OHIO Archives

Ohio University Libraries Archives & Special Collections

  • Collections in Wikidata

    Collections in Wikidata

    By Greta Suiter, Manuscripts Archivist, Ohio University Libraries. This post is the third of three posts about adding archival collection information to Wikidata. The first introduction post is here and the second post focusing on collection creator information in Wikidata is here. In addition to adding “archives at” statements to collection creator’s Wikidata items, archivists…

  • REBLOG! Deep Costume History: An Unexpected Resource for Unique Research

    REBLOG! Deep Costume History: An Unexpected Resource for Unique Research

    By Sherri Saines, OHIO Librarian for Social Sciences. View the original post on the Fashion, Textiles, and Costume Librarians ARLIS/NA Special Interest Group Blog, and corresponding Instagram post about Sherri’s visit to the Mahn Center.  The Ohio University Libraries Archives and Special Collections (Athens, OH) holds the Alwin Nikolais and Murray Louis Dance Collection, a gift of Murray Louis.…

  • New Collection Alert! The Ohio University and Athens LGBTQ+ Collection

    New Collection Alert! The Ohio University and Athens LGBTQ+ Collection

    By Bill Kimok, University Archivist and Records Manager Smack dab in the middle of Pride Month 2022, the Ohio University Archives is excited to announce the recent acquisition of our first major LGBTQ+-related University Archives collection. Donated this past spring by OHIO alum Rebecca Chmielewski (MFA, 2018) and the University’s LGBT Center, the new collection…

  • Collection Creators in Wikidata

    Collection Creators in Wikidata

    By Greta Suiter, Manuscripts Archivist, Ohio University Libraries. This post is the second of three posts about adding collection information to Wikidata. Read the first post here. Wikidata is the largest repository of linked data in the world. Individual records in Wikidata are called items and each item has its own unique identifier. For example,…



1970 Campus Security Records (4) Activism (7) Athens (9) Cornelius Ryan Collection (5) Digital Archives (18) JOUR 4130 (7) Journalism (7) LGBTQ+ (4) Lynn Johnson (4) Ohio University (16) Photographs (5) Poetry (4) Scrapbooks (5) Student Project (13) Student Work (7) Transcription (5) Vietnam War (4) Wikidata (4) Women (4) World War II (9)