
table of contents “A Murder of Crows” by Allegra Solomon “Slate” by Ben Ervin “Micky’s Happy Fits of Rage” by Noah McGeorge “Second Chance” by Alexander Petras “Escape” by Peter Russ A Murder of Crows Allegra Solomon “Where’s Mom and Dad?” Emile leaned in the passenger window, dark stubble catching snowflakes. The sound of theContinue reading “fiction”


table of contents “A Murder of Crows” by Allegra Solomon “Slate” by Ben Ervin “Micky’s Happy Fits of Rage” by Noah McGeorge “Second Chance” by Alexander Petras “Escape” by Peter Russ A Murder of Crows Allegra Solomon “Where’s Mom and Dad?” Emile leaned in the passenger window, dark stubble catching snowflakes. The sound of theContinue reading “fiction”


table of contents “A Murder of Crows” by Allegra Solomon “Slate” by Ben Ervin “Micky’s Happy Fits of Rage” by Noah McGeorge “Second Chance” by Alexander Petras “Escape” by Peter Russ A Murder of Crows Allegra Solomon “Where’s Mom and Dad?” Emile leaned in the passenger window, dark stubble catching snowflakes. The sound of theContinue reading “fiction”