Fall 2022 MATH 2301 Final Exam in Morton 237

Only Students of Qiliang Wu and Blake Regan should be in the room.


Wu's Students sit in the Red Seats.

Regan’s Students sit in the Yellow Seats.

Nobody sits in the Grey Seats.

Front of Room
Row A 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row A
Row B 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row B
Row C 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row C
Row D 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row D
Row E 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row E
Row F 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row F
Row G 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row G
Aisle in Middle of Room
Row H 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row H
Row I 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row I
Row J 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21Row J
Row K 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row K
Row L 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row L
Row M 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row M
Row N 1615 1413 1211 109 87 65 43 21 Row P
Row O   43 21 Row O
Row P   43 21 Row P
Back of Room

(page maintained by Mark Barsamian, last updated Dec 1, 2022)