Ohio University
Graduate Catalog


Doctoral programs are offered in clinical, experimental, and industrial/organizational psychology. The clinical program is fully approved by the American Psychological Association. All doctoral programs offer the master's degree as a step toward the Ph.D. and require a research thesis for the master's degree. For the Ph.D., you must satisfactorily complete a comprehensive examination, a scholarly tool, and a research dissertation. A one-year internship at an APA-approved facility is also required for the clinical Ph.D. All doctoral candidates are required to do teaching, professional, or clinical work under supervision, the specific amount to be determined by past experience and needs, but not less than the equivalent of three academic quarters of work.

If you are interested in a master's degree but not in a Ph.D. degree, a specialized master's degree is offered in experimental psychology. It requires a minimum of 60 quarter hours and a research thesis. No terminal master's degree is offered in clinical or industrial psychology.

When you apply for graduate study, you are expected to have completed a minimum of 27 quarter hours of undergraduate psychology, including a course in statistics and one in experimental psychology. You must submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination (including the general test and the subject test in psychology), transcripts of all academic work, three letters of recommendation from psychologists, and a statement of your personal goals and interests. You also must have a minimum overall undergraduate average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). If you apply for the doctoral program with a master's degree from another university, you must have a minimum graduate average of 3.4.

The Department of Psychology strongly encourages you to begin your graduate program in the fall quarter. Application materials must be received by February 1.


Psychology (PSY) Courses

520 Elementary Statistics (5)
First statistics course for graduate students who have not had such an undergraduate course. (Does not carry degree credit. Not open to students who have had PSY 121.)

525 Elementary Experimental Psychology (5)
First course in designing experiments for graduate students who did not have such an undergraduate course. (Does not carry degree credit. Not open to students who have had PSY 226.) 2 lec, 4 lab.

541 Behavioral Measurement (4)
Prereq: 520 or EDRE 720 or equiv. Testing and measurement; basic criteria including objectivity, reliability, validity. Methods of test construction and validation for students who have not had such an undergraduate course. (Does not carry degree credit. Not open to those who have had PSY 241.)

559 Field Work in Psychology (1-15)
Applied supervised psychological practice in fieldwork agency approved by department. (Does not count toward degree credit.) May be repeated. 1-15 lab.

590 Readings in Psychology (1-5, max 20)
To broaden training of master's or doctoral students in areas in which they need further work, which cannot be obtained through specific courses yet.

592 Preparing Psychology Papers (2)
Preparation of professional papers in psychology: application of technical style principles to experimental papers, psychological evaluations, and psychological reports; identifying writing problems. Tasks include writing and rewriting psychological information aimed at an informed reader and reviewing psychological writings that illustrate both correct and incorrect psychological style.

618 Systems of Psychology (5)
Philosophy of science in psychology: nature of observation, theory construction, and explanation, with historical review of important systematic positions in psychology.

621 Intermediate Statistics for Behavioral Sciences (5)
Statistical inference and most commonly used tests of hypotheses involving normal curves, t test, chi-square, and F distributions; introduction to probabilistic classification and Bayesian statistics. 4 lec, 1 lab.

622 Intermediate Correlation and Regression (4)
Prereq: 621. Two-variable correlation and regression, partial and multiple correlation, and nonlinear relationships.

623 Design and Analysis of Experiments (5)
Prereq: 622 or EDRE 721. Independent groups, repeated measures, and mixed analysis of variance designs. Matching statistical analyses to experimental procedures.

626 Advanced Experimental Psychology (3)
Prereq: 621. Experimental design and techniques. Individual experiments.

633 Psychology of Personality (3)
Development and organization of personality; evaluation of major theoretical viewpoints; review of research on personality structure, dynamics, and change.

674 Psychological Aspects of Aging (4)
Current theory and research on the changes and consistencies in behavior related to aging including learning, memory, personality, motivation, interpersonal perception, and adaptation to change; implications of research findings for the daily functioning of the older person.

695 Thesis (1-10)

701 Experimental Sensory Psychology (5)
Prereq: 712. Analysis of classical sensory systems (vision, audition, olfaction, somatic, regulatory, etc.) and their contributions to various behaviors. 4 lec, l lab.

703 Advanced Learning (5)
Lectures and readings covering theoretical works in field of learning.

704 Cognitive Processes (5)
Theory and research in human cognitive processes such as learning, memory, concept formation, problem solving, mental operations, consciousness, motor skills, and language within information-processing point of view.

706 Psychology of Communication (4)
Application of communication theory, psycholinguistic principles and readability measurement to process of communication, with emphasis on written communication.

707 Psycholinguistics (4)
How people produce, understand, and acquire language within framework of major psychological and linguistic theories of language. Emphasis on user of language rather than on language.

708 Psychology of Judgment and Prediction (5)
Examines normative and descriptive models of human judgment with emphasis on clinical judgment and prediction. Bias, diagnosis, selective information usage, and intuition also included.

710 Motivation (5)
Dynamics of motivation including treatment of traditional theories, as well as achievement and cognitive motivational theories.

712 Physiological Psychology (5)
Biological basis of behaviors with emphasis on central nervous system and neurological disorders.

714 Comparative Psychology (5)
Behavior of lower and higher organisms leading up to humans.

715 Psychology of Human Differences (5)
Methodology, basic principles, and general findings in individual differences in intelligence, personality, interests, and perception; group differences by sex, age, race, and socioeconomic class.

727 Psychophysiology (4)
Human psychophysiology.

728 Applied Psychophysiology (4)
Prereq: 727. Theory and research on the application of psychophysiological procedures to assessment and intervention in behavior therapy and behavioral medicine.

735 Experimental Social Psychology (5)
Major theoretical and research trends with emphasis on attitudes, social perception, and small-group behavior.

736 Advanced Social Psychology (5)
Major research and theoretical trends in social psychology; observational learning and social motivation.

737A Psychopathology, Clinical (3)
Theoretical and empirical literature on definitions and systems of classifying deviant behavior patterns. Coverage of situational reactions, neuroses, character disorders, psychoses, organic brain damage, and mental retardation.

737C Psychopathology of Childhood (3)
Definitions and models of deviant childhood behavior. Comparison of child and adult patterns of clinical psychopathology. Attention to physical, learned, and social bases of deviant behavior.

740 Practicum in Clinical Skills (4)
Provides the introductory student with supervised practice in clinical skills relevant to the mental status examination, intake interviewing, and psychotherapy. Students also have an opportunity to observe the instructor interviewing psychiatric patients.

741 Individual Intelligence Testing (4)
Prereq: 737A or concurrent. Overview of theories of intelligence and issues in the assessment of intellectual functioning. Practice in administering, scoring, and interpreting the WAIS-R, WISC-R, Stanford-Binet, and other selected individual tests of intelligence for both adult and child clientele.

742 Objective Personality Assessment (4)
Prereq: 633 or concurrent, 737A. Overview of objective personality assessment. Focuses on the administration and interpretation of widely used clinical assessment tools including the MMPI, the CPI, and behavioral assessment techniques.

743 Projective Personality Assessment (1-5)
Prereq: 633, 737A, 740. Provides an overview of projective personality assessment. Focuses on the administration and interpretation of widely used clinical assessment tools including the Rorschach Test, the Thematic Apperception Test, and incomplete sentence blank tests.

744 Behavioral Assessment (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Acquaints students with the theory and practice associated with behavioral assessment. The use of direct observation methods and self-report scaling highlighted. Integrates behavioral assessment methods with clinical practice.

745 Clinical Assessment of Children and Adolescents (4)
Prereq: 737C and 741. Administering, scoring, and interpreting major intellectual and personality tests used with children and adolescents; diagnostic interviewing techniques with children; assessment of special problems; report writing skills.

747 Assessment Practicum (1-5)
Supervised clinical experience in selected aspects of psychological assessment such as intelligence testing and personality assessment.

748A,B,C,D Neuropsychology (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Didactic training in structure of central nervous system, types of organic disorders, and diagnosis of neurological disorders. Topics include neuroanatomy and functional approaches to spinal cord, brain stem, cerebral hemispheres, cortex, subcortex, limbic system, and cerebellar hemispheres. Brain-behavior and endocrine relationships are also reviewed. Clinical case material is presented.

759 Fieldwork in Psychology (1-15)
Applied supervised psychological practice in fieldwork approved by department. May be repeated. 1-15 lab.

761 Survey of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (5)
Application of psychological theories and research to topics in organizational behavior and personnel psychology.

762A-B Organizational Psychology (4)
Prereq: 761. Study of behavior in organizations: (A) organizational behavior: motivation, social influence and groups, and leadership; (B) organizational theory: classical and contemporary perspectives on the process and structure of organizations.

764A-B Personnel Psychology (4)
Prereq: 622 and 761. Topics in personnel psychology: (A) criterion development and performance evaluation: theoretical and practical aspects of criterion development and performance evaluation; (B) selection and placement: psychological, measurement, and legal perspectives on selection and placement.

765 Practicum in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (1-5, max 15)
Prereq: 761, 762A or B, 764A or B. Supervised field experience in organizational settings.

773 Developmental Psychology (5)
Principles and research covering development of human abilities and behavior with emphasis on lifespan approach. Topics include developmental research methodology; variables influencing development; basic processes in development; and physical, motor, perceptual, cognitive, linguistic, motivational, emotional, social, and personality development.

775 Psychology of Exceptional Individuals (5)
Characteristics and problems of exceptional individuals: mentally retarded, mentally superior, sensory handicapped, emotionally disturbed, and culturally disadvantaged.

780 Health Psychology (4)
Overview of theory and research in health psychology; psychological factors in such disorders as hypertension, coronary artery disease, headache, chronic pain, asthma, and immune disorders; applications and effectiveness of psychological interventions.

781 Pediatric Psychology (4)
Theory and research on the relationship between the psychological and physical well-being of children, behavioral and emotional concomitants of disease and illness as they affect children and their families, applications and effectiveness of psychological interventions.

788 Issues in Professional Psychology (3)
Prereq: grad in psychology. Examines educational, ethical, and professional issues associated with the field of clinical psychology.

790 Readings in Psychology (1-5, max 20)
To broaden training of master's or doctoral students in areas in which they need further work, which cannot be obtained through specific courses at present.

791 Research (1-5)
May be repeated.

793 Seminar in Teaching of Psychology (2)

825 Causal Modeling (4)
Prereq: 623. Linear models, path analysis, and causal modeling with emphasis on using the LISREL computer program.

826 Advanced Testing Principles (4)
Prereq: 623. Test theory and statistical considerations in construction, use, and interpretation of psychological measures.

827 Multivariate Statistics I (5)
Prereq: 623. Introduction to multivariate statistics. Topics covered are matrix algebra, multiple regression, canonical correlation, discriminant analysis and classification, and factor analysis. Variety of commercial computer programs used.

828 Multivariate Statistics II (4)
Prereq: 827. Advanced topics in multivariate statistics, including multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), confirmatory factor analysis and causal analysis (LISREL), and log-linear models. Variety of commercially available computer programs used.

833 Advanced Theories of Personality (5)
Prereq: 633. In-depth analysis of selected modern theories and related research, taken from ego psychology, cognitive-perceptual, dimensional, developmental, or social viewpoints.

850A,B, P Individual Psychotherapy (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Survey of theory, research, and practice of individual approaches to psychotherapy and behavior change with adults. Practicum involves supervised psychotherapy work with a client.

851A, B, P Behavior Therapy (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. The course is an integrated treatment sequence in behavior therapy. The initial course acquaints the student with the theoretical, empirical, and clinical basis for practice. Practicum gives supervised experience applying behavioral principles to clinical problems.

852A, P Cognitive Therapy (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Didactic instruction and supervised clinical experience in cognitive-behavior therapy. Readings in clinical literature, instruction, and supervised clinical cases emphasizing the techniques and methods of cognitive-behavior therapy.

854A, B, P Community Psychology (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Survey of interventions and research in community psychology, including such topics as consultation, mental health education, prevention of mental disorders, program evaluation, and services for underserved clinical populations. Practicum involves supervision of pertinent clinical experiences.

855A, B, P Counseling Psychology (1-5)
Prereq: 737A or 737C or concurrent. Survey of theory, research, and practice on topics in counseling psychology. The practicum includes supervised work with counseling clients.

856A, B, P Group Therapy (4)
Prereq: 737A. Didactic instruction and supervised clinical experience in the techniques and methods of group psychotherapy. Typically one quarter of didactic instruction and readings in the clinical literature and two quarters of supervised experience as a group therapist.

857A, B, P Child Therapy (1-5)
Prereq: 737C. Didactic and practicum training in intervention into child and adolescent psychological disorders.

858A,B, P Family Therapy (1-5)
Prereq: 737A, 737C or concurrent. Survey of behaviorally-oriented family therapy approaches followed by an in-depth presentation of functional family therapy, a behavioral systems approach. Role playing, discussion, and supervised interventions with families are methods used to teach this model. Low-income, multiproblem families are typical clients in this sequence.

859A, P Interventions with the Aging (1-5)
Prereq: 737A. Review of psychological approaches to the understanding, assessment, and treatment of problems of the elderly. Practical, supervised experiences with an aging population are included.

860A, B, P Interventions in Health Psychology (1-5)
Prereq: 780. Application of psychological assessment and interventions to health psychology problems including chronic pain, headache, adaptation to chronic disease, psychological problems complicating medical treatment and compliance, stress-related disorders.

891 Research in Psychology (1-6)

894A-Z Advanced Seminar in Psychology (1-5, max 18)

895 Dissertation (1-15)

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University Publications and the Computer Services Center revised this file (https://www.ohio.edu/~gcat/95-97/areas/psych.html) April 13, 1998.

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