OHIO Archives

Ohio University Libraries Archives & Special Collections

Category: Student workers

  • Reflecting on my Graduate Assistant Experience in Rare Books

    Reflecting on my Graduate Assistant Experience in Rare Books

    By Alexis Voisard, MA Student in English, 2022-23 Rare Book Graduate Assistant  Athens has been spoiled by beautiful weather, and I’ve taken advantage by going around campus getting photos in some of my favorite spots wearing my graduation robe! It’s starting to feel bittersweet going to classes and working at the library knowing I only…

  • Plants and Printing: 1485-1925, An Exhibit

    Plants and Printing: 1485-1925, An Exhibit

    By Morganna Marks, senior History major and OhioLink Luminaries intern, 2022-2023 As the Ohio University Libraries OhioLINK Luminaries intern for 2022-2023, I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create an exhibit. I wanted to do something very different from what I do in class. As a history major, I write a great many…

  • 1970 Campus Security Records, May 11 to May 15: From Ohio University to Eternity

    1970 Campus Security Records, May 11 to May 15: From Ohio University to Eternity

    By John Higgins, BA ’23, History and Political Science, Student Assistant, Digital Initiatives Read other posts from this series which recounts the spring 1970 student demonstrations at Ohio University and the administrative response, as documented in campus security reports from the time period. The 11th through the 15th of May witnessed the dramatic ending to…

  • 1970 Campus Security Records, May 4 to May 10: The Bridge on the River Hocking

    1970 Campus Security Records, May 4 to May 10: The Bridge on the River Hocking

    By John Higgins, BA ’23, History and Political Science, Student Assistant, Digital Initiatives Read other posts from this series which recounts the spring 1970 student demonstrations at Ohio University and the administrative response, as documented in campus security reports from the time period. At approximately 1:45 p.m. on May 4th, university officials organized their control…

  • 1970 Campus Security Records, April 23 to May 5: All Quiet on the College Green

    1970 Campus Security Records, April 23 to May 5: All Quiet on the College Green

    By John Higgins, BA ’23, History and Political Science, Student Assistant, Digital Initiatives Read other posts from this series which recounts the spring 1970 student demonstrations at Ohio University and the administrative response, as documented in campus security reports from the time period. For Ohio University, the month of April was considerably quieter than the…

  • 1970 Campus Security Records Blog Series: The Green and White Badge of Courage

    1970 Campus Security Records Blog Series: The Green and White Badge of Courage

    By John Higgins, BA ’23, History and Political Science, Digital Initiatives Student Assistant The 1970s witnessed a thunderous start to a decade that particularly left a mark on United States college and university systems. Ohio University was no stranger to the national student movement in protest of U.S. involvement in Vietnam and various other social…

  • A Web Map, 80 Years in the Making

    A Web Map, 80 Years in the Making

    By Sarah Romer, Wildlife and Conservation Biology BS ‘23, Digital Initiatives Assistant During my tenure at the Library Archives and Special Collections Digital Initiatives unit, I have spent most of my time working with William E. Peters via the manuscript collection he donated to Ohio University. Peters and I are a good team. His eye…

  • Maggie Boyd and I have a lot in common; We will graduate 150 years apart

    Maggie Boyd and I have a lot in common; We will graduate 150 years apart

    By Taylor Burnette, BSJ ’23, Digital Collections Social Media Manager, Ohio University Libraries. Note: This Founders Day, February 18, we are celebrating the 150th anniversary year of OHIO’s first woman graduate with the digital exhibit “Margaret Boyd 150: OHIO Founders Day 2023,” created by Taylor Burnette.   150 years ago, almost to the day, Margaret…

  • Updating an Archives Exhibit: The Ryan Room

    Updating an Archives Exhibit: The Ryan Room

    By Alex Hines, History ’24, Ohio Honors Program, Archives Exhibition Assistant at the Mahn Center Through the Museum Studies Certificate program at Ohio University, I was introduced to the Mahn Center and a particular room which contains an exhibition of items from the Archives and Special Collections. This room is the Ryan Room on the…