Schedule of Fees

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

Ohio Residency Guidelines

Since Ohio University assesses your tuition costs based on your status as an in-state or out-of-state resident, the following general information is included to help you determine your residency status. The complete policy on Ohio Residency is included for your reference in the appendix at the back of this catalog. Further information is also available from the university examiner in the Office of Admissions.

Tuition Fees  Quarterly Room and Board Fees  Other Related Fees

Lifelong Learning Fees  Schedule of Pro-Rata Refunds  Schedule of Non Pro-Rata Refunds

In general, for university fee purposes, if you are a dependent of your parents, your residency is determined by theirs. If you are independent you may be considered an Ohio resident for university fee purposes if:

  1. you have lived in the state of Ohio for the previous 12 consecutive months

  2. you are totally self supported from income you have derived from within the state of Ohio and have subjected that income to Ohio taxation

  3. you are a resident of the state of Ohio for all other legal purposes (i.e., driver's license, voter's registration, car registration)

If your residency status has changed from out-of-state to in-state, you will need to file a residency petition (complete with documentation to verify your statements) with the Office of Admissions, and your petition must be approved before a change will be made in your residency status. Note: The residency petition must be filed before the last day to register for class in order for it to be effective for that quarter. The university will then make a decision on your residency status. Residency decisions are never retroactive to previous quarters.

1998-99* comprehensive fees for a quarter course load of 11-20 hours, inclusive:

                       Ohio Resident      Nonresident

Athens campus          $1,510.00          $3,177.00

Regional campuses       1,064.00           2,601.00

Southern campus           980.00           1,022.00

The extra fee for each quarter hour in excess of 20 hours:

                       Ohio Resident       Nonresident

Athens campus          $69.00              $154.00

Regional campuses       48.00               127.00

Southern campus         48.00                54.00

The fee for each hour of enrollment from 1 to 10 hours, inclusive:

                             Ohio Resident       Nonresident

Athens campus $139.00 $304.00 Regional campuses 97.00 250.00 Southern campus 89.00 93.00

*1999-00 fees were not available at time of printing.

Registration Fees

Instructions for paying fees are issued with your registration materials before the opening of classes each quarter. Fees can be paid by a check or money order made out to Ohio University. You can pay through the mail or in person at the cashier's office in Chubb Hall if you are enrolling on the Athens campus, or at the regional campus Office of Student Services if you are enrolling on one of the regional campuses.

You must pay your fees by the stated deadlines or risk the cancellation of your registration. Post-dated checks are not accepted, and checks issued to the university and not paid upon presentation to the bank will automatically cancel any receipts given and result in the assessment of penalties.

Quarterly fees include the instructional fee, the general fee, and the recreational facilities fee. This figure excludes fees for special courses, such as art, aviation, music, and visual communications, which are listed in the quarterly Schedule of Classes. Ohio University reserves the right to make, without prior notice, any fee adjustments that may become necessary.

Late Registration Fees

Unless your registration has been delayed by the university, you will be charged a fee for late registration beginning with the third calendar week of each quarter. The fee is $40 the third week, $60 the fourth week, $80 the fifth week, and $100 the sixth week. The last day to register with a late fee is Friday of the sixth calendar week of the quarter.

Quarterly Room and Board Fees (1998-99*)

 $832   Standard Double   

687 Triple

778 Quad

1,023 Single

584 7-Meal Plan

806 14-Meal Plan

860 20-Meal Plan

1,097 Green Card Meal Plan

25 Linen Service

*1999-2000 fees were not available at time of printing.

Other Related Fees (1998-99)

$30    Admission application fee, Athens campus (nonrefundable)

20 Admission application fee, regional campus (nonrefundable)

20 Special student application fee (nonrefundable)

10 Reclassification fee from special student to regular student status (Athens campus only)

5 Change of class schedule after second week

5 Duplicate official forms, fee receipts, grade reports, etc.

40 Late registration fee (plus $20 per week after third week)

Application for degree

$40     Associate's

40 Bachelor's

40 Master's

50 Doctorate

5 Reapplication for degree

452 Health insurance, annual premium

533 International health insurance, annual premium

30 Monthly payment plan (nonrefundable)

70 Orientation and testing fee

65 Quarterly recreational facilities fee (included in comprehensive fees for full-time students; optional for part-time students)

Monthly Payment Plan

If you are a full-time student (undergraduate over 10 hours, graduate over 8 hours), you are eligible to sign up for the Monthly Payment Plan. This plan equalizes your academic year's fees into nine monthly payments, with the first payment due in early August. This plan is not a loan program, and there is no interest charge on payments. You must apply for enrollment by mid-June for the coming year, and you are charged a $50 nonrefundable application fee.

If you withdraw from classes, the refund procedure is based on the logic that all fees for the quarter have been paid. The refundable amount will be adjusted to recognize any unpaid monthly payments for the current quarter. Contact the Cashier's Office, Chubb Hall 010, telephone 740-593-4128, to obtain an application for the Monthly Payment Plan.

Refund of Fees

University Refund Policy for Withdrawal

Ohio University refunds fees or credits your account 30 days after the date of withdrawal, according to the following schedule:

  1. If you officially withdraw from the university (cancellation of registration) before the first day of classes, you are entitled to a 100 percent refund of fees.

  2. If you withdraw from the university during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter (see the academic calendar), you are entitled to an 80 percent refund if your fees were paid in full. If you are on the Monthly Payment Plan, you will have incurred a charge of 20 percent of registration fees, which is subtracted from your registration payments to determine the refundable amount.

  3. If you withdraw from the university after the first 15 calendar days of classes, you are not entitled to a refund.

If you withdraw from the university before full payment of fees is made, you are considered indebted to the university for the amount deter-mined according to the refund regu-lations. A hold will be placed on your records until your debt is paid.

Refund Policy for Reducing Course Load.

If you drop credit hours before or during the first 15 calendar days of the quarter, you are entitled to receive a 100 percent refund of the reduction when such changes result in a reduction of fees. For example, if you are registered for 11 hours and drop a 5-hour course, you will receive 100 percent of the difference in tuition for dropping from full-time to part-time. However, if you have 15 hours and drop to 11 hours, it does not affect the tuition, because the standard tuition rate applies to a course load of 11 through 20 hours. Changes made after the 15th calendar day of the quarter will result in no refund. Corrected registration that results in increased hours could increase tuition. Further information regarding the refund of fees can be obtained from the registrar's office.

Pro-Rata Refund Policy

If you receive financial aid and withdraw before the seventh week of your first quarter of attendance, your refund will be computed under a special pro-rata refund policy. You will be assessed university charges (tuition and fees, room and board, etc.) pro-rated on the completed enrollment period up to and including the sixth week of the quarter. If you withdraw after the sixth week of your first quarter of attendance, you will be subject to the non-pro-rata refund policy below.

Lifelong Learning Fees (1998-99)

   $75      Independent Study courses, each quarter  hour

84 Independent Study projects, each quarter hour
40 Course Credit by Examination, each quarter hour
100 External Student status
75 Yearly matriculation fee
150 Adult Learning Services, per assessment (courses 1-6 hours)
40 Administration fee

Note: Lifelong Learning fees are not part of the comprehensive fees, nor are the credit hours counted as part of the comprehensive credit hours.

Non-Pro-Rata Refund Policy.

If you are a federal aid recipient and withdraw during a quarter other than your first quarter of attendance at the university, you will have tuition and fees assessed after comparison of the OU refund and federal non-pro-rata refund formulas. The formula providing the greatest refund to the financial aid programs will be used.

If you are receiving financial aid, a change in your enrollment status or your withdrawal from the university may result in your having to repay programs from which you received financial assistance. In addition, you may owe fees to the university after funds are returned to the financial aid programs.

Further information on this process is included under "Refunds and Repayment" in the Financial Aid Information section of this catalog.

Schedule of Pro-Rata Refunds

 If you withdraw:                    School retains this % of your aid:

Before the first day of classes 0%
First week of the quarter 10%
Second week of the quarter 20%
Third week of the quarter 30%
Fourth week of the quarter 40%
Fifth week of the quarter 50%
Sixth week of the quarter 60%
After the sixth week of the quarter 100%

Schedule of Non-Pro-Rata Refunds

If you withdraw:                            School retains this
                                            % of your aid:

One week before classes begin 0%

Up to 10 percent point in the quarter 10%

Up to 25 percent point in the quarter 50%

Up to 50 percent point in the quarter 75%

After 50 percent point in the quarter 100%

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 Ohio University Front Door  Graduate Catalog - Undergraduate Catalog -

University Publications and Computer Services revised this file ( on October 11, 1999.

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