning by Giving in an Introductory Course: The Economics of Altruism” presented at American Economic Association Conference on Teaching & Research in Economic Education (CTREE), St. Louis, MO.


Paxton, J. (2019) “What Makes People Give?” Ohio University Advancement Brownbag, Ohio University: Athens, OH.


Paxton, J. (2019) “Best Practices in Service-Learning” Spotlight on Teaching Conference, Ohio University: Athens, OH.


Paxton, J. (2018) “The Economics of Kindness” Ohio University Café Conversations: Athens, OH.


Paxton, J. (2016), “Taking Economics out of the Classroom: Incorporating Service Learning into a Development Economics Class” Yale University: New Haven, CT.


Paxton, J. (2016), “Striving for a Career of Integrity” Keynote address for Ohio University Professional Development Symposium: Voinovich and African Studies: Athens, OH.


Paxton, J. (2015) “Cultivating Service-learning at Ohio University” presented to Ohio University Board of Trustees: Athens, OH.       


        Paxton, J. (2014) “The Appalachian Project: Incorporating Local Service into a Course on World Poverty” presented at American Economic Association Conference of

        Teaching and Research in Economic Education: Washington DC.       


        Paxton, J. (2014) Discussion leader and microfinance expert for Ediscussion “Women’s Access to Financial Services” United Nations E-Conference on Women

         and Finance.

        Paxton, J. (2014) “Top Ten Insights from the Economics of Altruism” presented to Athens Rotary Club: Athens, Ohio.


        Paxton, J. (2014) “Effective Service Learning” presented at Mission Possible: The Changing Landscape of Volunteerism in Appalachia 2014” College of Education, Ohio

        University: Athens, OH.


        Paxton, J. (2013) WOUB Conversations from Studio B interview with Kelee Riesbeck, “The Economics of Altruism” original air date June 12, 2013: Athens, Ohio.


        Paxton, J. (2013) “What Makes People Altruistic?” Keynote speech at Women in Philanthropy, Women Making a Difference Conference, Ohio University: Athens,



        Paxton, J. (2013) “Cultivating Kindness: Insights from Behavioral Economics” Keynote speech at Ohio University Alumni Association Board of Directors

        meeting, Ohio University: Athens, Ohio.


        Paxton, J. (2012) “Cultivating Altruism: Insights from Microeconomics” Invited speech at Ohio University Foundation Board of Trustees meeting, Charlotte, NC.


        Paxton, J. (2010) “Moving Development Research into Practice: The Case of Mexican Microfinance” Keynote speech at International Development Coalition Summit,

        The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.


Paxton, J. (2010) “The Role of Rural Finance in Poor Mexican Households” presented at the Experts’ Meeting on Mexico’s Rural Sector Diagnosis sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Economic Commission for Latin America (ECLAC), Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), and the World Bank: Washington, D.C.


Paxton, J. (2010) “Striking Out: The Role of Major League Baseball in the Caribbean” presented at Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Ohio University: Athens, Ohio.


Paxton, J. “An Experiment in Revitalizing Rural Financial Institutions: Outreach and Sustainability of Mexico’s PATMIR Project” presented at microfinance conference planning session at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, (7/07).


Paxton, J. (2007) “Financial Strategies of Male and Female Headed Households in Rural Mexico” presented at Foro de Microfinanzas Conference sponsored by Harvard University and Tecnológico de Monterrey EGAP, Monterrey, Mexico.


Buchenau, J., Peral, E., and Paxton, J. (2007) “Criteria for Establishing an Integrated Development Policy for the Microfinance Market/ Critérios para Establecer una Política integral de Desarrollo del Mercado de Microfinanzas en México” World Bank study presented to Mexican Ministry of Treasury (Hacienda), Mexico City.

Paxton, J. (2007) “An Experiment in Revitalizing Rural Financial Institutions: Outreach and Sustainability of Mexico’s PATMIR Project” presented at microfinance conference planning session at John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University: Boston, MA.


Paxton, J. (2007) “Contrasting Methodologies Used to Expand the Outreach of Financial Services to the Rural Poor: Lessons from Mexico’s PATMIR Experience” presented at Microfinance seminar series, The Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio.


Paxton, J. (2007) “Methodologies for Increasing Access to Financial Services: Trade-offs and Lessons from Mexico’s PATMIR Experience” conference paper presented at International Conference on Rural Finance Research: Moving Results into Policy and Practice, FAO: Rome, Italy.


Paxton, J. (2006) “Analysis of Mexico’s PATMIR Project” Mexican Department of Agriculture (SAGARPA), Mexico City.


Paxton, J. (2003) "Determinants of Technical Efficiency in Mexico's Popular Savings and Credit Sector" BANSEFI-SARGARPA-World Bank working session, Mexico City.


Hernández-Trillo, F., Pagán, J., and Paxton, J. (2002) "Start-up Capital, Microenterprises and Technical Efficiency in Mexico" Eastern Economic Association Meeting, Boston.


Paxton, J. (2000) "Microfinance and Group Lending in Africa" presentation to World Bank CGAP training seminar on African finance: Washington, D.C. 


Paxton, J. (1999) "Balancing Outreach and Sustainability: Evidence from 12 Latin American Financial Institutions" presented at World Bank conference "Las Microfinanzas: Hacia Donde Vamos" Cuzco, Peru. 


Paxton, J. and Fruman, C. (1998) "Outreach and Sustainability of Savings first and Credit-first Financial Institutions: A Comparative Analysis of Eight Microfinance Institutions in Africa" presented at World Bank SBP seminar series: Washington D.C. 


Paxton, J. and Fruman, C. (1998) "Outreach and Sustainability of Savings-led versus Credit-led Financial Institutions - A Comparative Analysis" presented by Fruman at Africa Conference on Savings in the Context of Microfinance, Kampala, Uganda. 


Paxton, J. (1997) "Worldwide Inventory of Microfinance Institutions" presented at Microfinance seminar series, The Ohio State University: Columbus, Ohio.


Paxton, J. and Cuevas, C. (1997) "Outreach and Sustainability of Member-Based Rural Financial Intermediaries" presented at International Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Sacramento, CA. 

Paxton, J. (1996) "Worldwide Inventory of Microfinance Institutions" presented at World Bank SBP seminar series, Washington D.C. 


Paxton, J. (1995) "The Pitfalls of Cost Effective Group Lending: Evidence from Burkina Faso" presented at IPC seminar, Nice, France.